Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 9


27 Apr

Department Seminar

27-04-2023 r.
On 25.04.2023 in room F.302 a seminar was held in the Department of Complex Systems at which M.Sc. Piotr Hadaj presented an outline of the topic of his doctoral thesis.
25 Apr

Employees of the Department during the open days of University

25-04-2023 r.
On April 20-21, 2023, the "Open Days" of the Rzeszów University of Technology took place, during which the employees of our Department also actively participated.
21 Mar

New Erasmus+ students at Department of Complex Systems

21-03-2023 r.
New students will have classes at our Department related to the following modules: History of ideas and scientific discoveries, Selected issues of computer engineering in foreign language.
16 Mar

The latest issue of the Rzeszów University of Technology Journal of...

16-03-2023 r.
We would like to inform that this is the last issue of the RUTJEE. From 2023, RUTJEE changed its name to Advances in IT and Electrical Engineering (AITEE).
03 Mar

Edu Salon 2023 - Education Expo

03-03-2023 r.
On 01-02.03.2023. Representatives of the Department participated in the presentation of the educational offer of the University during the 17th Edu Salon Educational Expo.
28 Feb

Department Seminar

28-02-2023 r.
On 28.02.2023 in room F.502, a seminar was held in the Department of Complex Systems, at which Paweł Kuraś, M.Sc. - presented the topic of his planned doctoral thesis.
28 Feb

Towards 6G-Enabled Edge-Cloud Continuum Computing – Initial Assessment

28-02-2023 r.
A scientific publication is the result of the collaboration between employees of the Department of Complex Systems - PhD Eng. Andrzej Paszkiewicz and PhD Eng. Marek Bolanowski.
22 Feb

Network Aspects of Remote 3D Printing in the Context of Industry as a...

22-02-2023 r.
In the book Automation 2023: Key Challenges in Automation, Robotics and Measurement Techniques, a publication was published by employees of our Department.