Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 5


16 Feb

Multifunctional clustering based on the LEACH algorithm for edge-cloud...

16-02-2024 r.
We invite you to read the article entitled: Multifunctional clustering based on the LEACH algorithm for edge-cloud continuum ecosystem.
19 Jan

Cybersecurity Education for SMEs

19-01-2024 r.
We invite you to read the article which is a summary of the InCyT (Interdisciplinary Cyber Training) Erasmus + project.
18 Dec

Christmas wishes

18-12-2023 r.
Let the upcoming Christmas and New Year 2024 be a time of peace, love and meetings with our friends and family full of smile and happiness.
08 Dec

System Architecture for Diagnostics and Supervision of Industrial Equipment...

08-12-2023 r.
We want to invite you to check the System Architecture for Diagnostics and Supervision of Industrial Equipment and Processes in an IoE Device Environment paper
07 Dec

AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques (AICY)- new...

07-12-2023 r.
One of the members of project is Department of Complex Systems.
24 Nov

Estimation of Tool Life in the Milling Process-Testing Regression Models

24-11-2023 r.
The journal Sensors (MEiN 100 pts) has published a new article co-authored by employees of the Complex Systems Department: Andrzej Paszkiewicz, Marek Bolanowski and Mateusz Salach.
20 Nov

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Agricultural Fields Based on Aerial...

20-11-2023 r.
We want to invite you to check the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Agricultural Fields Based on Aerial Multispectral Images Using Neural Networks paper
10 Nov

Use of Traffic Sampling in Anomaly Detection for High-Throughput Network...

10-11-2023 r.
The IEEE database has published a paper by the title: "Use of Traffic Sampling in Anomaly Detection for High-Throughput Network Links," co-authored by our employees.