Year | Authors | Title | In | More |
2024 | A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, D. Rączka, M. Madera, T. Kądziołka | Application of cyber-physical systems for additive manufacturing of polymer products | Polimery | |
Abstrakt: The article presents the use of IT systems and cooperative robots in the 3D printing process based on the layered extrusion of polymer materials, enabling the construction of autonomous production cells that meet the assumptions of cyber-physical production systems. This solution allows for an innovative approach to planning the production of products from polymer materials in terms of pre- and post-process operations using remote monitoring, and optionally allows the use of artificial intelligence to control the production process. An important feature of the proposed solution is its modularity and scalability, which is important when manufacturing products using the 3D printing method from thermoplastic polymer materials. Słowa kluczowe: technologie przyrostowe, materiały polimerowe, systemy cyberfizyczne, inteligentne fabryki additive manufacturing, polymers, cyber-physical systems, smart factories Cytowanie: A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, D. Rączka, M. Madera, T. Kądziołka: Application of cyber-physical systems for additive manufacturing of polymer products. Polimery, 69(11-12), pp. 659-664, 2024. Link |
2024 | M. Salach, A. Stęchły, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Organiściak, G. Budzik | Sterowanie kobotem za pomocą wirtualnej rzeczywistości dla potrzeb Przemysłu 4.0 | PAR | |
Abstrakt: Przemysł 4.0 przechodzi ciągłą ewolucję. Systemy zarządzania i monitoringu zaimplementowane w infrastrukturze przemysłowej gromadzą i przetwarzają coraz więcej danych, następnie bazując na dedykowanych algorytmach podejmują decyzje, a w konsekwencji wysyłają komendy sterujące do urządzeń i procesów technologicznych. Równocześnie wzrasta zainteresowanie łączeniem urządzeń z innymi na pozór odmiennymi technologiami. Przykładem tworzenia takiej koegzystencji jest integracja rozwiązań przemysłowych z wirtualną rzeczywistością. Działania takie przyczyniają się do tworzenia cyfrowych bliźniaków urządzeń i procesów, co z kolei umożliwia zdalne, a w wielu przypadkach również automatyczne sterowanie fizycznymi obiektami oraz przebiegiem rzeczywistych procesów. W trakcie prowadzonych badań wykorzystano takie podejście do opracowania rozwiązania umożliwiającego sterowanie robotem z dowolnego miejsca i w dowolnym czasie. Niniejsza praca prezentuje prototyp rozwiązania zapewniającego zdalne sterowanie robotem współpracującym typu kobot. Słowa kluczowe: cyfrowy bliźniak, przemysł 4.0, robotyka, wirtualna rzeczywistość Cytowanie: M. Salach, A. Stęchły, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Organiściak, G. Budzik: Sterowanie kobotem za pomocą wirtualnej rzeczywistości dla potrzeb Przemysłu 4.0. Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, nr 3, pp. 123-130, 2024, Link |
2024 | G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Cygnar, Ł. Przeszłowski, T. Dziubek | Possibilities of Automating the Additive Manufacturing Process of Material Extrusion – MEX | Tehnički glasnik | |
Abstrakt: The article presents the possibilities of automating production pre-processing and post-processing operations for the Material Extrusion - MEX process based on Fused Filament Fabrication technology. Automation is based on hardware and software solutions. For this purpose, a special research station was developed, equipped with a warehouse of working platforms, a 3D printer and a collaborative robot that integrates individual elements of the manufacturing process. The developed solution allows for increasing the efficiency of the manufacturing cell and reducing the operator's involvement in manual operations at the pre-processing and post-processing stages. Słowa kluczowe: 3D Printing, Collaborative Robot, Material Extrusion, Rapid Manufacturing Cytowanie: G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Cygnar, Ł. Przeszłowski, T. Dziubek: Possibilities of Automating the Additive Manufacturing Process of Material Extrusion – MEX. Tehnički glasnik, 18 (3), 2024, pp.480-488, Link |
2024 | J. Woźniak, A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Kiełbicki, D. Zimon | Development of additive technologies in the light of the industry 4.0 and industry 5.0 conception in accordance with the IoE idea | International Journal for Quality Research | |
Abstrakt: The main objective of the publication is to analyze the development of additive manufacturing systems based on the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, with particular emphasis on the Internet of Everything ideology. In connection with that, the authors have resolved to review the existing devices, and also IT tools, which are applied in manufacturing processses based upon additive technologies. In order to facilitate the analysis in question, three variants were developed; the first, presenting 3D printing as a self-contained manufacturing work station not involving other technologies within the Industry 4.0 conception, the second, indirectly involving 3D printing in the Industry 4.0 conception, and also the third, in which 3D printing constitutes a major and indispensable element of this conception. The contemporary literature of the subject includes dissertations claiming that the fifth industrial revolution may be coming. Taking that into account, this dissertation attempts as well to discuss the evolution of 3D printing in the context of the 5.0 Industry conception, based upon the Internet of Everything, and also Virtual Reality. This part of the article is a forecast of the things to come. Słowa kluczowe: Additive Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, Internet of Everything, Supply Chain Management Cytowanie: J. Woźniak, A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Kiełbicki, D. Zimon: Development of additive technologies in the light of the industry 4.0 and industry 5.0 conception in accordance with the IoE idea. International Journal for Quality Research 2024, 18(2) 643–658, Link |
2024 | Kuraś P, Strzałka D, Kowal B, Organiściak P, Demidowski K, Vanivska V. | REDUCE—A Tool Supporting Inconsistencies Reduction in the Decision-Making Process | Applied sciences | |
Abstrakt: This paper presents REDUCE, a free online tool designed to support decision-making processes by addressing inconsistency in multiplicative pairwise comparison (PC) matrices, a key element of many multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, including the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). AHP relies on pairwise comparisons to assign weights to decision criteria or alternatives, but human-generated PC matrices often exhibit inconsistencies. Consistency is evaluated using Saaty’s consistency ratio (CR), where a value below 0.10 is considered acceptable. Higher inconsistency levels necessitate matrix corrections, which are challenging if the original expert is unavailable or revision constraints exist. REDUCE autonomously reduces inconsistency in PC matrices using two different algorithms that require no expert intervention. The tool accommodates different PC matrices, enabling users to specify the desired CR threshold (e.g., CR≤0.10) and select the algorithm for adjustment. It ensures the resulting matrix is consistent while preserving the original preference structure to the greatest extent possible. Additionally, REDUCE calculates weights for the compared entities, making it a valuable tool for applications of AHP and related methodologies. Quantitative evaluations demonstrate that REDUCE can improve matrices with high inconsistency (e.g., CR=0.25) to acceptable levels (e.g., CR=0.08) while retaining up to 95% of the original preference integrity, depending on the chosen algorithm. By addressing the accessibility gap for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that lack resources for costly decision-making software or expert consultants, REDUCE facilitates broader adoption of MCDM tools. This work highlights the potential of REDUCE to enhance decision-making reliability and accessibility in resource-constrained environments. Słowa kluczowe: decision support, inconsistency reduction, pairwise comparisons, small/medium enterprises Cytowanie: Kuraś P, Strzałka D, Kowal B, Organiściak P, Demidowski K, Vanivska V. REDUCE—A Tool Supporting Inconsistencies Reduction in the Decision-Making Process. Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(23):11465. Link |
2024 | Kowal B., Strzałka D. | Statistical Long-Range Dependencies and Statistical Self-Similarity in Computer Systems Processing – The Case of Cache Bytes Counter | Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal | |
Abstrakt: The existence of long-range dependencies in many natural systems was a very important discovery that introduced many interesting challenges and explanations about the systems behaviour. In the case of man-made systems such dependencies can also be visible, and one example is computer systems. Because the studies focused on long-range statistical dependencies in computer systems, particularly in the context of system performance counters, are not very common in the literature, this paper undertook an investigation of statistical long-range dependencies present in cache memory data represented as time series. Based on the time series collected during computer system processing by internal system tools, it will be seen that in the case of cache memory modelling, statistical models with long-term dependencies should be used. The following paper sections show how to collect data, analyse, and build an appropriate model. Słowa kluczowe: data analysis, Hurst exponent, long-range dependencies, systems performance Cytowanie: Kowal, B., & Strzalka, D. (2024). Statistical Long-Range Dependencies and Statistical Self-Similarity in Computer Systems Processing – The Case of Cache Bytes Counter. In Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal (Vol. 18, Issue 8, pp. 311–318). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Gabriel Borowski (WNGB). Link |
2024 | Mazurek, J., Perzina, R., Strzałka, D., Kowal, B., Kuraś, P., Puhrová, B. P., & Rajs, R. | Is the best–worst method path dependent? Evidence from an empirical study | 4OR | |
Abstrakt: The Best–Worst method (BWM) is one of the latest contributions to pairwise comparisons methods. As its name suggests, it is based on pairwise comparisons of all criteria (or possibly other objects, such as alternatives, sub-criteria, etc.) with respect to the best (most important) and the worst (least important) criterion. The main aim of this study is to investigate the path and scale dependency of the BWM. Up to now, it is unknown whether the weights of compared objects obtained by the method differ when the objects are compared first with the best object, and then with the worst, or vice versa. It is also unknown if the outcomes of the method differ when compared objects are presented in a different order, or when different scales are applied. Therefore, an experiment in a laboratory setting is performed with more than 800 respondents university undergraduates from two countries in which the respondents compare areas of randomly generated figures and the relative size of objects is then estimated via the linearized version of the BWM. Last but not least, the accuracy of the BWM is examined with respect to different comparison scales, including Saaty’s nine-point linguistic scale, an integer scale from 1 to 9, and a continuous scale from 1 to infinity. Słowa kluczowe: Pairwise comparisons, BWM, Best–Worst method, Path dependency, Scale dependency Cytowanie: Mazurek, J., Perzina, R., Strzałka, D. et al. Is the best–worst method path dependent? Evidence from an empirical study. 4OR-Q J Oper Res 22, 387–409 (2024). Link |
2024 | Organiściak, P., Kuraś, P., Strzalka, D., Paszkiewicz, A., Bolanowski, M., Kowal, B., Ćmil, M., Dymora, P., Mazurek, M., & Vanivska, V. | Detection of Incidents and Anomalies in Software-Defined Network – Based Implementations of Critical Infrastructure Resulting in Adaptive System Changes | Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal | |
Abstrakt: In the paper an example of an integrated Software-Defined Network (SDN) system with heterogeneous technological instances based on the Linux platform will be shown. For this purpose, two research testing stands with a POX controller and OVS (Open vSwitch) switches were used. In the first testing stand, the research based on the ICMP traffic was done while in the second one, MQTT traffic was analysed. The capabilities of these systems were examined in terms of responding to detected incidents and traffic anomalies. In particular, their appropriate responses to anomalies were tested, as well as the possibility of continuous monitoring of packet transfer between separate network components. The aim of the paper is to investigate the effectiveness of SDN in enhancing the security and adaptability of critical infrastructure systems. For isolation and optimised resource management, some components, such as POX or the MQTT broker, were run in Docker containers. The test environment used both hardware cases and prepared software, enabling comprehensive design and testing of networks based on the OpenFlow protocol used in SDN architecture, enabling the separation of control from traffic in computer networks. The results of this research make it possible to implement anomaly detection solutions in critical infrastructure systems that will adapt on the fly to changing conditions that arise, for example, in the case of an attack on such infrastructure or physical damage to it at a selected node. Słowa kluczowe: anomaly detection, software-defined network, open vSwitch, open flow protocol, adaptive system changes Cytowanie: Organiściak, P., Kuraś, P., Strzalka, D., Paszkiewicz, A., Bolanowski, M., Kowal, B., Ćmil, M., Dymora, P., Mazurek, M., & Vanivska, V. (2024). Detection of Incidents and Anomalies in Software-Defined Network – Based Implementations of Critical Infrastructure Resulting in Adaptive System Changes. In Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal (Vol. 18, Issue 7, pp. 176–191). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Gabriel Borowski (WNGB). Link |
2024 | Ćmil, M., Strzalka, D., Grabowski, F., & Kuraś, P. | New Approaches to Generalized Logistic Equation with Bifurcation Graph Generation Tool | Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal | |
Abstrakt: This paper propose two new generalizations of the logistic function, each drawing on non-extensive thermodynamics, the q-logistic equation and the logistic equation of arbitrary order respectively. It demonstrate the impact of chaos theory by integrating it with logistics equations and reveal how minor parameter variations will change system behavior from deterministic to non-deterministic behavior. As well, this work presents BifDraw – a Python program for making bifurcation diagrams using classical logistic function and its generalizations illustrating the diversity of the system's response to the changes in the conditions. The research gives a pivotal role to the logistic equation's place in chaos theory by looking at its complicated dynamics and offering new generalizations that may be new in terms of thermodynamic basic states and entropy. Also, the paper investigates dynamics nature of the equations and bifurcation diagrams in it which present complexity and the surprising dynamic systems features. The development of the BifDraw tool exemplifies the practical application of theoretical concepts, facilitating further exploration and understanding of logistic equations within chaos theory. This study not only deepens our comprehension of logistic equations and chaos theory but also introduces practical tools for visualizing and analyzing their behaviors. Słowa kluczowe: generalization, chaos theory, bifurcation, logistic Equation, non-extensive thermodynamics Cytowanie: Ćmil, M., Strzalka, D., Grabowski, F., & Kuraś, P. (2024). New Approaches to Generalized Logistic Equation with Bifurcation Graph Generation Tool. In Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal (Vol. 18, Issue 6, pp. 1–12). Wydawnictwo Naukowe Gabriel Borowski (WNGB). Link |
2024 | Kuraś, P., Organiściak, P., Kowal, B., Strzałka, D. i Demidowski, K. | Integracja systemów płatniczych w IoE oraz metaverse - wyzwania i przyszłość e-commerce w wirtualnym świecie | e-mentor | |
Abstrakt: W erze rozwijającego się metaverse integracja systemów płatniczych staje się kluczowym elementem umożliwiającym płynne i bezpieczne transakcje w wirtualnych środowiskach. Prezentowany artykuł skupia się na analizie obecnych rozwiązań płatniczych w metawersum, wyzwaniach w ich obszarze oraz na perspektywach na przyszłość. W pierwszej części opracowania omówiono istniejące systemy płatnicze dostępne w metarzeczywistości, w tym kryptowaluty, tokeny oraz tradycyjne metody płatności. Podkreślono ich wpływ na dynamikę transakcji oraz na postrzeganie wartości w wirtualnym świecie. Następnie przedstawiono główne wyzwania związane z integracją tych systemów, takie jak bezpieczeństwo danych, weryfikacja tożsamości, skomplikowane procesy wymiany walut (kryptowalut oraz tradycyjnych) oraz problemy z interoperacyjnością między różnymi wirtualnymi środowiskami. W końcowej części artykułu skupiono się na przyszłości e-commerce w metaverse. Rozważono, jakie innowacje technologiczne mogą wpłynąć na kształt i charakter handlu w wirtualnym świecie oraz jakie możliwości stoją przed przedsiębiorcami i deweloperami w kontekście tworzenia nowych modeli biznesowych. Wnioski z publikacji podkreślają znaczenie odpowiedniej integracji systemów płatniczych w metaverse dla osiągnięcia trwałego i zrównoważonego rozwoju e-commerce w wirtualnych środowiskach. Zauważono potrzebę dalszych badań i innowacji w tej dziedzinie, aby sprostać rosnącym oczekiwaniom użytkowników i zapewnić im bezpieczne i wydajne metody płatności. Słowa kluczowe: metaverse, systemy płatnicze, wirtualny e-commerce, integracja technologiczna, kryptowaluty, bezpieczeństwo transakcji, blockchain, rozszerzona rzeczywistość (AR) Cytowanie: Kuraś, P., Organiściak, P., Kowal, B., Strzałka, D. i Demidowski, K. (2024). Integracja systemów płatniczych w IoE oraz metaverse - wyzwania i przyszłość e-commerce w wirtualnym świecie. e-mentor, 1(103), 74-85. Link |
2024 | A. Paszkiewicz, C. Ćwikła, M. Bolanowski, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Hodoň | Multifunctional clustering based on the LEACH algorithm for edge-cloud continuum ecosystem | BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-TECHNICAL SCIENCES | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper introduces a novel approach to building network cluster structures, based on the modified LEACH algorithm. The proposed solution takes into account the multitasking of the network infrastructure, resulting from various functions performed by individual nodes. Therefore, instead of a single head, dedicated to a given cluster, a set of heads is selected, the number of which corresponds to the number of performed functions. Outcomes of simulations, comparing the classical and the multifunctional approach, are presented. The obtained results confirm that both algorithms deliver similar levels of energy consumption, as well as efficiency in terms of the number of individual nodes discharged. Słowa kluczowe: LEACH, IoT, cluster, sensors, phase transition Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, Andrzej & Ćwikła, Cezary & Bolanowski, Marek & Ganzha, Maria & Paprzycki, Marcin & Hodoň, M.. (2024). Multifunctional clustering based on the LEACHalgorithm for edge-cloud continuum ecosystem. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences. 147919-147919. 10.24425/bpasts.2023.147919. Link |
2023 | M. Salach, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, A. Kraska, J. Więcek | Network Aspects of Remote 3D Printing in the Context of Industry as a Service IDaaS | Automation 2023: Key Challenges in Automation, Robotics and Measurement Techniques | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The idea of Industry as a Service (IDaaS) is the concept of sharing devices among companies, as well as for individual users. In IDaaS model user has access to industries endpoint devices (manufacturing equipment) with specialized software and dedicated tools. Examples of devices that can be leased/shared in this way are e.g. 3D printers, CNC machines, bending machines etc. In this paper a model of architecture of web application is presented for scheduling and reserving access to endpoint devices, in particular, the focus was on 3D printers. Studies have been conducted on analyzing the stability of system operation under connection and packet loss for various network load scenarios. The results have been analyzed and presented. Słowa kluczowe: Industry 4.0, IDaaS, Computer networks, Distributed systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M. Salach, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, A. Kraska, J. Więcek: Network Aspects of Remote 3D Printing in the Context of Industry as a Service IDaaS. In: Szewczyk, R., Zieliński, C., Kaliczyńska, M., Bučinskas, V. (eds) Automation 2023: Key Challenges in Automation, Robotics and Measurement Techniques. AUTOMATION 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 630. Springer, Cham. Link |
2023 | J. Kumar, J.K. Samriya, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, W. Pawłowski, M. Ganzha, K. Wasielewska-Michniewska, B. Solarz-Niesłuchowski, M. Paprzycki, I. Lacalle Úbeda, C.E. Palau | Towards 6G-Enabled Edge-Cloud Continuum Computing – Initial Assessment | ICACIS 2022 | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt While actual deployments of fifth generation (5G) networks are in their initial stages and the actual need for 5G in our daily lives remains an open question, their potential to deliver high speed, low latency, and dependable communication services remains promising. Nevertheless, sixth generation (6G) networks have been proposed as a way to enhance the 5G solutions. Moreover, their potential is claimed to facilitate further development of intelligent Internet of Things solutions. This work outlines the main aspects, and proposed applications, of 6G technology. Moreover, the role that 6G networks can play in the transition from the IoT, as we know it, to the Edge-Cloud continuum is considered. Applicability to deep learning techniques and security aspects of 6G deployments are also noted. Słowa kluczowe: 6G network, 5G networks, Security, Artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, Edge-cloud continuum Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie J. Kumar, J.K. Samriya, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, W. Pawłowski, M. Ganzha, K. Wasielewska-Michniewska, B. Solarz-Niesłuchowski, M. Paprzycki, I. Lacalle Úbeda, C.E. Palau: Towards 6G-Enabled Edge-Cloud Continuum Computing – Initial Assessment. In: Shaw, R.N., Paprzycki, M., Ghosh, A. (eds) Advanced Communication and Intelligent Systems. ICACIS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1749. Springer, Cham. Link |
2023 | W.W. Koczkodaj, A. Kowalczyk, M. Mazurek, W. Pedrycz, G. Redlarski, E. Rogalska, D. Strzalka, A. Szymanska, A. Wilinski, O.S. Xue | Peer assessment as a method for measuring harmful internet use | MethodsX | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Harmful Internet use (HIU) describes unintended use of the Internet. It could be both self-harm and harming others. Our research goal is to develop a more accurate method for measuring HIU by this novel peer assessment. As such, it may become, with our call for more research, a paradigm shift supplementing every rating scale or other type of Internet use assessment. In addition to classic statistical analysis, structural equations have been employed. Results indicate that the true positive rate (TPR) is substantially higher than assessed in other studies. Słowa kluczowe: Harmful internet use (HIU),Peer assessment,Rating scale,Differential evolution,Measurement,Structural equations model,Path analysis Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie W.W. Koczkodaj, A. Kowalczyk, M. Mazurek, W. Pedrycz, G. Redlarski, E. Rogalska, D. Strzalka, A. Szymanska, A. Wilinski, O.S. Xue. Peer assessment as a method for measuring harmful internet use, MethodsX, Volume 11, 2023, 102249, ISSN 2215-0161, Link |
2023 | G. Budzik, T. Dziubek,A. Kawalec,P. Turek,A. Bazan,M. Dębski,J. Józwik,P. Poliński,M. Kiełbicki,Ł. Kochmański,M. Oleksy,J. Cebulski,A. Paszkiewicz, I. Kuric | Geometrical Accuracy of Threaded Elements Manufacture by 3D Printing Process | ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-RESEARCH JOURNAL | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Additive processes allow for almost any manufacturing of screw-threaded joint elements. However, this requires knowledge of the geometrical relationships of a threaded itself and the strength of materials from which the screw-threaded joint is made. Thanks to the development of research models and conducting tests related to dimensional accuracy and surface roughness, it was possible to test the models made by MEX process of ABS-M30, PLA, ABS, PETG materials, and PolyJet process from RGD720 polymer material.In the case of measurements carried out on the MarSurf XC20 system, the internal and external thread profile was obtained.Measurements of the surface roughness of the printed models were made using the Taylor Hobson TalyScan 150 profilometer. Based on the obtained surface, following the ISO 25178-2 standard, selected parameters were determined. Słowa kluczowe: surface roughness, additive manufacturing ,threaded elements ,computer measurement system Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Budzik, Grzegorz & Dziubek, Tomasz & Kawalec, Andrzej & Turek, Paweł & Bazan, Anna & Dębski, Mariusz & Józwik, Jerzy & Poliński, Przemysław & Kiełbicki, Mateusz & Kochmański, Łukasz & Oleksy, Mariusz & Cebulski, Józef & Paszkiewicz, Andrzej & Kuric, Ivan. (2023). Geometrical Accuracy of Threaded Elements Manufacture by 3D Printing Process. Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal. 17. 35-45. 10.12913/22998624/157393 Link |
2023 | M. Bolanowski,A. Gerka,A. Paszkiewicz,M. Ganzha,M. Paprzycki, | Application of Genetic Algorithm to Load Balancing in Networks with a Homogeneous Traffic Flow | Computational Science – ICCS 2023 : 23rd International Conference Prague, Czech Republic, July 3–5, 2023 Proceedings, Part II | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Additive processes allow for almost any manufacturing of screw-threaded joint elements. However, this requires knowledge of the geometrical relationships of a threaded itself and the strength of materials from which the screw-threaded joint is made. Thanks to the development of research models and conducting tests related to dimensional accuracy and surface roughness, it was possible to test the models made by MEX process of ABS-M30, PLA, ABS, PETG materials, and PolyJet process from RGD720 polymer material.In the case of measurements carried out on the MarSurf XC20 system, the internal and external thread profile was obtained.Measurements of the surface roughness of the printed models were made using the Taylor Hobson TalyScan 150 profilometer. Based on the obtained surface, following the ISO 25178-2 standard, selected parameters were determined. Słowa kluczowe: extended cloud,computer network,load balancing,SDN,routing,IoT,self-adapting networks Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski, M., Gerka, A., Paszkiewicz, A., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M. (2023). Application of Genetic Algorithm to Load Balancing in Networks with a Homogeneous Traffic Flow. In: Mikyška, J., de Mulatier, C., Paszynski, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V., Dongarra, J.J., Sloot, P.M. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2023. ICCS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14074. Springer, Cham. Link |
2023 | P. Sowiński, K. Rachwał, A. Danilenka, K. Bogacka, M. Kobus, A. Dąbrowska, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki | Frugal Heart Rate Correction Method for Scalable Health and Safety Monitoring in Construction Sites | SENSORS | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Continuous, real-time monitoring of occupational health and safety in high-risk workplaces such as construction sites can substantially improve the safety of workers. However, introducing such systems in practice is associated with a number of challenges, such as scaling up the solution while keeping its cost low. In this context, this work investigates the use of an off-the-shelf, low-cost smartwatch to detect health issues based on heart rate monitoring in a privacy-preserving manner. To improve the smartwatch’s low measurement quality, a novel, frugal machine learning method is proposed that corrects measurement errors, along with a new dataset for this task. This method’s integration with the smartwatch and the remaining parts of the health and safety monitoring system (built on the ASSIST-IoT reference architecture) are presented. This method was evaluated in a laboratory environment in terms of its accuracy, computational requirements, and frugality. With an experimentally established mean absolute error of 8.19 BPM, only 880 bytes of required memory, and a negligible impact on the performance of the device, this method meets all relevant requirements and is expected to be field-tested in the coming months. To support reproducibility and to encourage alternative approaches, the dataset, the trained model, and its implementation on the smartwatch were published under free licenses. Słowa kluczowe: heart rate monitoring, frugal AI, measurement correction, occupational health and safety, IoT, scalable IoT Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Sowiński, P.; Rachwał, K.; Danilenka, A.; Bogacka, K.; Kobus, M.; Dąbrowska, A.; Paszkiewicz, A.; Bolanowski, M.; Ganzha, M.; Paprzycki, M. Frugal Heart Rate Correction Method for Scalable Health and Safety Monitoring in Construction Sites. Sensors 2023, 23, 6464. Link |
2023 | P. Kuraś, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal, J. Mazurek | REDUCE – A Python Module for Reducing Inconsistency in Pairwise Comparison Matrices | Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper introduces REDUCE, a Python module designed to minimize inconsistency in multiplicative pairwise comparisons (PC), a fundamental technique in Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). Pairwise comparisons are extensively used in various fields, including engineering science and numerical simulation methods, to compare different options based on a set of criteria. However, human errors in perception and judgment often lead to inconsistencies in pairwise comparison matrices (PCM). REDUCE addresses this issue by implementing several algorithms that identify and correct inaccurate data in PCMs, thereby reducing the inconsistency ratio. These algorithms do not require expert intervention, making REDUCE a valuable tool for both scientific research and small to medium enterprises that may not have access to costly commercial software or dedicated decision-making experts. The main functionality of the module is incorporating iterative algorithms for inconsistency reduction. The REDUCE library, written in Python and utilizing auxiliary libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and SymPy, offers 21 functions categorized into data input helpers, consistency ratio (CR) reduction algorithms, PCM indexes, and support functions. Performance testing indicates that the library can efficiently handle matrices of varying sizes, particularly those ranging from 3x3 to 10x10, and its use significantly accelerates the process compared to spreadsheets, especially when dealing with large quantities of matrices. The library has already been used in several research papers and application tools, and its availability as a free resource opens up opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises to leverage multi-criteria decision-making methods. Currently, there are no publicly available libraries for this solution. The authors believe that the proposed module may contribute to do better decision-making process in pairwise comparisons, not only for the circle of scientists but also for small and medium enterprises that usually cannot afford expensive commercial software and do not employ full-time experts in decision-making as they rely on the experience of their employees and free online resources. It should also contributes to the transition to Industry 4.0 and advances research in fields such as fuzzy logic, preference programming, and constructive consistent approximations. Słowa kluczowe: inconsistency, decision making support, pairwise comparisons, inconsistency index, inconsistency reduction IoT Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Kuraś, Paweł & Kowal, Bartosz & Strzałka, Dominik & Mazurek, Jiří. (2023). REDUCE: A Python Module for Reducing Inconsistency in Pairwise Comparison Matrices. Advances in Science and Technology – Research Journal. 17. 227-234. 10.12913/22998624/170187. Link |
2023 | M. Salach, A. Dzierwa, A. Bełzo, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz | Application of VR Technology in the Process of Training Engineers | Proceedings ISECON 2023 Information Systems Education Conference | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Brak abstraktu Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Brak cytowania Link |
2023 | J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal, P. Kuraś, B. Petrů Puhrová, R. Rajs | Is the best–worst method path dependent? Evidence from an empirical study | 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The Best-Worst method (BWM) is one of the latest contributions to pairwise comparisons methods. As its name suggests, it is based on pairwise comparisons of all criteria (or possibly other objects, such as alternatives, sub-criteria, etc.) with respect to the best (most important) and the worst (least important) criterion. The main aim of this study is to investigate the path and scale dependency of the BWM. Up to now, it is unknown whether the weights of compared objects obtained by the method differ when the objects are compared first with the best object, and then with the worst, or vice versa. It is also unknown if the outcomes of the method differ when compared objects are presented in a different order, or when different scales are applied. Therefore, an experiment in a laboratory setting is performed with more than 800 respondents university undergraduates from two countries in which the respondents compare areas of randomly generated figures and the relative size of objects is then estimated via the linearized version of the BWM. Last but not least, the accuracy of the BWM is examined with respect to different comparison scales, including Saaty's nine-point linguistic scale, an integer scale from 1 to 9, and a continuous scale from 1 to infinity. Słowa kluczowe: Pairwise comparisons, BWM, Best–Worst method, Path dependency, Scale dependency Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Mazurek, Jiří & Perzina, Radomir & Strzałka, Dominik & Kowal, Bartosz & Kuraś, Paweł & Petrů Puhrová, Barbora & Rajs, Robert. (2023). Is the best-worst method path dependent? Evidence from an empirical study. 4OR. 21. 10.1007/s10288-023-00553-5. Link |
2023 | A. Paszkiewicz, M. Salach, D. Wydrzyński, J. Woźniak, G. Budzik, M. Bolanowski, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, N. Cierpicki | Use of virtual reality to facilitate engineer training in the aerospace industry | MACHINE GRAPHICS AND VISION | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This work concerns automation of the training process, using modern information technologies, including virtual reality (VR). The starting point is an observation that automotive and aerospace industries require effective methods of preparation of engineering personnel. In this context, the technological process of preparing operations of a CNC numerical machine has been extracted. On this basis, a dedicated virtual reality environment, simulating manufacturing of a selected aircraft landing gear component, was created. For a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons of the proposed approach, four forms of training, involving a physical CNC machine, a physical simulator, a software simulator, and the developed VR environment were instantiated. The features of each training form were analysed in terms of their potential for industrial applications. A survey, using the Net Promoter Score method, was also conducted among a target group of engineers, regarding the potential of use of each training form. As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of all four training forms were captured. They can be used as criteria for selecting the most effective training form. Słowa kluczowe: virtual reality, Industry 4.0, CNC machines, aviation industry, quality management Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A., Salach, M., Wydrzyński, D., Woźniak, J., Budzik, G., Bolanowski, M., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., & Cierpicki, N. (2023). Use of virtual reality to facilitate engineer training in the aerospace industry. Machine Graphics and Vision, 32(2), 19–44. Link |
2023 | K. Strzępek, M. Salach, B. Trybus, K. Siwiec, B. Pawłowicz, A. Paszkiewicz | Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Agricultural Fields Based on Aerial Multispectral Images Using Neural Networks | SENSORS | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article presents an integrated system that uses the capabilities of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to perform a comprehensive crop analysis, combining qualitative and quantitative evaluations for efficient agricultural management. A convolutional neural network-based model, Detectron2, serves as the foundation for detecting and segmenting objects of interest in acquired aerial images. This model was trained on a dataset prepared using the COCO format, which features a variety of annotated objects. The system architecture comprises a frontend and a backend component. The frontend facilitates user interaction and annotation of objects on multispectral images. The backend involves image loading, project management, polygon handling, and multispectral image processing. For qualitative analysis, users can delineate regions of interest using polygons, which are then subjected to analysis using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) or Optimized Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (OSAVI). For quantitative analysis, the system deploys a pre-trained model capable of object detection, allowing for the counting and localization of specific objects, with a focus on young lettuce crops. The prediction quality of the model has been calculated using the AP (Average Precision) metric. The trained neural network exhibited robust performance in detecting objects, even within small images. Słowa kluczowe: drones, deep learning, agriculture, neural networks Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzępek, K.; Salach, M.; Trybus, B.; Siwiec, K.; Pawłowicz, B.; Paszkiewicz, A. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Agricultural Fields Based on Aerial Multispectral Images Using Neural Networks. Sensors 2023, 23, 9251. Link |
2023 | A. Paszkiewicz, G. Piecuch, T. Żabiński, M. Bolanowski, M. Salach, D. Rączka | Estimation of Tool Life in the Milling Process—Testing Regression Models | SENSORS | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents an attempt to identify an appropriate regression model for the estimation of cutting tool lifespan in the milling process based on the analysis of the R2 parameters of these models. The work is based on our own experiments and the accumulated database (which we make available for further use). The study uses a Haas VF-1 milling machine equipped with vibration sensors and based on a Beckhoff PLC data collector. As the acquired sensor data are continuous, and in order to account for dependencies between them, regression models were used. Support Vector Regression (SVR), decision trees and neural networks were tested during the work. The results obtained show that the best prediction results with the lowest error values were obtained for two-dimensional neural networks using the LBFGS solver (93.9%). Very similar results were also obtained for SVR (93.4%). The research carried out is related to the realisation of intelligent manufacturing dedicated to Industry 4.0 in the field of monitoring production processes, planning service downtime and reducing the level of losses resulting from damage to materials, semi-finished products and tools. Słowa kluczowe: IIoT, CNC machine, machine learning, smart manufacturing, tool condition monitoring Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A.; Piecuch, G.; Żabiński, T.; Bolanowski, M.; Salach, M.; Rączka, D. Estimation of Tool Life in the Milling Process—Testing Regression Models. Sensors 2023, 23, 9346. Link |
2023 | N. Şeyma Yilmaz, A. Włoch, E. Özkan, D. Strzałka | On Doubled and Quadrupled Fibonacci Type Sequences | ANNALES MATHEMATICAE SILESIANAE | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this paper we study a family of doubled and quadrupled Fibonacci type sequences obtained by distance generalization of Fibonacci sequence. In particular we obtain doubled Fibonacci sequence, doubled and quadrupled Padovan sequence and quadrupled Narayana’s sequence. We give a binomial direct formula for these sequences using graph methods, and also we derive a number of identities. Moreover, we study matrix generators of these sequences and determine connections with the Pascal’s triangle. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Yilmaz, Nur & Włoch, Andrzej & Özkan, Engin & Strzałka, Dominik. (2023). On Doubled and Quadrupled Fibonacci Type Sequences. Annales Mathematicae Silesianae. 10.2478/amsil-2023-0020. Link |
2023 | M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, T. Żabiński, G. Piecuch, M. Salach, K. Tomecki | System Architecture for Diagnostics and Supervision of Industrial Equipment and Processes in an IoE Device Environment | ELECTRONICS | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt IoE components are becoming an integral part of our lives and support the operation of systems such as smart homes, smart cities, or Industry 4.0. The large number and variety of IoE components force the creation of flexible systems for data acquisition, processing, and analysis. The work presents a proposal for a new flexible architecture model and technology stack designed for the diagnostics and monitoring of industrial components and processes in an IoE device environment. The proposed solutions allow creating custom flexible systems for managing a distributed IoT environment, including the implementation of innovative mechanisms like, for example: predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, business intelligence, optimization of energy consumption, or supervision of the manufacturing process. In the present study, two detailed system architectures are proposed, and one of them was implemented. The developed system was tested in near-production conditions using a real IoT device infrastructure including industrial systems, drones, and sensor networks. The results showed that the proposed model of a central data-acquisition and -processing system allows the flexible integration of various IoE solutions and has a very high implementation potential wherever there is a need to integrate data from different sources and systems. Słowa kluczowe: IoE, IIoE, Industry 4.0, data acquisition, distributed systems, industrial system architecture Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski, M.; Paszkiewicz, A.; Żabiński, T.; Piecuch, G.; Salach, M.; Tomecki, K. System Architecture for Diagnostics and Supervision of Industrial Equipment and Processes in an IoE Device Environment. Electronics 2023, 12, 4935. Link |
2023 | P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, M. Nycz | Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Data Breach Problems in Python | JOURNAL EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The subject of the work is electronic medical record linkage threat analysis and modeling with the use of the submitted data breaches list published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Multipronged data analysis with the use of statistics utilities and data visualization has been conducted. The model forecasting the number of data breaches based on a time series mathematical model has also been built. The article reviews the tools and techniques used in data security analysis and presents practical examples of modeling and analysis that can be used in practice to improve data protection. It was shown how important it is to protect personal data, especially medical data, and what tools can be used in the educational process of data analytics for students to effect data analysis, trend assessment, and data prediction. Słowa kluczowe: Data Breach, Data Analysis, Cybersecurity, Electronic Health Record, Time Series, Statistical analysis, Forecasts Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie (2023). Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Data Breach Problems in Python. Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science. 4. 223-233. 10.15584/jetacomps.2023.4.22. Link |
2023 | B. Pawłowicz, M. Skoczylas, B. Trybus, M. Salach, M. Hubacz, D. Mazur | Navigation and mapping of closed spaces with a mobile robot and RFID grid | ARCHIVES OF CONTROL SCIENCES | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article concerns the use of an integrated RFID system with a mobile robot for the navigation and mapping of closed spaces. The architecture of a prototype mobile robot equipped with a set of RFID readers that performs the mapping functions is described. Laboratory tests of the robot have been carried out using a test stand equipped with a grid of appropriately programmed RFID transponders. A simulation model of the effectiveness of transponder reading by the robot has been prepared. The conclusions from measurements and tests are discussed, and methods for improving the solution are proposed.. Słowa kluczowe: mobile robot, space mapping, RFID Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie (2023). B Pawłowicz, M Skoczylas, B Trybus, M Salach, M Hubacz, D Mazur. (2023). Navigation and mapping of closed spaces with a mobile robot and RFID grid. Archives of Control Sciences, 737-759, Link |
2023 | P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, M. Nycz | Comparison of Angular, React, and Vue Technologies in the Process of Creating Web Applications on the User Interface Side | JOURNAL EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper presents a comparative analysis of three programming technologies and their application in building a web application, taking into account the code on the server-side and the user interface side. Three equivalent applications Angular, Vue, and React were analyzed. The needs for web applications are described, the implementation of particular functionalities in all technologies is presented together with the programming of database functionalities. The article is aimed at helping students of computer science faculties to make an informed choice of a framework or library for a specific project, taking into account the differences between these popular solutions. Słowa kluczowe: WEB applications, design process Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie (2023). Comparison of Angular, React, and Vue Technologies in the Process of Creating Web Applications on the User Interface Side. Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science. 4. 210-222. 10.15584/jetacomps.2023.4.21. Link |
2023 | P. Organiściak | Woocommerce in ecommerce - overall system review and stress tests | ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYŻSZEJ SZKOŁY TECHNICZNEJ W KATOWICACH | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The ecommerce industry is highly developed, but after COVID-19 it has increased its position even more. The industry consists of huge corporations as well as a large number of small-scale stores. Each of these stores requires a system on which to operate. One popular system for online stores is WooCommerce. This study analyzed this system in terms of popularity, security, usability, among others. Its performance under load was also checked. A test for 4 WooCommerce congurations for different sets of parameters (RAM, processor) was conducted to check the maximum number of users which CMS can handle. Słowa kluczowe: WEB applications, design process Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Organiściak, Patryk. (2023). WOOCOMMERCE IN ECOMMERCE - OVERALL SYSTEM REVIEW AND STRESS TESTS. ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYŻSZEJ SZKOŁY TECHNICZNEJ W KATOWICACH. 17. 143. 10.54264/0080. Link |
2023 | P. Organiściak, P. Kuraś, B. Kowa; | Threats and crisis events detection using machine learning techniques with social media data | ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYŻSZEJ SZKOŁY TECHNICZNEJ W KATOWICACH | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In the paper, the authors present the outcome of web scraping software allowing for the automated classification of threats and crisis events detection. In order to improve the safety and comfort of human life, an analysis was made to quickly detect threats using a modern information channel such as social media. For this purpose, social media services that are popular in the examined region were reviewed and the appropriate ones were selected using the criteria of accessibility and popularity. Approximately 300 unique posts from local groups of cities and other administrative centers were collected and analyzed. The decision of which entry was classified as a threat was defined using the ChatGPT tool and the human expert. Both variants were tested using machine learning (ML) methods. The paper tested whether the ChatGPT tool would be effective at detecting presumed events and compared this approach to the classic ML approach. Słowa kluczowe: social media, threat detection, web scraping, chatgpt, machine learning Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Organiściak, Patryk & Kowal, Bartosz & Kuraś, Paweł. (2023). THREATS AND CRISIS EVENTS DETECTION USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES WITH SOCIAL MEDIA DATA. ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYŻSZEJ SZKOŁY TECHNICZNEJ W KATOWICACH. 17. 123. 10.54264/0079. Link |
2022 | Czmil A, Wroński M, Czmil S, Sochacka-Piętal M, Ćmil M, Gawor J, Wołkowicz T, Plewczyński D, Strzałka D, Piętal M | NanoForms: an integrated server for processing, analysis and assembly of raw sequencing data of microbial genomes, from Oxford Nanopore technology | PeerJ | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt We established an inter-collegiate collaboration across experimentalists and bioinformaticians in order to provide a novel bioinformatics tool, free for academics. This tool allows people without extensive bioinformatics knowledge to simply process their raw genome sequencing data. Currently, due to ICT resources’ maintenance reasons, our server is only capable of handling small genomes (up to 15 Mb). In this paper, we introduce our tool, NanoForms: an intuitive and integrated web server for the processing and analysis of raw prokaryotic genome data, coming from Oxford Nanopore. NanoForms is freely available for academics at the following locations: (webserver) and (GitHub source repository). Słowa kluczowe: NGS, Bioinformatyka, Oxford Nanopore, Genomika, Sekwencjonowanie DNA, Składanie DNA, Genomy mikroorganizmów Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Czmil A, Wroński M, Czmil S, Sochacka-Piętal M, Ćmil M, Gawor J, Wołkowicz T, Plewczyński D, Strzałka D, Piętal M NanoForms: an integrated server for processing, analysis and assembly of raw sequencing data of microbial genomes, from Oxford Nanopore technology. PeerJ 10:e13056 Link |
2022 | Śliwa, R.E.; Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Kowal, B.; Jurek, M.; Kordos, D.; Rogalski, T.; Flaszynski, P.; Doerffer, P.; Doerffer, K.; Grigg, S. | The Latest Advances in Wireless Communication in Aviation, Wind Turbines and Bridges | Inventions | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Present-day technologies used in SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) systems in many implementations are based on wireless sensor networks (WSN). In the context of the continuous development of these systems, the costs of the elements that form the monitoring system are decreasing. In this situation, the challenge is to select the optimal number of sensors and the network architecture, depending on the wireless system’s other parameters and requirements. It is a challenging task for WSN to provide scalability to cover a large area, fault tolerance, transmission reliability, and energy efficiency when no events are detected. In this article, fundamental issues concerning wireless communication in structural health monitoring systems (SHM) in the context of non-destructive testing sensors (NDT) were presented. Wireless technology developments in several crucial areas were also presented, and these include engineering facilities such as aviation and wind turbine systems as well as bridges and associated engineering facilities. Słowa kluczowe: wireless sensor network; aircraft systems; wind turbines; bridges; SHM systems mobile SCADA; WAN/cellular technology Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Śliwa, R.E.; Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Kowal, B.; Jurek, M.; Kordos, D.; Rogalski, T.; Flaszynski, P.; Doerffer, P.; Doerffer, K.; Grigg, S. The Latest Advances in Wireless Communication in Aviation, Wind Turbines and Bridges. Inventions 2022, 7, 18. Link |
2022 | A. Bădică, C. Bădică, M. Bolanowski, S. Fidanova, M. Ganzha, S. Harizanov, M. Ivanovic, I. Lirkov, M. Paprzycki, A. Paszkiewicz., K. Tomczyk | Cascaded Anomaly Detection with Coarse Sampling in Distributed Systems | ICEEE 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this contribution, analysis of usefulness of selected parameters of a distributed information system, for early detection of anomalies in its operation, is considered. Use of statistical analysis, or machine learning (ML), can result in high computational complexity and requirement to transfer large amount of data from the monitored system’s elements. This enforces monitoring of only major components (e.g., access link, key machine components, filtering of selected traffic parameters). To overcome this limitation, a model in which an arbitrary number of elements could be monitored, using microservices, is proposed. For this purpose, it is necessary to determine the sampling threshold value and the influence of sampling coarseness on the quality of anomaly detection. To validate the proposed approach, the ST4000DM000 (Disk failure) and CICIDS2017 (DDoS) datasets were used, to study effects of limiting the number of parameters and the sampling rate reduction on the detection performance of selected classic ML algorithms. Moreover, an example of microservice architecture for coarse network anomaly detection for a network node is presented. Słowa kluczowe: Anomaly detection, Anomaly prediction, Complex distributed system, Computer network management Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Amelia Bădică, Costin Bădică, Marek Bolanowski, Stefka Fidanova, Maria Ganzha, Stanislav Harizanov, Mirjana Ivanovic, Ivan Lirkov, Marcin Paprzycki, Andrzej Paszkiewicz & Kacper Tomczyk. Cascaded Anomaly Detection with Coarse Sampling in Distributed Systems. In: Sachdeva, S., Watanobe, Y., Bhalla, S. (eds) Big-Data-Analytics in Astronomy, Science, and Engineering. BDA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(), vol 13167. Springer, Cham. (2022) Link |
2022 | A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, C. Ćwikła, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, C.E. Palau, I.L. Úbeda | Network Load Balancing for Edge-Cloud Continuum Ecosystems | ICEEE 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This contribution concerns load balancing, based on mechanisms from complex systems theory dedicated to IoT solutions within the Edge-Cloud continuum. The basis of considered mechanisms is the betweenness analysis applied to distributed nodes in a wireless IoT network. A high value of this parameter can indicate the key role of a given node, which is often reflected in its high load. In addition, both the distance and the error rate for connections between nodes are considered. The proposed solution aims at providing path redundancy in the wireless network and enable efficient distribution of the network traffic load. Słowa kluczowe: Network load balancing, Complex systems, Edge-cloud continuum, IoT ecosystems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, C. Ćwikła, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, C.E. Palau, I.L. Úbeda: Network Load Balancing for Edge-Cloud Continuum Ecosystems. In: Mekhilef, S., Shaw, R.N., Siano, P. (eds) Innovations in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. ICEEE 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 894. Springer, Singapore. Link |
2022 | Samriya, J.K., Kumar, M., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Bolanowski, M., Paszkiewicz, A. | An Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for 5G-Enabled Edge Computing Based IoMT Framework | Computational Science – ICCS 2022 | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt 5G networks offer novel communication infrastructure for Internet of Things applications, especially for healthcare applications. There, edge computing enabled Internet of Medical Things provides online patient status monitoring. In this contribution, a Chicken Swarm Optimization algorithm, based on Energy Efficient Multi-objective clustering is applied in an IoMT system. An effective fitness function is designed for cluster head selection. In a simulated environment, performance of proposed scheme is evaluated. Słowa kluczowe: Energy efficiency, Network lifetime, Clustering, Cluster head selection, Delay, Chicken swarm optimization, Sensor networks, Adaptive networks Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Samriya, J.K., Kumar, M., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Bolanowski, M., Paszkiewicz, A. (2022). An Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for 5G-Enabled Edge Computing Based IoMT Framework. In: Groen, D., de Mulatier, C., Paszynski, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V., Dongarra, J.J., Sloot, P.M.A. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2022. ICCS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13351. Springer, Cham. Link |
2022 | M. Bolanowski, P. Krogulski | Rapid Remote Access System for Heterogeneous Laboratory Resources | Proceedings of th 38th Information Systems Education Conference ISECON 2022 | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M. Bolanowski, P. Krogulski: Rapid Remote Access System for Heterogeneous Laboratory Resources, Proceedings of th 38th Information Systems Education Conference ISECON 2022, 17 September 2022, Link |
2022 | G. Budzik, M. Wieczorowski, M. Oleksy, Ł. Przeszłowski, A. Paszkiewicz, B. Sobolewski, J. Woźniak, R. Oliwa | The Place of 3D Printing in the Manufacturing and Operational Process Based on the Industry 4.0 Structure | Tehnički glasnik | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents the place of 3D printing in the manufacturing and operational process. It analyzes selected incremental technologies in the product life cycle. It describes selected processes for testing the properties of materials used in 3D printing, including accelerated aging tests and simulation of operating conditions. Areas of application of 3D printing were defined, starting from design and prototype development through manufacturing of technological tools and finally finished products. Design criteria of additivelymanufactured elements in relation to the exploitation process are discussed. A methodology for the development of 3D-CAD models of manufactured elements, software processing of data and data storage format for manufacturing products and spare parts is presented. The assumptions of repair procedures based on the production of spare parts by means of 3D printing in relation to data circulation compatible with the idea of Industry 4.0 structure have been adopted. Słowa kluczowe: additive manufacturing, Industry 4.0, manufacturing process, operational process, 3D printing Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie G. Budzik, M. Wieczorowski, M. Oleksy, Ł. Przeszłowski, A. Paszkiewicz, B. Sobolewski, J. Woźniak, R. Oliwa: "The Place of 3D Printing in the Manufacturing and Operational Process Based on the Industry 4.0 Structure". Tehnički glasnik, 16 (2), 2022, pp. 252-257. Link |
2022 | Paszkiewicz, A., Salach, M., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Bolanowski, M., Budzik, G., Wójcik, H., Konstantinidis, F., Palau, C.E | Implementation of UI Methods and UX in VR in Case of 3D Printer Tutorial | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this work, the development of virtual reality software for “industrial applications” is considered. It is argued that, in this context, the vast experience from the development of computer games cannot be used directly. Especially, the specific nature of solutions dedicated to industrial applications requires taking into account their specificities, needs, and limitations of VR. This brings about the formulation of a domain-specific approach to creation of VR-related courses for the industry. As an example, the development of course concerning the operation of a professional 3D printer, which is used in industry, as well as in prototyping, is discussed. In particular, it is used to illustrate implementation of UI and UX aspects of the developed VR-environment. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A., Salach, M., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Bolanowski, M., Budzik, G., Wójcik, H., Konstantinidis, F., Palau, C.E.: Implementation of UI Methods and UX in VR in Case of 3D Printer Tutorial. In: Fujita, H., Watanobe, Y., and Azumi, T. (eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Procedings of the 21st International Conference on New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodology Tools, and Techniques, (SoMeT_22), Fukushima, Japan, 20–22 September 2022. IOS Press (2022). Link |
2022 | Woźniak, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, P. Fudali, T. Dziubek, A. Paszkiewicz | nalysis of the quality of products manufactured with the application of additive manufacturing technologies with the possibility of applying the Industry 4.0 conception | International Journal for Quality Research | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the manufacturing industry began to pay special attention to the introduction of solutions based on modern technologies. These include rapid prototyping techniques, which are also popularly known as 3D printing. As the 3D printing industry develops around the world, new brands of machine manufacturers, as well as companies providing services in this field, keep appearing. Thus, a need has arisen to organize and systematize processes and define certain quality standards. In line with Industry 4.0, it is also extremely important to consider modern production management solutions that use IT systems to integrate networked distributed components of manufacturing processes. In this context, a research gap has been observed in the development of a quality control procedure for 3D prints that can be implemented in an in-house cloud. For this reason, the main objective of the paper is to present the author's online platform, which presents a sample procedure for quality control of 3D models. The paper also analyzes the costs associated with the quality control of 3D models assuming that the company has its own infrastructure, manufacturing components and qualified staff. Słowa kluczowe: Quality control; Geometric accuracy; Additive Manufacturing; 3D Printing; Computer systems; Industry 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Woźniak, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, P. Fudali, T. Dziubek, A. Paszkiewicz: "Analysis of the quality of products manufactured with the application of additive manufacturing technologies with the possibility of applying the Industry 4.0 conception". International Journal for Quality Research, 16(3), 2022, pp. 831–850. Link |
2022 | Dziubek, G. Budzik, A. Kawalec, M. Dębski, P. Turek, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański, M. Kiełbicki, J. Józwik, I. Kuric, J. Cebulski | Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials | Polimery | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents the results of strength tests of screw-nut threaded connections made of polymeric materials such as: ABS, PLA, PET-G and RGD720. In order to make physical models, three 3D printing techniques were used: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), and PolyJet. The tests took into account the stresses caused by the axial force generated when the bolt is screwed into the nut or other structural element. Due to the complexity of the issue, the presented studies are only a starting point for further research. Słowa kluczowe: additive manufacturing; polymers materials; screwstrength, tensilestresses, computer control, shearstresses Wytwarzanie przyrostowe; materiały polimerowe; wytrzymałość śruby, rozciąganie, sterowanie komputerowe, ścinanie Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dziubek, G. Budzik, A. Kawalec, M. Dębski, P. Turek, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański, M. Kiełbicki, J. Józwik, I. Kuric, J. Cebulski: "Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials". Polimery, vol. 67, no 6. 2022. Link |
2022 | Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Bomba, S. | A Comparative Analysis of Selected Predictive Algorithms in Control of Machine Processes | Energies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper presents a comparative analysis of selected algorithms for prediction and data analysis. The research was based on data taken from a computerized numerical control (CNC) milling machine. Methods of knowledge extraction from very large datasets, characteristics of classical analytical methods used in datasets and knowledge discovery in database (KDD) processes were also described. The aim of the study is a comparative analysis of selected algorithms for prediction and data analysis to determine the time and degree of tool usage in order to react early enough and avoid unwanted incidents affecting production effectiveness. The research was based on K-nearest neighbor, decision tree and linear regression algorithms. The influence of the rate of learning and testing set sizes were evaluated, which may have an important impact on the optimization of the time and quality of computation. It was shown that precision decreases with the increase of the K value of the average group, while the percentage of the number of classes in a given set (recall) increases. The harmonic mean for the group mean also increases with increasing K, while a significant decrease in these values was observed for the standard deviations of the group. The numerical value of accuracy decreases with increasing K. Słowa kluczowe: knowledge discovery in database; machine process; predictive algorithms; Industry 4.0; real-time intelligent milling diagnostic system; tool condition monitoring (TCM) system Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Bomba, S. A Comparative Analysis of Selected Predictive Algorithms in Control of Machine Processes. Energies 2022, 15, 1895. Link |
2022 | Dymora, P., Mazurek, M., Łyczko K. | The effectiveness analysis of selected IT tools for predictions of the COVID-19 pandemic | Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents the problem of the complexity, of prediction and the analysis of the effectiveness of selected IT, tools in the example of the Covid-19 pandemic data in Poland., The study used a variety of tools and methods to obtain predictions, of extinct infections and mortality for each wave of the, Covid-19 pandemic. The results are presented for the 4th wave, with a detailed description of selected models and methods implemented, in the prognostic package of the statistical programming, language R, as well as in the Statistica and Microsoft Excel, programs. Naive methods, regression models, exponential, smoothing methods (including ETS models), ARIMA models,, and the method of artificial intelligence - autoregressive models, built by neural networks (NNAR) were used. Detailed analysis, was performed and the results for each of these methods were, compared. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, K. Łyczko, The effectiveness analysis of selected IT tools for predictions of the COVID-19 pandemic, Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems: September 4–7, 2022. Sofia, Bulgaria, FEDCSIS2022, DOI: 10.15439/2022F65, Link |
2022 | Bolanowski, M., Żak, K., Paszkiewicz, A., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Sowiński, P., Lacalle, I., Palau, C.E | Eficiency of REST and gRPC Realizing Communication Tasks in Microservice-Based Ecosystems | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The aim of this contribution is to analyse practical aspects of the use of REST APIs and gRPC to realize communication tasks in applications in microservice-based ecosystems. On the basis of performed experiments, classes of communication tasks, for which given technology performs data transfer more efficiently, have been established. This, in turn, allows formulation of criteria for the selection of appropriate communication methods for communication tasks to be performed in an application using microservices-based architecture. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski, M., Żak, K., Paszkiewicz, A., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Sowiński, P., Lacalle, I., Palau, C.E.: Eficiency of REST and gRPC Realizing Communication Tasks in Microservice-Based Ecosystems. In: Fujita, H., Watanobe, Y., and Azumi, T. (eds.) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Procedings of the 21st International Conference on New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodology Tools, and Techniques, (SoMeT_22), Fukushima, Japan, 20–22 September 2022. IOS Press (2022). Link |
2022 | Paszkiewicz, A.; Salach, M.; Strzałka, D.; Budzik, G.; Nikodem, A.; Wójcik, H.; Witek, M. | VR Education Support System—A Case Study of Digital Circuits Design | Energies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Areas of experience allow for the acquisition and consolidation of both existing knowledge and skills. These are significant factors in the training of staff members for companies in the Industry 4.0 area. One of the currently available modern tools used in the teaching process is virtual reality (VR) technology. This technology, due to its high level of immersion and involvement of the different senses, and the need to focus on the performed activities, allows one to develop skills in solving various tasks and problems. The extended VR environment enables the creation of diverse teaching scenarios adapted to the needs of industry. This paper presents the possibility of building training scenarios in the field of digital techniques. The software solution, developed and presented by the authors, uses elements of computer game mechanics and is designed to familiarize students with the idea of digital circuits, their construction, logical implementation and application. This paper also presents a comparison of the features of different forms of education used in teaching digital techniques, as well as a comparison of these forms, from the point of view of the student and his/her perceptions. Słowa kluczowe: virtual reality; education; digital circuits; Industry 4.0; Education 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A.; Salach, M.; Strzałka, D.; Budzik, G.; Nikodem, A.; Wójcik, H.; Witek, M. VR Education Support System - A Case Study of Digital Circuits Design. Energies 2022, 15, 277. Link |
2022 | Strzałka, D.; Mazurek, J. | On the Monte Carlo weights in multiple criteria decision analysis | PLoS ONE | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In multiple-criteria decision making/aiding/analysis (MCDM/MCDA) weights of criteria constitute a crucial input for finding an optimal solution (alternative). A large number of methods were proposed for criteria weights derivation including direct ranking, point allocation, pairwise comparisons, entropy method, standard deviation method, and so on. However, the problem of correct criteria weights setting persists, especially when the number of criteria is relatively high. The aim of this paper is to approach the problem of determining criteria weights from a different perspective: we examine what weights’ values have to be for a given alternative to be ranked the best. We consider a space of all feasible weights from which a large number of weights in the form of n−tuples is drawn randomly via Monte Carlo method. Then, we use predefined dominance relations for comparison and ranking of alternatives, which are based on the set of generated cases. Further on, we provide the estimates for a sample size so the results could be considered robust enough. At last, but not least, we introduce the concept of central weights and the measure of its robustness (stability) as well as the concept of alternatives’ multi-dominance, and show their application to a real-world problem of the selection of the best wind turbine. Słowa kluczowe: Monte Carlo method, Body weight, Wind power, Probability distribution, Wind, Decision analysis, Rotors, Systems engineering Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Mazurek J, Strzałka D (2022) On the Monte Carlo weights in multiple criteria decision analysis. PLoS ONE 17(10): e0268950. Link |
2022 | Hadaj, P.; Strzałka, D.; Nowak, M.; Dymora, P.; Łatka, M. | The use of PLANS and NetworkX in modeling power grid system failures | Scientific Reports | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The theoretical and practical aspects and results of simulations based on a specialized tool that is used in the energy industry were adressed. The previously discussed cases in the literature by taking into account the worst case and critical states of networks in terms of complex networks were extended. Using the Monte-Carlo method, the vulnerability of the power grid to node failures was investigated, both in terms of the use of specialized software, which is used in the power industry, and a tool for the analysis of complex networks graphs. We present the results obtained and the observed analogy between the results of the analysis performed in specialized software and the complex network graph analysis tool. It has been shown that the results obtained coincide for both software packages, even though their application focuses on slightly different aspects of system operation. Moreover, further possibilities of extending the research in this direction are proposed, taking into account not only the improvement of the method used, but also a significant increase in the size of the tested structure model. Słowa kluczowe: complex networks, power grids, PLANS, NetworkX Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Hadaj, P., Strzałka, D., Nowak, M., Dymora, P., Łatka, M. The use of PLANS and NetworkX in modeling power grid system failures. Scientific Reports 2022. Link |
2022 | J.K. Samriya, M. Kumar, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz | An Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for 5G-Enabled Edge Computing Based IoMT Framework | Computational Science – ICCS 2022 | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt 5G networks offer novel communication infrastructure for Internet of Things applications, especially for healthcare applications. There, edge computing enabled Internet of Medical Things provides online patient status monitoring. In this contribution, a Chicken Swarm Optimization algorithm, based on Energy Efficient Multi-objective clustering is applied in an IoMT system. An effective fitness function is designed for cluster head selection. In a simulated environment, performance of proposed scheme is evaluated. Słowa kluczowe: Energy efficiency, Network lifetime, Clustering, Cluster head selection, Delay, Chicken swarm optimization, Sensor networks, Adaptive networks Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie J.K. Samriya, M. Kumar, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz: "An Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for 5G-Enabled Edge Computing Based IoMT Framework". In: Groen, D., de Mulatier, C., Paszynski, M., Krzhizhanovskaya, V.V., Dongarra, J.J., Sloot, P.M.A. (eds) Computational Science – ICCS 2022. ICCS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13351. Springer, Cham, 2022. Link |
2022 | T. Dziubek, G. Budzik, A. Kawalec, M. Dębski, P. Turek, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański, M. Kiełbicki, J. Józwik, I. Kuric, J. Cebulski | Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials | Polimery | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents the results of strength tests of screw-nut threaded connections made of polymeric materials such as: ABS, PLA, PET-G and RGD720. In order to make physical models, three 3D printing techniques were used: Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), and PolyJet. The tests took into account the stresses caused by the axial force generated when the bolt is screwed into the nut or other structural element. Due to the complexity of the issue, the presented studies are only a starting point for further research. Słowa kluczowe: additive manufacturing; polymers materials; screwstrength, tensilestresses, computer control, shearstresses Wytwarzanie przyrostowe; materiały polimerowe; wytrzymałość śruby, rozciąganie, sterowanie komputerowe, ścinanie Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie T. Dziubek, G. Budzik, A. Kawalec, M. Dębski, P. Turek, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański, M. Kiełbicki, J. Józwik, I. Kuric, J. Cebulski: "Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials". Polimery, vol. 67, no 6. 2022. Link |
2022 | A. Paszkiewicz, M. Salach, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, H. Wójcik, F. Konstantinidis, C.E. Palau | Implementation of UI Methods and UX in VR in Case of 3D Printer Tutorial | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this work, the development of virtual reality software for “industrial applications” is considered. It is argued that, in this context, the vast experience from the development of computer games cannot be used directly. Especially, the specific nature of solutions dedicated to industrial applications requires taking into account their specificities, needs, and limitations of VR. This brings about the formulation of a domain-specific approach to creation of VR-related courses for the industry. As an example, the development of course concerning the operation of a professional 3D printer, which is used in industry, as well as in prototyping, is discussed. In particular, it is used to illustrate implementation of UI and UX aspects of the developed VR-environment. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz, M. Salach, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, H. Wójcik, F. Konstantinidis, C.E. Palau: "Implementation of UI Methods and UX in VR in Case of 3D Printer Tutorial". Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol. 355, pp. 460-471, 2022. Link |
2022 | M. Bolanowski, K. Żak, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, P. Sowiński, I. Lacalle, C.E. Palau | Eficiency of REST and gRPC Realizing Communication Tasks in Microservice-Based Ecosystems | Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The aim of this contribution is to analyse practical aspects of the use of REST APIs and gRPC to realize communication tasks in applications in microservice-based ecosystems. On the basis of performed experiments, classes of communication tasks, for which given technology performs data transfer more efficiently, have been established. This, in turn, allows formulation of criteria for the selection of appropriate communication methods for communication tasks to be performed in an application using microservices-based architecture. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M. Bolanowski, K. Żak, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, P. Sowiński, I. Lacalle, C.E. Palau: "Eficiency of REST and gRPC Realizing Communication Tasks in Microservice-Based Ecosystems". Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, vol. 355, pp. 97-108, 2022. Link |
2022 | M. Hubacz, B. Pawłowicz, M. Salach, B. Trybus, S. Kołcz | Wykorzystanie identyfikatorów RFID w sterowaniu urządzeń piorących | POMIARY AUTOMATYKA ROBOTYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Modern Textronics RFID transponders open completely new possibilities for designers of household appliances. In particular, these applications can be seen in laundry technology, where the information contained in the RFID transponder sewn into the clothes can be used to select the best washing program for a given type of fabric or to select the appropriate washing program for different fabrics placed in the drum of the washing machine. The work included design and construction of a demonstration station for the demonstration of RFIDtex transponders in the washing machine. A management system for a model of a washing machine equipped with Read-Write Device (RWD) was prepared, which supports decision-making based on data provided by reading of RFIDtex tags integrated with clothes. The laundry device was integrated with cloud computing for garment management based on the unique identifier of the tags and also as an intermediary module for the virtual closet application. The work checked the effectiveness of the station using samples. Słowa kluczowe: RFID,textronics,cloud computing,smart clothing Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Hubacz M., Pawłowicz B., Salach M., Trybus B., Kołcz S., Wykorzystanie identyfikatorów RFID w sterowaniu urządzeń piorących, „Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka”, R. 26, Nr 1/2022, 17-22, DOI: 10.14313/PAR_243/17. Link |
2022 | P. Turek ,D. Filip ,Ł. Przeszłowski ,A. Łazorko ,G. Budzik ,S. Snela ,M. Oleksy ,J. Jabłoński ,J. Sęp ,K. Bulanda ,S. Wolski , A. Paszkiewicz | Manufacturing Polymer Model of Anatomical Structures with Increased Accuracy Using CAx and AM Systems for Planning Orthopedic Procedures | POLYMERS | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Currently, medicine uses typical industrial structure techniques, including reverse engineering, data processing, 3D-CAD modeling, 3D printing, and coordinate measurement techniques. Taking this into account, one can notice the applications of procedures used in the aviation or automotive industries based on the structure of Industry 4.0 in the planning of operations and the production of medical models with high geometric accuracy. The procedure presented in the publication shortens the processing time of tomographic data and increases the reconstruction accuracy within the hip and knee joints. The procedure allows for the partial removal of metallic artifacts from the diagnostic image. Additionally, numerical models of anatomical structures, implants, and bone cement were developed in more detail by averaging the values of local segmentation thresholds. Before the model manufacturing process, additional tests of the PLA material were conducted in terms of its strength and thermal properties. Their goal was to select the appropriate type of PLA material for manufacturing models of anatomical structures. The numerical models were divided into parts before being manufactured using the Fused Filament Fabrication technique. The use of the modifier made it possible to change the density, type of filling, number of counters, and the type of supporting structure. These treatments allowed us to reduce costs and production time and increase the accuracy of the printout. The accuracy of the manufactured model geometry was verified using the MCA-II measuring arm with the MMDx100 laser head and surface roughness using a 3D Talyscan 150 profilometer. Using the procedure, a decrease in geometric deviations and amplitude parameters of the surface roughness were noticed. The models based on the presented approach allowed for detailed and meticulous treatment planning.. Słowa kluczowe: polymer model, additive manufacturing, reverse engineering, Industry 4.0, accuracy anatomical structures, medical engineering, IT tools Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie HTurek, P.; Filip, D.; Przeszłowski, Ł.; Łazorko, A.; Budzik, G.; Snela, S.; Oleksy, M.; Jabłoński, J.; Sęp, J.; Bulanda, K.; et al. Manufacturing Polymer Model of Anatomical Structures with Increased Accuracy Using CAx and AM Systems for Planning Orthopedic Procedures. Polymers 2022, 14, 2236. Link |
2022 | J. Woźniak, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, P. Fudali, T. Dziubek, A. Paszkiewicz | Analysis of the quality of products manufactured with the application of additive manufacturing technologies with the possibility of applying the Industry 4.0 conception | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY RESEARCH | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt With the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the manufacturing industry began to pay special attention to the introduction of solutions based on modern technologies. These include rapid prototyping techniques, which are also popularly known as 3D printing. As the 3D printing industry develops around the world, new brands of machine manufacturers, as well as companies providing services in this field, keep appearing. Thus, a need has arisen to organize and systematize processes and define certain quality standards. In line with Industry 4.0, it is also extremely important to consider modern production management solutions that use IT systems to integrate networked distributed components of manufacturing processes. In this context, a research gap has been observed in the development of a quality control procedure for 3D prints that can be implemented in an in-house cloud. For this reason, the main objective of the paper is to present the author's online platform, which presents a sample procedure for quality control of 3D models. The paper also analyzes the costs associated with the quality control of 3D models assuming that the company has its own infrastructure, manufacturing components and qualified staff. Słowa kluczowe: Quality control, Geometric accuracy, Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Computer systems, Industry 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Woźniak, Joanna & Budzik, Grzegorz & Fudali, Paweł & Dziubek, Tomasz & Paszkiewicz, Andrzej & Przeszłowski, Łukasz. (2022). ANALYSIS OF THE QUALITY OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED WITH THE APPLICATION OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES WITH THE POSSIBILITY OF APPLYING THE INDUSTRY 4.0 CONCEPTION. International Journal for Quality Research. 16. 831-850. 10.24874/IJQR16.03-12. Link |
2022 | M. Skoczylas, Ł. Gotówko, M. Salach, B. Trybus, M. Hubacz, B. Pawłowicz | Room mapping system using RFID and mobile robots | Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems : September 4–7, 2022. Sofia, Bulgaria | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents a prototype indoor space map-ping solution using RFID transponders. The autonomous robotreads the information they contain using a set of several readers,which improves the process. The design of the robot prototype isbased on the STM32 NUCLEO module. Two types of transpondergrids are considered, square and triangular. Simulation resultsfor both grid types show the efficiency of reading informationfrom transponders by the moving robot.. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Skoczylas, Mariusz & Gotówko, Łukasz & Salach, Mateusz & Trybus, Bartosz & Hubacz, Marcin & Pawlowicz, Bartosz. (2022). Room mapping system using RFID and mobile robots. 593-597. 10.15439/2022F248. Link |
2022 | P. Kuraś, A. Gerka | Using Inconsistency Reduction Algorithms in Comparison Matrices to Improve the Performance of Generating Random Comparison Matrices with a Given Inconsistency Coefficient Range | ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH JOURNAL | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The aim of this paper is to present a new method for generating random pairwise comparison matrices with a given inconsistency ratio (CR) interval using inconsistency reduction algorithms. Pairwise comparison (PC) is a popular technique for multi-criteria decision-making, its purpose is to assign weights to the compared entities, thus ranking them from best to worst. The presented method combines the traditional random generation of comparison matrices supported by inconsistency reduction algorithms: the “Xu and Wei” algorithm and the “Szybowski” algorithm. This paper presents research that shows an increase in performance when generating such matrices relative to the standard random comparison matrix generation procedure using the “Szybowski” algorithm. The other algorithms also improve the process, but to a lesser extent, making the “Szybowski” supporting algorithm the preferred solution for the new process. As a result of the research, a free online tool “PC MATRICES GENERATOR” has also been made available to efficiently generate a large number of comparison matrices with a given CR factor range, any matrix size, and any number of matrices, enabling much more efficient and less time-consuming research in many fields that use comparison matrices, as the analytic hierarchy/network process (AHP/ANP), ELECTREE, PAPRIKA, PROMETHE, VIKOR or the Best-Worst method (BWM). Słowa kluczowe: algorithm, pairwise comparison, inconsistency ratio, online tools Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Kuraś, Paweł & Gerka, Alicja. (2023). Using Inconsistency Reduction Algorithms in Comparison Matrices to Improve the Performance of Generating Random Comparison Matrices with a Given Inconsistency Coefficient Range. Advances in Science and Technology – Research Journal. 17. 222-229. 10.12913/22998624/158019. Link |
2022 | M. Hubacz, B. Pawłowicz, M. Salach, B. Trybus, S. Kołcz | Model urządzenia piorącego wykorzystującego tekstroniczne transpondery RFID | POMIARY AUTOMATYKA ROBOTYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Textronic RFID transponders extend the possibilities of home appliance design. New application can be found in the laundry technology, where by means of RFID transponders sewn into the garment it is possible to encode information and use it later to select the best washing program for a given type of fabric or to keep statistics of material usage. As part of this work, a demonstration model of a washing device using RFIDtex transponders (identifiers) was designed and built. A control system was prepared for the constructed model of a washing machine equipped with a RWD (Read-Write Device) device, supporting decision-making about the selection of a given function on the basis of data provided by RFIDtex identifiers integrated with the clothing. The effectiveness of the device was also checked using prepared samples.. Słowa kluczowe: RFID, textronics, household appliances, Internet of things, CPDev Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M Hubacz, B Pawłowicz, M Salach, B Trybus, S Kołcz (2022). Model urządzenia piorącego wykorzystującego tekstroniczne transpondery RFID. Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka 26 (4). Link |
2021 | G. Budzik, J. Woźniak, A. Paszkiewicz, Ł. Przeszłowski, T. Dziubek, M. Dębski | Methodology for the Quality Control Process of Additive Manufacturing Products Made of Polymer Materials | Materials | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The objective of this publication is to present a quality control methodology for additive manufacturing products made of polymer materials, where the methodology varies depending on the intended use. The models presented in this paper are divided into those that are manufactured for the purpose of visual presentation and those that directly serve the needs of the manufacturing process. The authors also a propose a comprehensive control system for the additive manufacturing process to meet the needs of Industry 4.0. Depending on the intended use of the models, the quality control process is divided into three stages: data control, manufacturing control, and post-processing control. Research models were made from the following materials: RGD 720 photopolymer resin (PolyJet method), ABS M30 thermoplastic (FDM method), E-Partial photopolymer resin (DLP method), PLA thermoplastic (FFF method), and ABS thermoplastic (MEM method). The applied measuring tools had an accuracy of at least an order of magnitude higher than that of the manufacturing technologies used. The results show that the PolyJet method is the most accurate, and the MEM method is the least accurate. The findings also confirm that the selection of materials, 3D printing methods, and measurement methods should always account not only for the specificity and purpose of the model but also for economic aspects, as not all products require high accuracy and durability. Słowa kluczowe: additive manufacturing; quality control management; process optimization; computing techniques; ICT systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Budzik, G.; Woźniak, J.; Paszkiewicz, A.; Przeszłowski, Ł.; Dziubek, T.; Dębski, M. Methodology for the Quality Control Process of Additive Manufacturing Products Made of Polymer Materials. Materials 2021, 14, 2202. Link |
2021 | A. Paszkiewicz, M. Salach, P. Dymora, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, P. Kubiak | Methodology of Implementing Virtual Reality in Education for Industry 4.0 | Sustainability | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper presents an entirely new approach to the use of virtual reality (VR) in the educational process for the needs of Industry 4.0. It is based on the proposed comprehensive methodology, including the design, creation, implementation and evaluation of individual courses implemented in a VR environment. An essential feature of the new methodology is its universality and comprehensiveness. Thanks to that, it can be applied in such areas as higher education, aviation, automotive, shipbuilding, energy and many others. The paper also identifies the significant advantages and disadvantages of VR-based education that may determine its use scope and profile. In addition, on the basis of the proposed methodology, a model of a training station using VR technology has been developed to enable the realization of training classes in the field of firefighting activities that should be undertaken during the hazard arising from the operation of a numerically controlled production machine. Results of the conducted training using this station were also presented. The study showed the potential of training based on a virtual environment to improve participants’ skills and knowledge. The development and implementation of adequate courses in the VR environment can reduce costs and increase the safety and efficiency of employees’ performed activities. Słowa kluczowe: virtual reality (VR); immersive learning; education training methodology; Industry 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A.; Salach, M.; Dymora, P.; Bolanowski, M.; Budzik, G.; Kubiak, P. Methodology of Implementing Virtual Reality in Education for Industry 4.0. Sustainability 2021, 13, 5049. Link |
2021 | J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal, P. Kuraś | A Numerical Comparison of Iterative Algorithms for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise Comparisons | IEEE Access | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The aim of this paper is to compare selected iterative algorithms for inconsistency reduction in pairwise comparisons by Monte Carlo simulations. We perform simulations for pairwise comparison matrices of the order n=4 and n=8 with the initial inconsistency 0.10 < CR < 0.80 and entries drawn from Saaty’s fundamental scale. Subsequently, we evaluate the algorithms’ performance with respect to four measures that express the degree of original preference preservation. Our results indicate that no algorithm outperforms all other algorithms with respect to every measure of preference preservation. The Xu and Wei’s algorithm is the best with regard to the preservation of an original priority vector and the ranking of objects, the Step-by-Step algorithm best preserves the original preferences expressed in the form of a pairwise comparison matrix, and the algorithm of Szybowski keeps the most matrix entries unchanged during inconsistency reduction. Słowa kluczowe: Algorithm, consistency, inconsistency reduction, pairwise comparisons Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal and P. Kuraś, "A Numerical Comparison of Iterative Algorithms for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise Comparisons," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 62553-62561, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3074274 Link |
2021 | A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, J. Woźniak, M. Bolanowski, M. Przytuła, M. Kiełbicki, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański | Incremental processing of polymer materials using the INDUSTRY 4.0 network structure | Polimery | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents the possibility of incremental processing of polymeric materials using the network structure of INDUSTRY 4.0. The selected network control systems for 3D printers processing polymer materials were analyzed in terms of software and hardware identification used in industrial conditions, science and education. Both solutions requiring continuous data exchange between the controlling computer and the 3D printer as well as systems dedicated to control with the use of a computer network were taken into account. The possibilities of adapting 3D printers to work in the remote control mode and control of the incremental process are presented. The possibilities of developing processes related to 3D printing based on remote control using network systems were also determined. Słowa kluczowe: polymer materials ; Network communications ; 3D printing ; additive manufacturing materiały polimerowe ; komunikacja sieciowa ; druk 3D ; wytwarzanie przyrostowe Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A., Budzik, G., Woźniak, J., Bolanowski, M., Przytuła, M., Kiełbicki, M., Poliński, P., & Kochmański, Łukasz. (2021). Incremental processing of polymer materials using the INDUSTRY 4.0 network structure. Polimery, 66(7-8). Link |
2021 | B Filip, R Bochenek, K Baran, D Strzałka, D Antos | Influence of the geometry of extra column volumes on band broadening in a chromatographic system. Predictions by computational fluid dynamics | Journal of Chromatography | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt A computational fluid dynamics method was used for prediction of flow behavior and band profiles of small- and macro-molecule compounds eluting in extra-column volumes (ECV) of an Äkta chromatographic system. The model compounds were: acetone, bovine serum albumin and an antibody. The construction of ECV was approximated by different types of geometries, starting from the simplest two-dimensional (2D) arrangement consisting of a straight capillary tube, and ending with a three-dimensional system (3D), which accounted for the flow path curvature of individual elements of ECV, including: injection loop capillary, multi-way valve, connecting capillary and detector cell. The accuracy of the model predictions depended on the flow path length and the eluent flowrate. 2D-geometry models reproduced pretty well the shapes of band profiles recorded at the lowest eluent flowrate used, but they failed for increased flowrates. The 3D-geometry model was found to be sufficiently accurate for all conditions investigated. It was exploited to analyze band broadening in the individual ECV elements. The simulation results revealed that the flow behavior in the injection loop capillaries strongly influenced the shape of band profiles, particularly at higher eluent velocities. This was attributed to the formation of Dean vertices triggered by centrifugal forces in curved parts of the eluent flow path. Słowa kluczowe: Computational fluid dynamics; Extra-column volume effect; Protein chromatography Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Link |
2021 | D Strzałka, S Wolski, A Wloch | Distance Fibonacci Polynomials by Graph Methods | Symmetry | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this paper we introduce and study a new generalization of Fibonacci polynomials which generalize Fibonacci, Jacobsthal and Narayana numbers, simultaneously. We give a graph interpretation of these polynomials and we obtain a binomial formula for them. Moreover by modification of Pascal’s triangle, which has a symmetric structure, we obtain matrices generated by coefficients of generalized Fibonacci polynomials. As a consequence, the direct formula for generalized Fibonacci polynomials was given. In addition, we determine matrix generators for generalized Fibonacci polynomials, using the symmetric matrix of initial conditions. Słowa kluczowe: Fibonacci numbers; Fibonacci polynomials; matrix generators; Pascal’s triangle Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka, D.; Wolski, S.; Włoch, A. Distance Fibonacci Polynomials by Graph Methods. Symmetry 2021, 13, 2075. Link |
2021 | P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, K. Smalara | Modeling and Fault Tolerance Analysis of ZigBee Protocol in IoT Networks | Energies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper presents the essence of IoT (Internet of Things) works and design challenges, discusses its principles of operation, and presents IoT development concepts. WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) was characterized in detail as an essential component of IoT infrastructure. The various faults that can occur at all levels of the IoT architecture, such as sensor nodes, actuators, network links, as well as processing and storage components clearly demonstrate that fault-tolerance (FT) has become a key issue for IoT systems. A properly applied routing algorithm has a direct impact on the power consumption of sensors, which in extreme cases is the reason why nodes shut down due to battery degradation. To study the fault tolerance of IoT infrastructure, a ZigBee network topology was created, and various node failure scenarios were simulated. Furthermore, the results presented showed the impact and importance of choosing the right routing scheme, based on the correlation of throughput to the number of rejected packets, as well as the proportionality of the value of management traffic to the other including the ratio of rejected packets. Słowa kluczowe: fault tolerance; IP networks; IoT; WSN; ZigBee Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Smalara, K., Modeling and Fault Tolerance Analysis of ZigBee Protocol in IoT Networks. Energies 2021, 14(24), 8264; Link |
2021 | G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, M. Kiełbicki | Analysis of solutions for remote control and monitoring of the 3D printing process | Przegląd Mechaniczny | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents an analysis of the possibility of using remote applications for monitoring and controlling the 3D printing process. The program and design solutions currently used in additive manufacturing systems are described. The possibilities of implementing modules allowing for the conversion of typical 3D printers with devices capable of performing selected operations remotely were presented. Considerations were also made on the development of automation for remote control of 3D printing systems. Słowa kluczowe: 3D printing control of additive processes industry 4.0 remote control Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, M. Kiełbicki: Analiza rozwiązań zdalnych aplikacji sterowania i monitoringu procesu druku 3D.(Analysis of solutions for remote control and monitoring of the 3D printing process). Przegląd Mechaniczny, 3/2021, pp. 36-39, 2021. Link |
2021 | M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, B. Rumak | Coarse Traffic Classification for High-Bandwidth Connections in a Computer Network Using Deep Learning Techniques | CISIS 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper concentrates on the issues related to the detection of anomalies in computer networks that are used in Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). The authors proposed the architecture of such a system based on the use of the initial traffic classifier and an arbiter supervising the work of the network. In this solution, after the learning stage using samples of real traffic (normal and abnormal) system detects abnormal traffic and uses Policy Based Routing (PBR) to redirect abnormal traffic for further analysis using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) systems. This approach allows to significantly reduce the amount of traffic analyzed by IDS, and hence reduces the cost of purchasing and implementing security systems. The proposed model has been developed using the methodology OSEMN to work with data. The system can be used as the first step in the detection of threats and anomalies in systems with cascade security architecture. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, B. Rumak: Coarse Traffic Classification for High-Bandwidth Connections in a Computer Network Using Deep Learning Techniques. In: Barolli L., Yim K., Enokido T. (eds) Complex, Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems. CISIS 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 278 Springer, Cham, vol 278, pp. 131-141, 2021. DOI: Link |
2021 | Paszkiewicz, A.; Pawłowicz, B.; Trybus, B.; Salach | Traffic Intersection Lane Control Using Radio Frequency Identification and 5G Communication | Energies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article deals with automated urban traffic management, and proposes a new comprehensive infrastructure solution for dynamic traffic direction switching at intersection lines. It was assumed that the currently used solutions based on video monitoring are unreliable. Therefore, the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technique was introduced, in which vehicles are counted and, if necessary, identified in order to estimate the flows on individual lanes. The data is acquired in real time using fifth-generation wireless communications (5G). The Pots and Ising models derived from the theory of statistical physics were used in a novel way to determine the state of direction traffic lights. The models were verified by simulations using data collected from real traffic observations. The results were presented for two exemplary intersections. Słowa kluczowe: traffic management; RFID; 5G; Smart City Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A.; Pawłowicz, B.; Trybus, B.; Salach, M. Traffic Intersection Lane Control Using Radio Frequency Identification and 5G Communication. Energies 2021, 14, 8066. Link |
2021 | A. Paszkiewicz | Modeling and Analysis of Anomalies in the Network Infrastructure Based on the Potts Model | Entropy | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper discusses issues concerning the occurrence of anomalies affecting the process of phase transitions. The considered issue was examined from the perspective of phase transitions in network structures, particularly in IT networks, Internet of Things and Internet of Everything. The basis for the research was the Potts model in the context of IT networks. The author proposed the classification of anomalies in relation to the states of particular nodes in the network structure. Considered anomalies included homogeneous, heterogeneous, individual and cyclic disorders. The results of tests and simulations clearly showed the impact of anomalies on the phase transitions in the network structures. The obtained results can be applied in modelling the processes occurring in network structures, particularly in IT networks. Słowa kluczowe: Potts model; Ising model; phase transitions; anomalies; complex systems; IT networks Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz: Modeling and Analysis of Anomalies in the Network Infrastructure Based on the Potts Model. Entropy 2021, 23, 949. Link |
2021 | M. Oleksy, R. Oliwa, K. Bulanda, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Magniszewski, A. Paszkiewicz | Torsional strength tests of spline connections made of polymer materials (Rapid communication) | Polimery | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This work is a continuation of the publication [1], in which the torsional strength tests of samples made of polymer materials, loaded with torsional moment, which more and more often can be made with the use of incremental technologies, were carried out. The designed proprietary test stand, which was described in the publication [1], was used. A series of preliminary studies on the torsion of fittings with spline connections obtained using additive techniques were carried out. It was found, that a additive technologies have a clear impact on the torsional strength of the tested machine components, including the placement of the prototype relative to the 3D printing plane or the method of processing polymer material. Słowa kluczowe: torsion testing of polymeric materials ; splined connections made of polymeric materials ; incrementally produced machine elements ; 3D printing badania skręcania materiałów polimerowych ; połączenia wielowypustowe z materiałów polimerowych ; elementy maszyn wytwarzane przyrostowo ; druk 3D Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M. Oleksy, R. Oliwa, K. Bulanda, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Magniszewski, A. Paszkiewicz: Torsional strength tests of spline connections made of polymer materials (Rapid communication). Polimery, 66(1), 52-55, 2021, Link |
2021 | Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Sudek, B. | Comparative Analysis of Selected Open-Source Solutions for Traffic Balancing in Server Infrastructures Providing WWW Service | Energies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt As the number of users increased over the years, pioneering technologies and solutions in given areas ceased to be sufficient even in terms of performance. Therefore, there was a need for their development or even redesign and redefinition. One of the issues that undoubtedly has a huge impact on the current shape of the global network and the way information is processed in it is the issue of traffic balancing, especially the one in the server infrastructure related to the WWW service, providing users with the possibility of efficient and reliable web browsing. The paper presents a comparative analysis of selected open-source solutions used for traffic balancing in server infrastructures providing WWW service based on selected criteria. The designed architecture of the test environment and the test results of selected tools implementing the traffic-balancing functionality are presented. Methodologies, test plans, and comparison criteria are proposed. A comparative analysis of results based on specific criteria was performed. The balance between network traffic optimization and load balancing distribution among servers is crucial for the development of energy-efficient data processing centers. Słowa kluczowe: load balancing; IP networks; TCP/IP; HTTP; HAProxy; Nginx; Linux Virtual Server Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Sudek, B. Comparative Analysis of Selected Open-Source Solutions for Traffic Balancing in Server Infrastructures Providing WWW Service. Energies 2021, 14, 7719. Link |
2020 | Hadaj P., Strzałka D. | Modelling Selected Parameters of Power Grid Network in the South-Eastern Part of Poland: The Case Study | Energies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this paper, a case study is conducted based on the real data obtained from the local Distribution System Operator (DSO) of electrical energy. The analyzed network represents connections and high-voltage switchgears of 110 kV. Selected graph parameters—vertex degree distribution, the average vertex degree, the graph density, network efficiency, the clustering coefficient, the average path length, and the graph diameter were examined, taking into account that in the analysis, some nodes were removed due to the different failures. For each failure, the possible effects on network parameters were tested. As a final result, it was shown that in the analyzed case, the removal of only five nodes could cause a significant (almost four times) fall of graph efficiency. In turn, this means that the whole analyzed network cannot be considered as a fault-tolerant. Słowa kluczowe: complex networks; network theory (graphs), systems interaction; power industry; power system security Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie P. Hadaj, D. Strzałka: Modelling Selected Parameters of Power Grid Network in the South-Eastern Part of Poland: The Case Study, Energies, vol. 13, p. 239, 2020 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Hadaj, Piotr AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2020 DA - 01.2020 TI - Modelling Selected Parameters of Power Grid Network in the South-Eastern Part of Poland: The Case Study BT - Energies SP - 239 EP - VL - 13 DO - 10.3390/en13010239 ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Hadaj, Piotr and Strza{\l}ka, Dominik}, year = {2020}, pages = {239}, title = {Modelling Selected Parameters of Power Grid Network in the South-Eastern Part of Poland: The Case Study}, volume = {13}, journal = {Energies}, doi = {10.3390/en13010239} } Link |
2020 | M. Hajder, P. Hajder,M. Nycz | Low-Cost Architecture of the Universal Security Threat Detection System for Industrial IoT | Handbook of Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges in Current Scenario's | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The chapter presents the new architecture of the distributed threat detection system for broadly understood information system security. Unlike existing systems, the system is heterogeneous in terms of information, communication, operation and hardware, architecturally using industrial Internet of Things solutions. Additionally, it is separated from the entity’s basic IT structure and based on the extensive use of parallel and distributed processing. In most of the available literature, improvements are sought in the way of wireless communication. In this work, the wired communication environment is examined, that is the backbone of any wireless sensor network. From the algorithmic point of view, it uses intelligent data analysis and biologically inspired methods. Communication environment is described using mainly graph theory, graph algebra and probability. The data collected by a heterogeneous group of autonomous traffic analyzers located at all levels of the communication hierarchy of the industrial information system is subjected to permanent analysis. Depending on the operating mode, the analyzers communicate with the central security node in one of three possible, complementary modes of transmission. Operating mode also determine how data is processed. In the simplest case it is carried out on the central node resources. On the other hand, in the most advanced one the system is in fact a parallel computer based on analyzers resources. The proposed architecture in the standard operating mode is integrated with the classic information system, in each of the emergency modes is separated from it. The work ends with the presentation of the empirical research results on the effectiveness of the proposed architecture. Słowa kluczowe: Industrial information system, Industrial networks, Self-adjusting communication architecture, Attack detection system, IDEF0 diagrams Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Hajder M., Hajder P., Nycz M. (2020) Low-Cost Architecture of the Universal Security Threat Detection System for Industrial IoT. In: Singh P., Bhargava B., Paprzycki M., Kaushal N., Hong WC. (eds) Handbook of Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges in Current Scenario's. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1132. Springer, ChamRIS: TY - CHAPAU - Hajder, M.AU - Hajder, P.AU - Nycz, M.ED - Singh, Pradeep KumarED - Bhargava, Bharat K.ED - Paprzycki, MarcinED - Kaushal, Narottam ChandED - Hong, Wei-ChiangPY - 2020DA - 2020//TI - Low-Cost Architecture of the Universal Security Threat Detection System for Industrial IoTBT - Handbook of Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges in Current Scenario'sSP - 301EP - 324PB - Springer International PublishingCY - ChamSN - 978-3-030-40305-8UR - - 10.1007/978-3-030-40305-8_15ID - Hajder2020ER - Link |
2020 | W.W. Koczkodaj , F. Liu, V.W. Marek, J. Mazurek, M. Mazurek, L. Mikhailov, C. Ozel, W. Pedrycz, A. Przelaskowski, A. Schumann, R. Smarzewski, D. Strzałka, J. Szybowski, Y. Yayli | On the use of group theory to generalize elements of pairwise comparisons matrix: a cautionary note | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper examines the constricted use of group theory in the study of pairwise comparisons. The presented approach is based on the application of the celebrated Levi Theorems of 1942 and 1943 for orderable groups. The theoretical foundation for multiplicative (ratio) pairwise comparisons is provided. Counterexamples are provided to support the theory. In our opinion, the scientific community must be made aware of the limitations of using the group theory in pairwise comparisons. Groups, which are not torsion free, cannot be used for ratios by Levi's theorems. Słowa kluczowe: Pairwise comparisons, Inconsistency, Approximate reasoning, Group theory Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie W.W. Koczkodaj, F. Liu, V.W. Marek, J. Mazurek, M. Mazurek, L. Mikhailov, C. Özel, W. Pedrycz, A. Przelaskowski, A. Schumann, R. Smarzewski, D. Strzałka, J. Szybowski, Y. Yayli: On the use of group theory to generalize elements of pairwise comparisons matrix: a cautionary note, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,2020, RIS:TY - JOURT1 - On the use of group theory to generalize elements of pairwise comparisons matrix: a cautionary noteAU - Koczkodaj, W.W.AU - Liu, F.AU - Marek, V.W.AU - Mazurek, J.AU - Mazurek, M.AU - Mikhailov, L.AU - Özel, C.AU - Pedrycz, W.AU - Przelaskowski, A.AU - Schumann, A.AU - Smarzewski, R.AU - Strzałka, D.AU - Szybowski, J.AU - Yayli, Y.JO - International Journal of Approximate ReasoningPY - 2020DA - 2020/06/12/SN - 0888-613XDO -"> - Pairwise comparisonsKW - InconsistencyKW - Approximate reasoningKW - Group theory BibTeX @article{article,title = On the use of group theory to generalize elements of pairwise comparisons matrix: a cautionary note,journal = International Journal of Approximate Reasoning,year = 2020,issn = 0888-613X,doi =,">,author = W.W. Koczkodaj and F. Liu and V.W. Marek and J. Mazurek and M. Mazurek and L. Mikhailov and C. Ozel and W. Pedrycz and A. Przelaskowski and A. Schumann and R. Smarzewski and D. Strzałka and J. Szybowski and Y. Yayli} Link |
2020 | W.W. Koczkodaj, M.A. Mansournia, W. Pedrycz, A. Wolny-Dominiak, P.F. Zabrodskii, D. Strzałka, T. Armstrong, A.H. Zolfaghari, M. Dębski, J. Mazurek | 1,000,000 cases of COVID-19 outside of China: The date predicted by a simple heuristic | Global Epidemiology | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt We forecast 1,000,000 COVID-19 cases outside of China by March 31st, 2020 based on a heuristic and WHO situation reports. We do not model the COVID-19 pandemic; we model only the number of cases. The proposed heuristic is based on a simple observation that the plot of the given data is well approximated by an exponential curve. The exponential curve is used for forecasting the growth of new cases. It has been tested for the last situation report of the last day. Its accuracy has been 1.29% for the last day added and predicted by the 57 previous WHO situation reports (the date 18 March 2020). Prediction, forecast, pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, exponential growth curve parameter, heuristic, epidemiology, extrapolation, abductive reasoning, WHO situation report Słowa kluczowe: Prediction, forecast, pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, exponential growth curve parameter, heuristic, epidemiology, extrapolation, abductive reasoning, WHO situation report. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie W.W. Koczkodaj, M.A. Mansournia, W. Pedrycz, A. Wolny-Dominiak, P.F. Zabrodskii, D. Strzałka, T. Armstrong, A.H. Zolfaghari, M. Dębski, J. Mazurek: 1,000,000 cases of COVID-19 outside of China: The date predicted by a simple heuristic, Global Epidemiology, Vol. 2, 100023, 2020 RIS: TY - JOURT1 - 1,000,000 cases of COVID-19 outside of China: The date predicted by a simple heuristicAU - Koczkodaj, W.W.AU - Mansournia, M.A.AU - Pedrycz, W.AU - Wolny-Dominiak, A.AU - Zabrodskii, P.F.AU - Strzałka, D.AU - Armstrong, T.AU - Zolfaghari, A.H.AU - Dębski, M.AU - Mazurek, J.JO - Global EpidemiologyVL - 2SP - 100023PY - 2020DA - 2020/11/01/SN - 2590-1133DO - BibTeX @article{article,author = {Koczkodaj, W.W. and Mansournia, M.A. and Pedrycz, W. and Wolny-Dominiak, Alicja and Zabrodskii, P.F. and Strza\{l}ka, Dominik and Armstrong, T. and Zolfaghari, A.H. and Debski, M. and Mazurek, J.},title = 1,000,000 cases of COVID-19 outside of China: The date predicted by a simple heuristic,journal = Global Epidemiology,volume = 2,pages = 100023,year = 2020,issn = 2590-1133,doi =} Link |
2020 | J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal | A New Step-by-Step (SBS) Algorithm for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise Comparisons | IEEE Access | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Pairwise comparisons constitute a popular and important tool for multiple-criteria decision making. Consistency is one particular aspect of pairwise comparisons that has been studied thoroughly in recent decades since human judgements are seldom fully consistent. The aim of this paper is to propose a new simple and intuitive iterative Step-by-Step (SBS) algorithm for inconsistency reduction of a (multiplicative) pairwise comparison matrix based on step-by-step changes of the most inconsistent matrix element, where the inconsistency is measured by a modified Koczkodaj’s inconsistency index. A comparison of the proposed SBS algorithm with other algorithms for inconsistency reduction is provided as well. Słowa kluczowe: Algorithm, consistency, inconsistency reduction, pairwise comparisons Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka and B. Kowal, "A New Step-by-Step (SBS) Algorithm for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise Comparisons," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 135821-135828, 2020, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3011551 RIS: TY - JOURTI - A New Step-by-Step (SBS) Algorithm for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise ComparisonsT2 - IEEE AccessSP - 135821EP - 135828AU - J. MazurekAU - R. PerzinaAU - D. StrzałkaAU - B. KowalPY - 2020JO - IEEE AccessIS - SN - 2169-3536VO - 8VL - 8JA - IEEE AccessY1 - 2020DO - 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3011551 BibTeX @ARTICLE{9146524, author={J. {Mazurek} and R. {Perzina} and D. {Strzałka} and B. {Kowal}}, journal={IEEE Access}, title={A New Step-by-Step (SBS) Algorithm for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise Comparisons}, year={2020}, volume={8}, number={}, pages={135821-135828},} Link |
2020 | P. Dymora, M. Mazurek | An Innovative Approach to Anomaly Detection in Communication Networks Using Multifractal Analysis | Applied Sciences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Fractal and multifractal analysis can help to discover the structure of the communication system, and in particular the pattern and characteristics of traffic, in order to understand the threats better and detect anomalies in network operation. The massive increase in the amount of data transmitted by different devices makes these systems the target of various types of attacks by cybercriminals. This article presents the use of fractal analysis in detecting threats and anomalies. The issues related to the construction and functioning of the Security Operations Centre (SOC) are presented. To examine the correctness of SOC, several attacks on virtual systems located in the network were carried out, such as Denial of Service (DoS) attack, brute force, malware infections, exploits. Based on data collected from monitoring and devices, the response to the event was analyzed, and multifractal spectra of network traffic before and during the incident were created. The collected information allows us to verify the theses and confirm the effectiveness of multifractal methods in detecting anomalies in the operation of any Information and Communication Technology (ICT) network. Such solutions will contribute to the development of advanced intrusion detection systems (IDS). Słowa kluczowe: anomaly detection; computer network traffic; Hurst exponent; multifractal spectrums; TCP/IP; IoT; communication security; Industry 4.0; Security Operation Center (SOC) Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, An Innovative Approach to Anomaly Detection in Communication Networks Using Multifractal Analysis, Appl. Sci. 2020, 109(9), 3277; Link |
2020 | P. Dymora, M. Mazurek | Performance Assessment of Selected Techniques and Methods Detecting Duplicates in Data Warehouses, Theory and Applications of Dependable Computer Systems | Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt A significant and current research problem, as well as a practical one, is the problem of deduplication in databases. The solution of this problem is applicable, e.g., in the context of the following situations in which are stored apparently different records, which actually refer to the same entity (objects, individuals, etc.) in the real world. In such cases, the purpose is to identify and reconcile such records or to eliminate duplication. The paper describes algorithms for finding duplicates and implements them in the developed data warehouse. Efficiency and effectiveness tests were also carried out for sample data contained in individual tables of the warehouse. The work aims to analyze the existing methodologies for detecting similarities and duplicates in data warehouses, to implement algorithms physically, and to test their effectiveness and efficiency. A large scale of data created by IoT devices leads to the consumption of communication bandwidth and disk space because the data is highly redundant. Therefore, correct deduplication of information is necessary to eliminate redundant data. Słowa kluczowe: Deduplication, Duplicate data detection, IoT, Industry 4.0, Oracle warehouse builder, Match Merge, Jaro Winkler, Levenshtein distance, SoundEx, Double Metaphone Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, Performance Assessment of Selected Techniques and Methods Detecting Duplicates in Data Warehouses, Theory and Applications of Dependable Computer Systems. DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 1173. Springer, Cham, 2020, Link |
2020 | A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, P. Sowa, T. Pisz, M. Oleksy, Ł. Przeszłowski | Remote Design and Manufacture through the Example of a Ventilator | Applied Sciences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this paper, the authors present a completely new approach to the remote prototyping process, taking into account the distributed nature of design and manufacturing resources. A new model is suggested, taking into account the conditions of the Industry 4.0 concept, along with a component of remote implementation and coordination of operations. On the basis of this model, the architecture of the target system is developed, which is further built and implemented in the actual productive environment. The system’s functionality additionally enables the implementation of the design and production process in critical conditions resulting from natural disasters or epidemic states. The practical application of the developed solutions is presented on the design of a ventilator, which is dedicated to help in the fight against epidemic states, e.g., coronavirus. Słowa kluczowe: industry 4.0; rapid prototyping; 3D printing; computer systems; computer networks; cloud computing; Ventilators Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, P. Sowa, T. Pisz, M. Oleksy, Ł. Przeszłowski: Remote Design and Manufacture through the Example of a Ventilator, Applied Sciences, 10(12), 4235; 2020, Link |
2020 | M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, A. Kraska | Integration of the elements of a distributed IT system with a computer network core using island topology | Enterprise Information Systems | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper proposes anew architecture for wide area networks. The architecture is based on the concept of independent islands connected via adynamically reconfigured core. Reconfiguration can take place at the level of the physical layer and data link layer, which forces the reconfiguration of other network protocols. During normal network operation, the currently available alternative connections are permanently analysed and an optimal core structure is developed. To evaluate the next variants of the core topology, amulticriteria evaluation of various technical, economic, and operational parameters is applied. Słowa kluczowe: Computer network, network topology, industry 4.0, active network management, topology reconfiguration Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, A. Kraska: Integration of the elements of a distributed IT system with a computer network core using island topology. Enterprise Information Systems, 2020, Link |
2020 | G. Budzik, P. Turek, J. Józwik, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, D. Żelechowski, J. Woźniak | Analysis of Wear of the Polymer Mold in the Production of Wax Casting Models of Aircraft Engine Blades | 2020 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace) | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The purpose of the following article was to conduct an analysis of the surface topography illustrating the wear of the mold socket made via the additive technique as part of the production process of wax molding patterns of blades. The form has been made of RGD720 material via the application of the PolyJet printing method. Subsequently, a measurement has been taken via a contact method and the surface topography of the socket has been measured before and after completing 30 blade castings with the application of the TalyScan 150 3D profilometer. The Sa and Sz parameters have been generated via the application of the MautainsMap software. Based on the obtained results, one may conclude that a form made with the PolyJet method may, in the future, become an alternative to injection molds made of aluminum alloy in the process of the production of short blade casting series. Słowa kluczowe: polymer mold, wax blade model, 3D printing, surface topography, measurement sensor Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie G. Budzik, P. Turek, J. Józwik, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, D. Żelechowski, J. Woźniak: Analysis of Wear of the Polymer Mold in the Production of Wax Casting Models of Aircraft Engine Blades. 2020 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace), Pisa, Italy, pp. 265-269, 2020, Link |
2020 | A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Oleksy | Process of Creating an Integrated Design and Manufacturing Environment as Part of the Structure of Industry 4.0 | Processes | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper presents the process for creating an integrated design and manufacturing environment supporting 3D printing as part of the structure of Industry 4.0. This process is based on a developed framework for the design of modern automated and computerized infrastructure. The task of the described system is to combine all the steps included in the operating range of incremental systems based on an IT platform by integrating data from individual areas, such as IT systems supporting remote 3D printing. The proposed framework for incremental processes is a universal solution that can be defined in detail by a single organizational unit running 3D printing, as well as by a cluster of entities related to 3D printing. In the initial phase, the framework design includes a set of guidelines for IT (Information Technology) systems that facilitate the construction of individual elements and the creation of communication interfaces. In subsequent stages, the framework may already implement elements of the access and communication program interface, as well as guidelines for the industrial components to be included. The proposed framework for additive technologies is based on modern IT tools that enable the creation of geographically and functionally possible prototyping systems that can be integrated into the structure of Industry 4.0. To create optimal processes and economic systems, the principles of the construction and integration of individual services and equipment were developed. This new comprehensive approach is proposed in the present paper as a coherent framework. Moreover, the proposed solution has great potential for use in the design and production processes of various industries, such as chemicals, materials and construction. Słowa kluczowe: manufacturing process; additive manufacturing; IoT; computer systems and networks; 3D printing Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Oleksy: Process of Creating an Integrated Design and Manufacturing Environment as Part of the Structure of Industry 4.0, Processes, 8(9), 1019, 2020, Link |
2020 | G. Duncan, P. Dymora, W. W. Koczkodaj, B. Kowal, M. Mazurek and D. Strzałka | Open Government issues and opportunity: a case study based on a medium-sized city in Poland | IEEE Xplore, 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4) | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Smart Cities are gaining more and more prominence in the context of connecting residents with services (e.g., e-voting, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, food distribution, community budget, etc.) thanks to the development and deployment of intelligent urban infrastructure. Such services are also part of the concept of open data, which can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of services offered in a smart city's support systems, and thus can contribute to economic growth. We propose a conceptual model related to the European Smart City Model project, which is based on the combination of seven ‘smart’ categories: business, mobility, environment, governance, living, people and consciousness, selfesteem and independent civic activity in the Open Data System of the real systems e-services data flow as a case study of a medium-sized city in Poland. We present the Rzeszów city as an example of such a Smart City as a central city of Aviation Valley. Through the Open Government Data initiative, the Rzeszów city was dedicated to enhanced clarity, involvement, and partnership with the community, enterprises and research communities. Słowa kluczowe: open data, open government, knowledge management, data mining, smart city, data privacy, Internet of Everything, ePUAP, National Interoperability Framework Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie G. Duncan, P. Dymora, W. W. Koczkodaj, B. Kowal, M. Mazurek and D. Strzałka, "Open Government issues and opportunity: a case study based on a medium-sized city in Poland," 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4), London, United Kingdom, 2020, pp. 563-568, doi: 10.1109/WorldS450073.2020.9210264. RIS: TY - CONFTI - Open Government issues and opportunity: a case study based on a medium-sized city in Poland T2 - 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4) SP - 563 EP - 568 AU - G. Duncan AU - P. Dymora AU - W. W. Koczkodaj AU - B. Kowal AU - M. Mazurek AU - D. Strzałka PY - 2020 JO - 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4) IS - SN - VO - VL - JA - 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4)Y1 - 27-28 July 2020 ER - @INPROCEEDINGS{9210264, author={G. {Duncan} and P. {Dymora} and W. W. {Koczkodaj} and B. {Kowal} and M. {Mazurek} and D. {Strzałka}}, booktitle={2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4)}, title={Open Government issues and opportunity: a case study based on a medium-sized city in Poland}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={563-568},} Link |
2020 | P. Dymora, A. Paszkiewicz | Performance Analysis of Selected Programming Languages in the Context of Supporting Decision-Making Processes for Industry 4.0 | Applied Sciences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This study analyzes the possibility of using Go (Golang) in the context of Java and Python in decision-making processes, with particular emphasis on their use in industry-specific solutions for Industry 4.0. The authors intentionally compared Go with Java and Python, which have been widely used for many years for data analysis in many areas. The research work was based on decision trees data mining algorithms, and especially on classification trees, in which the measure of entropy as a heuristics to choose an attribute was taken into account. The tests were carried out on various parameters describing calculation time, RAM usage, and CPU usage. The source data, which were the basis for the computing of the decision tree algorithm implemented using these three languages, were obtained from a commercial remote prototyping system and were related to the target customers’ choice of methods and means of the full design-creation process. Słowa kluczowe: go programming language; Industry 4.0; rapid prototyping; decision support; data mining; decision tree; entropy; information gain Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora, P.; Paszkiewicz, A. Performance Analysis of Selected Programming Languages in the Context of Supporting Decision-Making Processes for Industry 4.0. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8521. Link |
2020 | A. Paszkiewicz, J. Węgrzyn | Responsiveness of the Sensor Network to Alarm Events Based on the Potts Model | Sensors | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper aims to present modelling the sensor network operation based on the Potts model. The authors presented own approach based on three states in which each node can be. The change in the state of a given node depends on its current state, the impact of surrounding nodes on it, but also values of the parameters measured. Therefore, the Hamiltonian was introduced as a dependence of both exceeding the limit value of a measured parameter (corresponding to an alarm event), and the state of the battery powering a given node of a sensor. The simulations of the implemented algorithm based on the adopted model presented in the paper relate to the measurement of temperature by a network of sensors. However, this model is universal and can be applied to examine the behaviour of the sensor infrastructure performing various measurements. Moreover, it may simulate the functioning of the critical network infrastructure or sensor networks and industrial sensors supporting the functioning of Industry 4.0. Słowa kluczowe: Potts model; Ising model; sensor networks; complex systems; Industry 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz, A.; Węgrzyn, J. Responsiveness of the Sensor Network to Alarm Events Based on the Potts Model. Sensors 2020, 20, 6979. Link |
2020 | P. Turek, G. Budzik, J. Sęp, M. Oleksy, J. Józwik, Ł. Przeszłowski, A. Paszkiewicz, Ł. Kochmański, D. Żelechowski | An Analysis of the Casting Polymer Mold Wear Manufactured Using PolyJet Method Based on the Measurement of the Surface Topography | Polymers | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt An important factor having an impact on the condition of machine parts is their surface topography. For instance, in the production of a molded element in casting or injection molding processes, the surface topography of the molding cavity has a significant impact on the surface condition of the product. An analysis of the wear of a mold made with the PolyJet technique was performed in this work, and we examined the surface topography using the stylus method after casting a wax model of the turbine blade. The surface topographies showed a gradual degradation of the mold cavity surface. After the manufacture of 40 castings, there was a significant deformation of the microstructure of the mold cavity. The maximum height value (Sz) parameter had the most dynamic change from 18.980 to 27.920 μm. Its growth dynamics are mainly influenced by maximum peak height (Sp) rather than the maximum pit height (Sv) parameter. In the case of the root mean square height (Sq) and arithmetic mean height (Sa), their gradual increases can be seen from 2.578 to 3.599 μm and from 2.038 to 2.746 μm. In the case of the value of the skewness (Ssk) parameter, a small positive skew was observed. As for the kurtosis (Sku) values, the distributions are clearly leptokurtic. Słowa kluczowe: Potts model; Ising model; sensor networks; complex systems; Industry 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Turek, P.; Budzik, G.; Sęp, J.; Oleksy, M.; Józwik, J.; Przeszłowski, Ł.; Paszkiewicz, A.; Kochmański, Ł.; Żelechowski, D. An Analysis of the Casting Polymer Mold Wear Manufactured Using PolyJet Method Based on the Measurement of the Surface Topography. Polymers 2020, 12, 3029 Link |
2020 | P. Dymora, M. Mazurek | Influence of Model and Traffic Pattern on Determining the Self-Similarity in IP Networks. | Applied Sciences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This study aimed to determine the applicability of using selected libraries of computing environment R to establish the coefficient of self-similarity. R environment is an analytical environment with rich functionality that is used in many research and practical works concerning data analysis and knowledge discovery. Such an issue is significant in the context of contemporary wide area computer networks and the emerging type of network infrastructure IoT. This originates directly from the new nature of IoT traffic, which also has a substantial impact on Industry 4.0. It provides built-in operations facilitating data processing. The Hurst coefficient is used to evaluate traffic behavior and analyze its character. The study analyzed two cases of IoT network traffic: high and low intensity. For different sizes of time windows, we dermined the statistical Hurst exponent and compared it with standard, smoothed, and Robinson methods. The accuracy of the methods used was evaluated. Spectral regression graphs were additionally generated for selected motion variants. The obtained results were verified by Higuchi and Aggvar methods. Słowa kluczowe: IP networks; TCP/IP; Hurst; anomaly detection; R language; self-similarity; spectral regression; IoT; Industry 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M. Influence of Model and Traffic Pattern on Determining the Self-Similarity in IP Networks. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 190. Link |
2019 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Kowal B. | Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji w środowisku Unity 3D | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z etapami tworzenia aplikacji i gier z prze-znaczeniem do wykorzystania w edukacji w oparciu o silnik gier Unity. Skupiono się na możliwościach, jakie daje ten silnik, opisano proces tworzenia prostych gier oraz wykorzystania technologii VR. Zagadnienia te mogą mieć szerokie zastosowanie w procesie dydaktyki przedmiotów informatycznych, szkoleniach itp. W szczególności tematyka odpowiada aktualnym wyzwaniom jak np. Przemysł 4.0. Słowa kluczowe: Unity, Unreal, silnik gier, grafika generowana komputerowo, Przemysł 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Kowal B., Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji w środowisku Unity 3D, Edukacja – Technika – Informatyka, No 1/27/2019, 2019 pp. 185-193, DOI: 10.15584/eti.2019.1.24 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Paweł AU - Mazurek, Mirosław AU - Kowal, Bartosz PY - 2019/01/01 SP - 185 EP - 193 T1 - Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji w środowisku Unity 3D VL - 27 DO - 10.15584/eti.2019.1.24 ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Kowal, Bartosz}, year = {2019}, month = {01}, pages = {185-193}, title = {Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji w srodowisku Unity 3D}, volume = {27}, doi = {10.15584/eti.2019.1.24} } Link |
2019 | Koczkodaj W., Mazurek M., Strzałka D., Wolny-Dolniak A., Woodbury-Smith M. | Electronic health record breaches as social indicators | Social Indicators Research | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This study presents compelling social indicators of such magnitude that they cannot be ignored. The statistical evidence shows that data breaches of electronic health records have taken place at an unprecedented scale. Currently, the number of individuals affected, as regulations of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act refers to us, has surpassed the half of the US population (some data is breached several times lowering the number of victims but increasing the possibility of being sold quickly). The data breaches are recorded and posted by Department of Health and Human Services. Słowa kluczowe: Security breach, Office for Civil Rights, Departament of Health and Human Services Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Koczkodaj W., Mazurek M., Strzałka D., Wolny-Dolniak A., Woodbury-Smith M. Electronic health record breaches as social indicators. Social Indicators Research, 2019, vol. 141 (2), pp. 861-871 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Koczkodaj Waldemar AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Wolny-Dominiak, Alicja AU - Woodbury-Smith, Marc PY - 2019/01/01 SP - 861 EP - 871 T1 - Electronic Health Record Breaches as Social Indicators VL - 141 DO - 10.1007/s11205-018-1837-z JO - Social Indicators Research ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Koczkodaj, Waldemar and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Strzałka, Dominik and Wolny-Dominiak, Alicja and Woodbury-Smith, Marc}, year = {2019}, month = {01}, pages = {861-871}, title = {Electronic Health Record Breaches as Social Indicators}, volume = {141}, journal = {Social Indicators Research}, doi = {10.1007/s11205-018-1837-z} } Link |
2019 | Borkowski M., Kuras R. | Application of conformal mappings and the numerical analysis of conditioning of the matrices in Trefftz method for some boundary value problems | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Provided that the boundary value problem can be equivalently solved in conformally transformed domain, one can consider its mapping into unit disk domain. The problem can be solved for the new geometry and the solution can be retransformed back to the original problem domain. The paper presents this approach in order to validate whether it can be applied for improving ill-conditioning of the matrices and solutions obtained in indirect Trefftz methods. Słowa kluczowe: Trefftz methods, Conformal mapping, 2D potential problem, Ill-conditioning Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Borkowski M., Kuras R. Application of conformal mappings and the numerical analysis of conditioning of the matrices in Trefftz method for some boundary value problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2018, vol. 98, pp. 1-7 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Borkowski, M. AU - Kuras, Romuald PY - 2019/01/01 SP - 1 EP - 7 T1 - Application of conformal mappings and the numerical analysis of conditioning of the matrices in Trefftz method for some boundary value problems VL - 98 DO - 10.1016/j.enganabound.2018.09.010 JO - Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Borkowski, Mariusz and Kuras, Romuald}, year = {2019}, month = {01}, pages = {1-7}, title = {Application of conformal mappings and the numerical analysis of conditioning of the matrices in Trefftz method for some boundary value problems}, volume = {98}, journal = {Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements}, doi = {10.1016/j.enganabound.2018.09.010} } Link |
2019 | Strzałka D., Mazurek M., Zabrodskii P., Masiak J., Koczkodaj W. | Massive health record breaches evidenced by the office for civil rights data | Iranian Journal of Public Health | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Using data collected by the Office for Civil Rights, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), over half of the population in the USA might have been affected by security breaches since Oct 2009. This study provided analysis of the data, presenting the numbers of individuals affected in one breach and the number of breaches. Słowa kluczowe: Health, Civil rights, Health data breaches Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D., Mazurek M., Zabrodskii P., Masiak J., Koczkodaj W. Massive health record breaches evidenced by the office for civil rights data. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2019, vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 278-288 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Koczkodaj, Waldemar AU - Jolanta, Masiak AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Zabrodskii, P.F. PY - 2019/02/01 SP - 278 EP - 288 T1 - Massive Health Record Breaches Evidenced by the Office for Civil Rights Data VL - 48 DO - 10.18502/ijph.v48i2.826 JO - Iranian Journal of Public Health ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Koczkodaj, Waldemar and Jolanta, Masiak and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Strzałka, Dominik and Zabrodskii, P.F.}, year = {2019}, month = {02}, pages = {278-288}, title = {Massive Health Record Breaches Evidenced by the Office for Civil Rights Data}, volume = {48}, journal = {Iranian Journal of Public Health}, doi = {10.18502/ijph.v48i2.826} } Link |
2019 | Borkowski M., Moldovan I.M. | On rank-deficiency in direct Trefftz method for 2D Laplace problems | Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The application of the direct Trefftz method to the solution of Laplace equation defined on a 2D domain is frequently hindered by the numerical instability of the solving system, which may become ill-conditioned or even rank-deficient. Ill-conditioning is typically caused by a lack of domain scaling or by the oscillatory nature of the functions included in the weighting basis. Conversely, rank-deficiency may occur even for scaled domains and for low-order weighting bases. Its causes are related to the regularity properties of the weighting functions and to a lack of completeness of the weighting basis. The objective of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of the mathematical grounds of rank-deficiency, and of its sensitivity to the definition of the referential and the (over-)determination of the basis. It shows that, while frequent, rank-deficiency can be avoided by slightly skewing the referential and by meshing the boundary such as to ensure that the basis is complete. Słowa kluczowe: Direct Trefftz method, Rank-deficiency, 2D potential problem Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Borkowski M, Moldovan I.M., On rank-deficiency in direct Trefftz method for 2D Laplace problems. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements. 2019, vol. 106, pp. 102-115 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Borkowski, Mariusz AU - Moldovan, Ionut PY - 2019/09/01 SP - 102 EP - 115 T1 - On rank-deficiency in direct Trefftz method for 2D Laplace problems VL - 106 DO - 10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.05.003 JO - Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements ER - BibTeX: @article{article, author = {Borkowski, Mariusz and Moldovan, Ionut}, year = {2019}, month = {09}, pages = {102-115}, title = {On rank-deficiency in direct Trefftz method for 2D Laplace problems}, volume = {106}, journal = {Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements}, doi = {10.1016/j.enganabound.2019.05.003} } Link |
2019 | Koczkodaj W., Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. | Consistency-Driven Pairwise Comparisons Approach to Software Product Management and Quality Measurement | DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2018: Contemporary Complex Systems and Their Dependability | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this study, the software product quality measurement, based on the consistency-drive pairwise comparisons (PC) is proposed as a new way of approaching this complicated problem. The assessment of software quality (SQ) is a complex process. It is usually done by experts who use their knowledge and experience. Their subjective assessments certainly involve inaccuracy (which is difficult to control) and consistency of assessments (which can be measured and may influence accuracy). The inconsistency analysis, which is proposed in this approach, is used to improve assessments. Weights, reflecting the relative importance of the attributes, are computed as opposed to the commonly practiced arbitrary assignment. The PC method allows to define a consistency measure and use it as a validation technique. A consistency-driven knowledge acquisition, supported by a properly designed software, contributes to the improvement of quality of knowledge-based systems. Słowa kluczowe: Software quality, Pairwise comparison, Complex system, Concluder Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Koczkodaj W., Dymora P., Mazurek M.. Strzałka D., Consistency-Driven Pairwise Comparisons Approach to Software Product Management and Quality Measurement, DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2018: Contemporary Complex Systems and Their Dependability, pp 292-305, 2019 RIS: TY - CONF AU - Koczkodaj, Waldemar W. AU - Dymora, Paweł AU - Mazurek, Mirosław AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2019 DA - 2019// TI - Consistency-Driven Pairwise Comparisons Approach to Software Product Management and Quality Measurement BT - Contemporary Complex Systems and Their Dependability SP - 292 EP - 305 PB - Springer International Publishing SN - 978-3-319-91446-6 ID - 10.1007/978-3-319-91446-6_28 ER - BibTeX: @InProceedings{10.1007/978-3-319-91446-6_28, author="Koczkodaj, Waldemar W. and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Strzałka, Dominik", title="Consistency-Driven Pairwise Comparisons Approach to Software Product Management and Quality Measurement", booktitle="Contemporary Complex Systems and Their Dependability", year="2019", publisher="Springer International Publishing", pages="292--305", isbn="978-3-319-91446-6" } Link |
2019 | Dymora P., Koryl M., Mazurek M. | Process Discovery in Business Process Management Optimization | Information | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Appropriate business processes management (BPM) within an organization can help attain organizational goals. It is particularly important to effectively manage the lifecycle of these processes for organizational effectiveness in improving ever-growing performance and competitivity-building across the company. This paper presents a process discovery and how we can use it in a broader framework supporting self-organization in BPM. Process discovery is intrinsically associated with the process lifecycle. We have made a pre-evaluation of the usefulness of our facts using a generated log file. We also compared visualizations of the outcomes of our approach with different cases and showed performance characteristics of the cash loan sales process. Słowa kluczowe: business processes management (BPM), process discovery, BPMN, CMMN, process-aware information system, business process redesign (BPR) Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora, P., Koryl, M., Mazurek, M. Process Discovery in Business Process Management Optimization. Information 2019, 10, 270. RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Paweł AU - Koryl, Maciej AU - Mazurek, Mirosław PY - 2019 DA - 2019// TI - Process Discovery in Business Process Management Optimization BT - Information SP - 1 EP - 16 VL - 10 DO - 10.3390/info10090270 ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Koryl, Maciej and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2019}, pages = {1-16}, title = {Process Discovery in Business Process Management Optimization}, volume = {10}, journal = {Information}, doi = {10.3390/info10090270} } Link |
2019 | Dymora P., Niemiec K. | Gamification as a Supportive Tool for School Children with Dyslexia | Informatics | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Gamification, in its nature, combines not only games but also the whole psychological environment. Thanks to this, a properly prepared implementation of gameplaying can encourage people to compete with others and achieve the set tasks and goals. A person feels fulfilled that through his actions has performed a mission or reached a new level. It stimulates them to continue their activity and self-improvement to be better and beat their records. Its advantage is also that it does not have to be limited to one technology or method—it can be realized both through a simple scenario and a corkboard with results, it can also be embedded, e.g., in a virtual or augmented reality. This article focuses on the gamification of dyslexia, a common disorder of developmental disorders among pupils. It affects about 10%–15% of school-age children. The research narrowed the field of the study to one of the aspects of developmental dyslexia—dysorthography and making spelling mistakes by people affected by this disorder. This work aims to present an original application which is using gamification as a supportive tool for the learning of school children with diagnosed dyslexia. The conducted study was based on the implementation of original algorithms and scenarios of gamification on mobile devices, especially smartphones. School children are following a gamification approach for a specified period. As a conclusion, it can be stated that the proposed framework and gamification can help in the learning of people with dyslexia. Słowa kluczowe: gamification in learning, playful experiences, smartphone applications, immersive learning, dyslexia Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora, P., Niemiec, K. Gamification as a Supportive Tool for School Children with Dyslexia. Informatics 2019, 6, 48. RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Paweł AU - Niemiec, Karol PY - 2019 DA - 2019// TI - Gamification as a Supportive Tool for School Children with Dyslexia BT - Informatics SP - 1 EP - 24VL - 6 DO - 10.3390/informatics6040048 ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Niemiec, Karol}, year = {2019}, pages = {1-24}, title = {Gamification as a Supportive Tool for School Children with Dyslexia}, volume = {6}, journal = {Informatics}, doi = {10.3390/informatics6040048} } Link |
2019 | Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Anomaly Detection in IoT Communication Network Based on Spectral Analysis and Hurst Exponent | Applied Sciences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Internet traffic monitoring is a crucial task for the security and reliability of communication networks and Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure. This description of the traffic statistics is used to detect traffic anomalies. Nowadays, intruders and cybercriminals use different techniques to bypass existing intrusion detection systems based on signature detection and anomalies. In order to more effectively detect new attacks, a model of anomaly detection using the Hurst exponent vector and the multifractal spectrum is proposed. It is shown that a multifractal analysis shows a sensitivity to any deviation of network traffic properties resulting from anomalies. Proposed traffic analysis methods can be ideal for protecting critical data and maintaining the continuity of internet services, including the IoT. Słowa kluczowe: IoT, anomaly detection, Hurst exponent, multifractal spectrums, TCP/IP, computer network traffic, communication security, Industry 4.0 Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P, Mazurek M. Anomaly Detection in IoT Communication Network Based on Spectral Analysis and Hurst Exponent. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(24):5319 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Paweł AU - Mazurek, Mirosław PY - 2019 DA - 2019// TI - Anomaly Detection in IoT Communication Network Based on Spectral Analysis and Hurst Exponent BT - Applied Sciences SP - 1 EP - 20 VL - 9 DO - 10.3390/app9245319 ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2019}, pages = {1-20}, title = {Anomaly Detection in IoT Communication Network Based on Spectral Analysis and Hurst Exponent}, volume = {9}, journal = {Applied Sciences}, doi = {10.3390/app9245319} } Link |
2019 | Mazur D., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M., Budzik G., Oleksy M. | Analysis of possible SDN use in the rapid prototyping process as part of the Industry 4.0 | Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article refers to the idea of using the software defined network (SDN) as an effective hardware and software platform enabling the creation and dynamic management of distributed ICT infrastructure supporting the rapid prototyping process. The authors proposed a new layered reference model remote distributed rapid prototyping that allows the development of heterogeneous, open systems of rapid prototyping in a distributed environment. Next, the implementation of this model was presented in which the functioning of the bottom layers of the model is based on the SDN architecture. Laboratory tests were carried out for this implementation which allowed to verify the proposed model in the real environment, as well as determine its potential and possibilities for further development. Thus, the approach described in the paper may contribute to the development and improvement of the efficiency of rapid prototyping processes which individual components are located in remote industrial, research and development units. Thanks to this, it will be possible to better integrate production processes as well as optimize the costs associated with prototyping. The proposed solution is also a response in this regard to the needs of industry 4.0 in the area of creating scalable, controllable and reliable platforms. Słowa kluczowe: rapid prototyping, software-defined networking, industry 4.0, computer networks. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie D. Mazur, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski , G.Budzik, M. Oleksy: Analysis of possible SDN use in the rapid prototyping processas part of the Industry 4.0 . Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences, 2019, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 21-30, DOI: 10.24425/bpas.2019.127334 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Mazur, DamianAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Budzik, GrzegorzAU - Oleksy, MariuszPY - 2019DA - 2019//TI - Analysis of possible SDN use in the rapid prototyping process as part of the Industry 4.0BT - Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical SciencesSP - 21EP - 30VL - 67DO - 10.24425/bpas.2019.127334ER - Link |
2019 | Oleksy M., Budzik G., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Cz. II. Uwarunkowania w obszarze technologii wytwarzania i architektury systemu informatycznego w przetwórstwie tworzyw polimerowych | Polimery | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article is the second part of the paper [1], which describes the possibilities of applying the Industry 4.0 concept in production processes related to the processing of polymer materials. In this part, the structure of the information system architecture has been analyzed, which can be used in the plastics processing. An architecture dedicated to complex industrial production systems based on the spiral life cycle of the product implemented in the Industry 4.0 structure has been proposed. The presented model is flexible, hence it is possible to use it both to create a completely new infrastructure, as well as to modernize and extend the existing infrastructure of the processing industry. Słowa kluczowe: Industry 4.0, processing of polymer materials, integrated IT systems. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie M. Oleksy, G. Budzik, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz: Przemysł 4.0. Cz. II. Uwarunkowania w obszarze technologii wytwarzania i architektury systemu informatycznego w przetwórstwie tworzyw polimerowych, Polimery, Vol. 64, nr 5, pp. 32-36, 2019, DOI: RIS:TY - JOURAU - Oleksy, MariuszAU - Budzik, GrzegorzAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Bolanowski, MarekPY - 2019DA - 2019//TI - Cz. II. Uwarunkowania w obszarze technologii wytwarzania i architektury systemu informatycznego w przetwórstwie tworzyw polimerowychBT - PolimerySP - 348EP - 352VL - 64DO - 10.14314/polimery.2019.5.5ER - Link |
2019 | Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. | Software for Integration of Manufacturing Resources in the Hybrid Cloud Model for Industry 4.0 | Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In the paper, the authors presented a new model of software development for the implementation of a service supporting the design and manufacturing process intended mainly for Industry 4.0. This model is based on distributed resources which integration and control occurs using centralized components. This approach has enabled the development of a hybrid cloud model that combines the advantages of centralized and distributed processing. Thanks to this, there is easy access to individual tools and devices used in the design and manufacturing process, which collection in one place is very limited or even impossible. The developed model guarantees many benefits. Among other things, it shortens the time necessary for the implementation of design and production tasks. This is done by controlling and coordinating partial tasks as well as assigning IT and production tools necessary for their implementation. Therefore, it is possible to ensure cooperation of independent components within broadly understood IoT infrastructure. Słowa kluczowe: Industry 4.0, Cloud computing, Distributed system, Hybrid cloud, IoE, Software development Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski: Software for Integration of Manufacturing Resources in the Hybrid Cloud Model for Industry 4.0, Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering, Studies in Computational Intelligence, S. Jarząbek, A. Poniszewska-Marańda, L. Madeyski (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, vol. 851, pp. 223-236, 2020 RIS:TY - CHAPAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Bolanowski, MarekED - Jarzabek, StanED - Poniszewska-Marańda, AnetaED - Madeyski, LechPY - 2020DA - 2020//TI - Software for Integration of Manufacturing Resources in the Hybrid Cloud Model for Industry 4.0BT - Integrating Research and Practice in Software EngineeringSP - 223EP - 236PB - Springer International PublishingSN - 978-3-030-26574-8UR - - 10.1007/978-3-030-26574-8_16ER - BibTex@Inbook{Paszkiewicz2020,author="Paszkiewicz, Andrzejand Bolanowski, Marek",editor="Jarzabek, Stanand Poniszewska-Maranda, Anetaand Madeyski, Lech",title="Software for Integration of Manufacturing Resources in the Hybrid Cloud Model for Industry 4.0",bookTitle="Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering",year="2020",publisher="Springer International Publishing",pages="223--236",isbn="978-3-030-26574-8",doi="10.1007/978-3-030-26574-8_16",url=""} Link |
2019 | Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M., Zapała P. | Phase Transitions in Wireless MESH Networks and Their Application in Early Detection of Network Coherence Loss | Applied Sciences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper focuses on the phenomenon of phase transitions related to changes taking place directly in a network structure; i.e., in physical topology. Although these changes are related to the physical layer, they directly affect the functioning of higher layers, and thus the quality and efficiency of network transmission. The research presented herein was focused in particular on phase transformations in MESH type wireless topologies. The dependence between the values of radius (transmitter power) nodes and the coherence of the MESH network is presented. These considerations are important for understanding the dynamics of processes occurring in topological structures, and for optimizing the use of power sources for individual nodes. The paper also presents the use of phase transition analysis for early detection of network coherence loss at the physical layer level. A new mechanism for assessing the level of network communication and an active method of preventing its failure using the arbiter and a set of limited diagnostic information are described. The solution presented can be used both in Internet of Things (IoT) systems and Industry 4.0 to create a high level of reliability wireless connection infrastructure between mobile and fixed devices. Słowa kluczowe: wireless networks, MESH, phase transitions, transmitter power, IoT, Industry 4.0, network management, computer network Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, P. Zapała: Phase Transitions in Wireless MESH Networks and Their Application in Early Detection of Network Coherence Loss, Applied Sciences, 9(24), 5508, 2019 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Bolanowski, Marek AU - Zapała, Przemysław PY - 2019 DA - 2019// TI - Phase Transitions in Wireless MESH Networks and Their Application in Early Detection of Network Coherence Loss BT - Applied Sciences SP - 1 EP - 18 VL - 9 DO - 10.3390/app9245508 ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek and Zapała, Przemysław}, year = {2019}, pages = {1-18}, title = {Phase Transitions in Wireless MESH Networks and Their Application in Early Detection of Network Coherence Loss}, volume = {9}, journal = {Applied Sciences}, doi = {10.3390/app9245508} } Link |
2019 | Hajder P., Rauch Ł., Nycz M., Hajder M. | A Heterogeneous Parallel Processing System Based on Virtual Multi-Bus Connection Network | Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This work presents organization, architecture and synthesis as well as analysis of the reconfigurable heterogeneous parallel processing system. Reconfiguration takes place on two levels of the connection network: physical and logical. For its implementation, passive multi-channel optical networks were used. Due to its dynamic nature, the system is designed to handle computational and communication load of an explosive nature and is addressed in the first place to the production sphere of economy. The dynamically combined connection network not only prevents traffic bursts, but also based on the physical and logical circuit commutation gives the possibility of adapting to the existing traffic pattern. Although the described solution is addressed to the optical transmission environment, its effective functioning in the Ethernet networks with circuit switching and partly in wireless networks has been confirmed empirically. The theoretical foundations were verified in the design and construction of a reconfigurable super-microcomputer and the intelligent system detection of attacks addressed to industrial Internet. Słowa kluczowe: multi-bus connection, reliability network, computer network traffic Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Hajder P., Rauch Ł., Nycz M., Hajder M.: A Heterogeneous Parallel Processing System Based on Virtual Multi-Bus Connection Network, Applied Sciences, ACSIS, Vol. 19, pp. 9–17, DOI: 10.15439/2019F356 RIS:TY - CONFAU - Hajder, PiotrAU - Rauch, LukaszAU - Nycz, MariuszAU - Hajder, MiroslawPY - 2019DA - 2019//TI - A Heterogeneous Parallel Processing System Based on Virtual Multi-Bus Connection NetworkBT - Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information SystemsSP - 9EP - 17VL - 19DO - 10.15439/2019F356ER - Link |
2019 | Paszkiewicz A., Iwaniec K. | Evolutionary Approach Based on the Ising Model to Analyze Changes in the Structure of the IT Networks | International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper presents a solution based on the Ising model considering the long-term nature of changes taking place in the network infrastructure. It takes into account the individual nature of separate nodes expressed through the parameter of their susceptibility to possible changes. This parameter directly affects the conviction of a given node about the need to change the state in which it is currently to another one, dominating in its environment. Thanks to the introduced modification of the algorithm, modeled processes occurring in IT networks are more peaceful and changes have an evolutionary character. Słowa kluczowe: Ising model, Complex networks, Social networks, Computer networks, IoT, IoE, Phase transitions Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie A. Paszkiewicz, K. Iwaniec: Evolutionary Approach Based on the Ising Model to Analyze Changes in the Structure of the IT Networks, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing: Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 40th Anniversary International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology – ISAT 2019, L. Borzemski et al. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-030-30439-3, vol. 1050, pp. 48–57, 2020 Link |
2018 | Gotówko K., Kuryło K., Łakomy K., Pawłowicz B., Salach M. | Application of Unattended Installation Systems and Image Management in Research and Didactic Laboratories | Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The purpose of this article is to present image management and unattended systems in research and teaching laboratories. Both types of laboratories are specific from the point of view of IT personnel. In this work environment, unlike computers used for example in offices, frequent and advanced changes in configurations and settings are necessary. Maintaining such machines is a challenge for IT staff due to time-consuming processes and downtime in laboratories. The system proposed within the framework of this study is aimed at shortening and simplifying the service of laboratories. It help in increase of usage time of laboratories by reducing the downtimes necessary to maintain the IT infrastructure. Słowa kluczowe: Didactic laboratory, MDT, image management. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Gotówko K., Kuryło K., Łakomy K., Pawłowicz B., Salach M. Application of Unattended Installation Systems and Image Management in Research and Didactic Laboratories. Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering. 2018, No. 96, pp. 287-296 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Gotowko, KrzysztofAU - Kurylo, KazimierzAU – Lakomy, KingaAU - Pawlowicz, BartoszAU - Salach, MateuszPY - 2018/01/01VL - 96SP - 287EP - 296T1 - Application of Unattended Installation Systems and Image Management in Research and Didactic LaboratoriesDO - 10.21008/j.1897-0737.2018.96.002JO - Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals: Electrical EngineeringER - BibTeX@article{article,author = {Gotowko, Krzysztof and Kurylo, Kazimierz and Lakomy, Kinga and Pawlowicz, Bartosz and Salach, Mateusz},year = {2018},month = {01},pages = {287-296},title = {Application of Unattended Installation Systems and Image Management in Research and Didactic Laboratories},volume = {96},journal = {Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals: Electrical Engineering},doi = {10.21008/j.1897-0737.2018.96.002}} Link |
2018 | Salach M., Trybus B., Pawłowicz B., Kuryło K. | Application of RFID Technology and Cloud Computing in Car Park Management System | Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The purpose of this paper is to present the idea of using cloud computing and RFID identification system in a car park. The presented system is able to navigate a vehicle to a parking space in the shortest time and to reduce traffic jams thanks to RFID transponders built in parking spaces. The system uses a combination of autonomous and master control to navigate the vehicles. It can execute different traffic scenarios depending on the availability of park spaces and navigate each vehicle using an autonomous route. A dedicated software algorithm for the navigation was also proposed and developed. The system utilizes an external cloud-based database of RFID transponders. A prototype model of car park equipped with RFID technology was designed and built to demonstrate the presented idea. Słowa kluczowe: RFID, cloud computing, intelligent car park. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Salach M., Trybus B., Pawłowicz B., Kuryło K. Application of RFID Technology and Cloud Computing in Car Park Management System. Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering. 2018, No. 95, pp. 299-308 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Kurylo, Kazimierz AU - Pawlowicz, Bartosz AU - Salach, Mateusz AU - Trybus Bartosz PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 299 EP - 308 T1 - Application of RFID technology and cloud computing in car park management system DO - 10.21008/j.1897-0737.2018.95.0028VL - 95 JO - Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals: Electrical Engineering ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Kurylo, Kazimierz and Pawlowicz, Bartosz and Salach, Mateusz and Trybus, Bartosz}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {299-308}, title = {Application of RFID technology and cloud computing in car park management system},volume = {95} journal = {Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals: Electrical Engineering}, doi = {10.21008/j.1897-0737.2018.95.0028} } Link |
2018 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Oleksy M., Budzik G., Sanocka-Zajdel A., Oliwa R., Mazur Ł. | Industry 4.0 Part I.Selected applications in processing of polymer materials | Polimery | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Examples of applications of the Industry 4.0 concept in manufacturing operations connected with processing of polymer materials were presented. Implementation of Industry 4.0 structure aims at increasing the speed of manufacturing with simultaneous decrease in the number of defective products. Such results are enabled by the use of integrated information systems coupled with automated manufacturing and quality control processes. On the basis of literature and own experience, it was found that the processing industry requires the use of such integrated systems, and further improvement of competitiveness will be difficult to achieve without implementing the developed Industry 4.0 concepts. Słowa kluczowe: Industry 4.0, processing of polymer materials, integrated information systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Oleksy M., Budzik G., Sanocka-Zajdel A., Oliwa R., Mazur Ł. Industry 4.0 Part I.Selected applications in processing of polymer materials. Polimery. 2018, vol. 63, No. 7-8, pp. 531-535 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Oleksy, Mariusz AU - Budzik, Grzegorz AU - Sanocka-Zajdel, Agnieszka AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Bolanowski, Marek AU - Oliwa, Rafal AU - Mazur, Lukasz PY - 2018/07/01 SP - 531 EP - 535 T1 - Industry 4.0. Part I. Selected applications in processing of polymer materials VL - 63 DO - 10.14314/polimery.2018.7.7 JO - Polimery ER - BibTeX@article{article, author = {Oleksy, Mariusz and Budzik, Grzegorz and Sanocka-Zajdel, Agnieszka and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek and Oliwa, Rafal and Mazur, Lukasz}, year = {2018}, month = {07}, pages = {531-535}, title = {Industry 4.0. Part I. Selected applications in processing of polymer materials}, volume = {63}, journal = {Polimery}, doi = {10.14314/polimery.2018.7.7} } Link |
2018 | Strzałka D., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Modified stretched exponential model of computer system resources management limitations-The case of cache memory | Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this paper we present some preliminary results in the field of computer systems management with relation to Tsallis thermostatistics and the ubiquitous problem of hardware limited resources. In the case of systems with non-deterministic behaviour, management of their resources is a key point that guarantees theirs acceptable performance and proper working. This is very wide problem that stands for many challenges in financial, transport, water and food, health, etc. areas. We focus on computer systems with attention paid to cache memory and propose to use an analytical model that is able to connect non-extensive entropy formalism, long-range dependencies, management of system resources and queuing theory. Obtained analytical results are related to the practical experiment showing interesting and valuable results. Słowa kluczowe: Complex systems, Computer systems performance, Interaction, Management of system resources, Stretched exponential Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Modified stretched exponential model of computer system resources management limitations-The case of cache memory. Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2018, vol. 491, pp. 490-497 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2018/02/01 SP - 490 EP - 497 T1 - Modified stretched exponential model of computer system resources management limitations—The case of cache memory VL - 491 DO - 10.1016/j.physa.2017.09.012 JO - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2018}, month = {02}, pages = {490-497}, title = {Modified stretched exponential model of computer system resources management limitations—The case of cache memory}, volume = {491}, journal = {Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications}, doi = {10.1016/j.physa.2017.09.012} } Link |
2018 | Bolanowski M., Byczek T. | Measure and compare the convergence time of network routing protocols | ITM Web of Conferences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Currently, IT systems require more and more reliability. It can be guaranteed only by using redundancy both in the connectivity and network devices. The authors attempted to measure the convergence time for EIGRP and OSPF routing protocols after link or network nodes failure. Research have been conducted with the real devices and hardware traffic generator. In case of both protocols, failures have been simulated in various places in the network topology. On this basis, time in which tested protocol restored full connectivity for a specific topology with backup links have been precisely determined. Knowledge of the time required to restore the network after a failure can be useful during designing services based on networks with implemented routing. This can improve a tolerance of connectivity interruptions. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Byczek T. Measure and compare the convergence time of network routing protocols. ITM Web of Conferences. 2018, vol. 21, pp. 1-9 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Bolanowski, Marek AU - Byczek, Tomasz PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 1 EP - 9 T1 - Measure and compare the convergence time of network routing protocols VL - 21 DO - 10.1051/itmconf/20182100013 JO - ITM Web of Conferences ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Byczek, Tomasz}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {1-9}, title = {Measure and compare the convergence time of network routing protocols}, volume = {21}, journal = {ITM Web of Conferences}, doi = {10.1051/itmconf/20182100013} } Link |
2018 | Bolanowski M., Cisło P. | The possibility of using LACP protocol in anomaly detection systems | ITM Web of Conferences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article presents the use of the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) for detection of anomalies in network traffic. The idea itself is based on checking the representativeness of a single LACP link for the whole traffic transmitted by the aggregation. This approach allows to reduce the requirements for the performance of threat detection systems, and thus reduce their implementation costs and the gives a possibility of using probes (IDS or IPS) directly in the core of the network. The authors also examine the influence of hashing algorithms used for the particular LACP link on the possibility of using of developed method and on the level of intrusion detection. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Cisło P. The possibility of using LACP protocol in anomaly detection systems. ITM Web of Conferences. 2018, vol. 21, pp. 1-8 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Bolanowski, Marek AU - Cislo, Piotr PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 1 EP - 8 T1 - The possibility of using LACP protocol in anomaly detection systems VL - 21 DO - 10.1051/itmconf/20182100014 JO - ITM Web of Conferences ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Cislo, Piotr}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {1-18}, title = {The possibility of using LACP protocol in anomaly detection systems}, volume = {21}, journal = {ITM Web of Conferences}, doi = {10.1051/itmconf/20182100014} } Link |
2018 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. | Multifractal analysis of selected multicas routing protocols in IP Networks | ITM Web of Conferences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents results of studies using simulations on computer network devices, designed to examine the effectiveness of routing protocols with the video streaming and generated traffic for Jperf applications. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the selected protocols several simulation scenarios were made using different sized UDP packets. The traffic was analyzed in terms of statistical self-similarity. Multifractal analysis has also been made, using two kinds of spectrums. The study determined the relationship between them. These tasks were designed to determine the multifractal and long-term relationship for a given process. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. Multifractal analysis of selected multicas routing protocols in IP Networks. ITM Web of Conferences. 2018, vol. 21, pp. 1-14 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 1 EP - 14 T1 - Multifractal Analysis Of Selected Multicast Routing Protocols In IP Networks VL - 21 DO - 10.1051/itmconf/20182100016 JO - ITM Web of Conferences ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {1-14}, title = {Multifractal Analysis Of Selected Multicast Routing Protocols In IP Networks}, volume = {21}, journal = {ITM Web of Conferences}, doi = {10.1051/itmconf/20182100016} } Link |
2018 | Mazurek M., Dymora P., Kowal B. | Open data - an introduction to the issue | ITM Web of Conferences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Rapidly developing of internet technologies and digitalization of government generate more and more data. Databases from various public institutions and private sectors, e.g. in the fields of economics, transport, environment and public safety are publishing in the global Internet network, so that any user can browse them without additional charges. Most of this data is published on the open data portals. Open data - that is, “open”, public data can allow the processing and analysis of information contained in them completely free of charge. This article is an introduction to a fairly new area of issues such as “open data” or “open government”, presents the main mechanisms of accessing to data in public open data portals and also propose a conceptual open data/government model. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Mazurek M., Dymora P., Kowal B. Open data - an introduction to the issue. ITM Web of Conferences. 2018, vol. 21, pp. 1-13 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Kowal, Bartosz PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 1 EP - 13 T1 - Open data – an introduction to the issue VL - 21 DO - 10.1051/itmconf/20182100017 JO - ITM Web of Conferences ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Kowal, Bartosz}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {1-13}, title = {Open data – an introduction to the issue}, volume = {21}, journal = {ITM Web of Conferences}, doi = {10.1051/itmconf/20182100017} } Link |
2018 | Paszkiewicz A. | The use of the power law designing wireless networks | ITM Web of Conferences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper concerns the use of the scale-free networks theory and the power law in designing wireless networks. An approach based on generating random networks as well as on the classic Barabási-Albert algorithm were presented. The paper presents a new approach taking the limited resources for wireless networks into account, such as available bandwidth. In addition, thanks to the introduction of opportunities for dynamic node removal it was possible to realign processes occurring in wireless networks. After introduction of these modifications, the obtained results were analyzed in terms of a power law and the degree distribution of each node. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A. The use of the power law designing wireless networks. ITM Web of Conferences. 2018, vol. 21, pp. 1-7 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 1 EP - 7 T1 - The use of the power law for designing wireless networks VL - 21 DO - 10.1051/itmconf/20182100012 JO - ITM Web of Conferences ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Paszkiewicz, Andrzej}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {1-7}, title = {The use of the power law for designing wireless networks}, volume = {21}, journal = {ITM Web of Conferences}, doi = {10.1051/itmconf/20182100012} } Link |
2018 | Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P. | The modified metric for self-organization wireless MESH networks | ITM Web of Conferences | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper concerns the modified metrics for MESH wireless networks. This metric is important when a specific data transmission path is being chosen. The parameters regarding the connection quality and overload are introduced in it. Therefore, the proposed metric takes a closer look at changing conditions of the wireless environment and contributes to a better self-organization functioning of this type of network. Its importance increases for networks characterized by the transmission of converged traffic. The paper also presents the results of a simulation showing the dependence of metric values on transmission parameters for selected wireless transmission technologies. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P. The modified metric for self-organization wireless MESH networks. ITM Web of Conferences. 2018, vol. 21, pp. 1-9 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Zapala, Przemyslaw PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 1 EP - 9 T1 - The modified metric for self-organization wireless MESH networks VL - 21 DO - 10.1051/itmconf/20182100010 JO - ITM Web of Conferences ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Zapala, Przemyslaw}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {1-9}, title = {The modified metric for self-organization wireless MESH networks}, volume = {21}, journal = {ITM Web of Conferences}, doi = {10.1051/itmconf/20182100010} } Link |
2018 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Detekcja anomalii w systemach autonomicznych Internetu Rzeczy | Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Internet Rzeczny obejmuje swoim zasięgiem coraz większą grupę urządzeń. Wielu producentów sprzętu, którzy do tej pory nie oferowali wbudowanych interfejsów sieciowych zaczyna je implementować w swoich systemach. Brak specjalizacji w tym zakresie oraz traktowanie systemów komunikacyjnych jako dodatku funkcjonalnego powoduje, że elementy Internetu Rzeczy stają się coraz bardziej podatne na zagrożenia i awarie. W artykule zaproponowano podejście do detekcji anomalii dla grupy elementów tworzących System Autonomiczny Internetu Rzeczy (SAIR). Zaproponowano model detekcji anomalii bazujący na podejściu scentralizowanym dedykowanym dla pojedynczego systemu SAIR. Słowa kluczowe: Internet Rzeczy, detekcja anomalii, sieci komputerowe, systemy autonomiczne Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Detekcja anomalii w systemach autonomicznych Internetu Rzeczy. Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania. 2018, vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 14-17 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej PY - 2018/10/05 SP - 14 EP - 17 T1 - Detekcja anomalii w systemach autonomicznych Internetu Rzeczy VL - 59 DO - 10.15199/13.2018.10.3 JO - Elektronika - konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Bolanowski, Marek}, year = {2018}, month = {10}, pages = {14-17}, title = {Detekcja anomalii w systemach autonomicznych Internetu Rzeczy}, volume = {59}, journal = {Elektronika - konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania}, doi = {10.15199/13.2018.10.3} } Link |
2018 | Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Pairwise comparisons in IT system security analysis | Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents a pairwise comparison method for assessing the security of an IT system. A new approach to the assessment of inconsistencies of parameters and their mutual relations was applied. The main system security criteria and the process of their analysis in the Concluder program were determined. The proposed solution allows to locate the inconsistency of the adopted model. Pair comparison method is one of the most amazing solutions to help solve difficult problems. Słowa kluczowe: data security, audit, inconsistency Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M. Pairwise comparisons in IT system security analysis. Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania. 2018, vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 24-26 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Dymora, Pawel PY - 2018/10/05 SP - 24 EP - 26 T1 - Pairwise comparisons in IT system security analysis VL - 59 DO - 10.15199/13.2018.10.6 JO - Elektronika - konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Mazurek, Miroslaw and Dymora, Pawel}, year = {2018}, month = {10}, pages = {24-26}, title = {Pairwise comparisons in IT system security analysis}, volume = {59}, journal = {Elektronika - konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania}, doi = {10.15199/13.2018.10.6} } Link |
2018 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Koryl M. | Odkrywanie procesów po stronie klienta za pomocą dziennika API systemu centralnego | Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Powszechnym podejściem budowania systemów informatycznych spełniających złożone wymagania współczesnych użytkowników korporacyjnych jest rozproszenie tradycyjnych systemów monolitycznych na zestaw wielu różnorodnych usług połączonych przez API. środowisko finansowe, zwłaszcza bankowe, nadal jest przykładem "dinozaurów", w których główną rolę odgrywają systemy scentralizowane, ale nawet tam coraz częściej pojawia się dystrybucja przetwarzania danych. Wiedza o procesach zachodzących w firmie, tradycyjnie zakodowana w silnikach workflow, instrukcjach biurowych czy umysłach pracowników, jest teraz "gdzieś" rozproszona i nowo pojawiającym wyzwaniem jest aby ją uchwycić. Proponowane podejście opiera się na logach, które są zwykle tworzone podczas wywołań API. Wiedza ukryta w takich dziennikach może zostać ujawniona i uwidoczniona za pomocą techniki odkrywania procesów. Podano przykład rzeczywistego przedsiębiorstwa finansowego, a wyniki odkrywania procesów przebadano i porównywano z wiedzą dziedzinową. Słowa kluczowe: odkrywanie procesów, System informacyjny zorientowane na procesy (PAIS) Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Koryl M. Odkrywanie procesów po stronie klienta za pomocą dziennika API systemu centralnego. Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania. 2018, vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 18-20 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Koryl, Maciej AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2018/10/05 SP - 18 EP - 20 T1 - Odkrywanie procesów po stronie klienta za pomocą dziennika API systemu centralnego VL - 59 DO - 10.15199/13.2018.10.4 JO - Elektronika - konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Koryl, Maciej and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2018}, month = {10}, pages = {18-20}, title = {Odkrywanie procesów po stronie klienta za pomocą dziennika API systemu centralnego}, volume = {59}, journal = {Elektronika - konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania}, doi = {10.15199/13.2018.10.4} } Link |
2018 | Brański A., Kocan-Krawczyk A. | A Rough Estimation of Acoustics of the Cuboidal Room with Impedance Walls | Archives of Acoustics | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The cuboidal room acoustics field is modelled with the Fourier method. A combination of uniform, impedance boundary conditions imposed on walls is assumed, and they are expressed by absorption coefficient values. The absorption coefficient, in the full range of its values in the discrete form, is considered. With above assumptions, the formula for a rough estimation of the cuboidal room acoustics is derived. This approximate formula expresses the mean sound pressure level as a function of the absorption coefficient, frequency, and volume of the room separately. It is derived based on the least-squares approximation theory and it is a novelty in the cuboidal room acoustics. Theoretical considerations are illustrated via numerical calculations performed for the 3D acoustic problem. Quantitative results received with the help of the approximate formula may be a point of reference to the numerical calculations. Słowa kluczowe: Fourier analysis, room acoustics, absorption coefficient, boundary-value problem, impedance boundary conditions Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Brański A., Kocan-Krawczyk A. A Rough Estimation of Acoustics of the Cuboidal Room with Impedance Walls. Archives of Acoustics. 2018, vol. 43, No. 2, pp. 227-233 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Kocan-Krawczyk, Anna AU - Branski, Adam PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 227 EP - 233 T1 - A rough estimation of acoustics of the cuboidal room with impedance walls VL - 43 DO - 10.24425/122370 JO - Archives of Acoustics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Kocan-Krawczyk, Anna and Branski, Adam}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {227-233}, title = {A rough estimation of acoustics of the cuboidal room with impedance walls}, volume = {43}, journal = {Archives of Acoustics}, doi = {10.24425/122370} } Link |
2018 | Brański A., Prędka E. | Nonsingular Meshless Method in an Acoustic Indoor Problem | Archives of Acoustics | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt An efficiency of the nonsingular meshless method is analyzed in an acoustic indoor problem. The solution is assumed in the form of the series of radial bases functions. The Hardy’s multiquadratic functions, as the bases, are taken into account. The room acoustic field with uniform, impedance walls is considered. The representative, rectangular cross section of the room is chosen. Practical combinations of acoustic boundary conditions, expressed through absorption coefficient values, are considered. The classical formulation of the boundary problem is used. It is established any coefficient in the multiquadratic functions depend on the number of influence points, the frequency and the absorption coefficient. All approximate results are calculated in relation to the exact ones. This way, it is proved that the meshless method based on the multiquadratic functions is simple and efficient method in the description of the complicated acoustic boundary problems for the low and medium ranges of frequency. Słowa kluczowe: architectural acoustics, meshless method; radial bases functions, impedance boundary condition Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Brański A., Prędka E. Nonsingular Meshless Method in an Acoustic Indoor Problem. Archives of Acoustics. 2018, vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 75-82 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Branski, Adam AU - Predka, Edyta PY - 2018/01/01 SP - 75 EP - 82 T1 - Nonsingular meshless method in an acoustic indoor problem VL - 43 DO - 10.24425/118082 JO - Archives of Acoustics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Branski, Adam and Predka, Edyta}, year = {2018}, month = {01}, pages = {75-82}, title = {Nonsingular meshless method in an acoustic indoor problem}, volume = {43}, journal = {Archives of Acoustics}, doi = {10.24425/118082} } Link |
2017 | Balasa M., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Czy nasze dane w chmurze są bezpieczne | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Błyskawiczny rozwój technologii oprogramowania oraz zwiększenie wydajności urządzeń przyczynia się do tworzenia nowoczesnych rozwiązań problemów, z którymi borykają się korporacje, firmy jak i zwykli użytkownicy chmury. Obecnie większość przedsiębiorstw nie wyobraża sobie pracy bez wykorzystania chmury do przechowywania swoich danych. Jednak jednym z największych problemów wykorzystania chmury to jej bezpieczeństwo. W artykule przedstawiono modele usług wraz z modelem rozmieszczenia chmur oraz rodzaje ataków Słowa kluczowe: chmura obliczeniowa, bezpieczeństwo, ataki Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Balasa M., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Czy nasze dane w chmurze są bezpieczne. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (2/2017), pp. 67-78 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Balasa, Michal AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 67 EP - 78VL – XXVT1 - Czy nasze dane w chmurze są bezpieczne DO - 10.7862/re.2017.12 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Balasa, Michal and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {67-78},volume = {XXV}, title = {Czy nasze dane w chmurze są bezpieczne}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.12} } Link |
2017 | Burdacki M., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Analiza ruchu w sieci komputerowej w oparciu o modele multifraktalne | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Celem badań była analiza ruchu w sieci komputerowej z wykorzystaniem wybranych modeli multifraktalnych. W części teoretycznej omówiono podstawowe zagadnienia związane z oprogramowaniem zbierającym dane w sieci komputerowej, klasyfikacją przebiegów czasowych przy użyciu wykładnika Hurst’a. Opisano metody wykorzystane do wyznaczenia widm multifraktalnych. W części badawczej dokonano analizy przepływu ruchu w sieci komputerowej na podstawie liczby pakietów oraz prędkości przesyłania danych. Wykonano analizę wykładnika Hurst’a wyznaczanego dla poszczególnych przebiegów czasowych. Dokonano analizy widm multifraktalnych utworzonych dla badanych rodzajów ruchu sieciowego. Słowa kluczowe: analiza ruchu sieciowego, sniffing, analiza samopodobieństwa, analiza multifraktalna, wykładnik Hursta Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Burdacki M. Analiza ruchu w sieci komputerowej w oparciu o modele multifraktalne. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (3/2017), pp. 43-52 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Burdacki, Maksymilian AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 43 EP - 52VL – XXV T1 - Analiza ruchu w sieci komputerowej w oparciu o modele multifraktalne DO - 10.7862/re.2017.16 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Burdacki, Maksymilian and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {43-52},volume = {XXV}, title = {Analiza ruchu w sieci komputerowej w oparciu o modele multifraktalne}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.16} } Link |
2017 | Czarnik E., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Mechanizmy wyszukiwania obrazem w Oracle 11g | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W bazach danych zawierających dane graficzne (np. zdjęcia), niejednokrotnie zachodzi potrzeba szybkiego odnalezienia podobnego obrazu. W bazach danych np. firm magazynowych, ważną kwestią może być eliminacja duplikującego się asortymentu posiadającego różne opisy, dokumentację, a faktycznie posiadającego te same właściwości fizyczne, np. poprzez porównanie wyglądu poszczególnych produktów na podstawie posiadanego zdjęcia. Naprzeciw takim potrzebom wychodzi Oracle ze standardem SQL/MM, który udostępnia metody umożliwiające przeszukiwanie baz danych za pomocą właściwości wizualnych tzw. wyszukiwanie obrazem. Artykuł prezentuje możliwości technologii Oracle 11g obsługującej typy składowania danych multimedialnych (w tym danych graficznych) oraz przykład stworzonej aplikacji internetowej umożliwiającej implementację tych mechanizmów i wyszukiwanie obrazem. Aplikacja została wykorzystana do przeprowadzenia badań wydajnościowych różnych metod wyszukiwania obrazem. Słowa kluczowe: Oracle 11g, SCORE, wyszukiwanie obrazem. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Czarnik E. Mechanizmy wyszukiwania obrazem w Oracle 11g. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (3/2017), pp. 5-18 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Czarnik, Ewa AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 5 EP - 18VL – XXVT1 - Mechanizmy wyszukiwania obrazem w Oracle 11g DO - 10.7862/re.2017.13 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Czarnik, Ewa and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {5-18},volume = {XXV}, title = {Mechanizmy wyszukiwania obrazem w Oracle 11g}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.13} } Link |
2017 | Kowal B., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | NS2 - Jako środowisko symulacyjne do badań nad bezprzewodowymi sieciami sensorowymi | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Wraz z rozwojem bezprzewodowych systemów sensorowych rośnie zainteresowanie Internetem Rzeczy (ang. Internet of Things). Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie możliwości jakie dostarcza środowisko symulacyjne NS2 do badań nad bezprzewodowymi sieciami sensorowymi. W artykule opisano symulator sieci NS2, scharakteryzowano główne funkcje symulatora, przedstawiono i opisano przykładowy proces budowy skryptu sieci WSN oraz analizę wyników symulacji testowanej sieci. Słowa kluczowe: sensory, WSN, NS2, bezprzewodowa sieć sensorowa Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Kowal B. NS2 - Jako środowisko symulacyjne do badań nad bezprzewodowymi sieciami sensorowymi. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (3/2017), pp. 19-29 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Kowal, Bartosz AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 19 EP - 29VL – XXVT1 - NS2 – jako środowisko symulacyjne do badań nad bezprzewodowymi sieciami sensorowymi DO - 10.7862/re.2017.14 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Kowal, Bartosz and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {19-29},volume = {XXV}, title = {NS2 – jako środowisko symulacyjne do badań nad bezprzewodowymi sieciami sensorowymi}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.14} } Link |
2017 | Margol P., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Strategie archiwizacji i odtwarzania baz danych | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Systemy bazodanowe są narażone na różnego rodzaju awarie, które mogą być spowodowane zarówno uszkodzeniem sprzętu, jak i błędem użytkownika czy systemu. Jednym ze skutecznych sposobów ochrony danych przed utratą jest tworzenie kopii zapasowych. Artykuł omawia kluczowe elementy dotyczące tworzenia strategii archiwizacji i odtwarzania danych. Ma na celu uświadomienie jak ważnym elementem pracy administratorów baz danych jest tworzenie odpowiednich strategii tworzenia kopii zapasowych i ich testowanie. Słowa kluczowe: systemy bazodanowe, bazy danych, archiwizacja, odtwarzanie Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Margol P. Strategie archiwizacji i odtwarzania baz danych. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (3/2017), pp. 31-41 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Margol, Patrycja AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 31 EP - 41 T1 - Strategie archiwizacji i odtwarzania baz danychVL – XXVDO - 10.7862/re.2017.15 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Margol, Patrycja and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {31-41},volume = {XXV}, title = {Strategie archiwizacji i odtwarzania baz danych}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.15} } Link |
2017 | Kałucki P., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Badanie wydajności wybranych systemów wirtualizacji | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Obecnie koncepcja wirtualizacji wkroczyła praktycznie do każdej dziedziny informatyki. Wzrost mocy obliczeniowej serwerów sprawił, że optymalne wykorzystanie ich zasobów stało się istotnym problemem. Celem artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie wybranych rozwiązań technologicznych umożliwiających wirtualizację fizycznych serwerów. W artykule przedstawiono wybrane oprogramowanie do wirtualizacji systemów, a następnie przedstawiono badanie ich wydajności. Słowa kluczowe: wirtualizacja, hyperwizor, ESXi, Hyper-V, XenServer Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Kałucki P., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Badanie wydajności wybranych systemów wirtualizacji. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (2/2017), pp. 51-65 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Kalucki, Przemyslaw AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 51 EP - 65VL – XXVT1 - Badanie wydajności wybranych systemów wirtualizacji DO - 10.7862/re.2017.11 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Kalucki, Przemyslaw and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {51-65},volume = {XXV},title = {Badanie wydajności wybranych systemów wirtualizacji}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.11} } Link |
2017 | Nycz M., Szeliga T., Hajder P. | Assessment of the vulnerability of the apache server to DDoS attacks | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents an analysis of the vulnerability of the Apache server with re-gard to common DDoS attacks. The paper begins with presenting the statistical overview of the issue of denial-of-service attacks. We also discuss the methods used for performing DDoS attacks. Working with the virtual systems, the authors designed a test environment, where the assessment was conducted of the vulnera-bility of selected WWW systems. At the end of the article, actions are proposed to implement effective methods of defending against the denial-of-service attacks. The paper is written for the specialists in the field of web systems security. Słowa kluczowe: DDoS Attack; security; the Apache; web server Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Hajder P., Szeliga T. Assessment of the vulnerability of the apache server to DDoS attacks. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (1/2017), pp. 67-76 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Nycz, Mariusz AU - Szeliga, Tomasz AU - Hajder, Piotr PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 67 EP - 76VL – XXV T1 - Assessment of the vulnerability of the Apache server to DDoS attaks DO - 10.7862/re.2017.6 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Nycz, Mariusz and Szeliga, Tomasz and Hajder, Piotr}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {67-76},volume = {XXV},title = {Assessment of the vulnerability of the Apache server to DDoS attaks}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.6} } Link |
2017 | Szarek M., Nycz M., Nienajadło S. | The analysis of efficiency and performance of intrusion prevention systems | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article aims at presenting a comparative analysis of two intrusion detection and prevention systems, namely Snort and Suricata, run in the af-packet mode in the context of the efficiency of their protection against the denial of service attacks. The paper sets out, in statistical terms, the denial of service attacks and distributed denial-of-service attacks occurring around the world. In the further part of the re-search, penetration tests were conducted in order to assess comparatively analysis of the efficiency of IDS/IPS systems was carried out in the context of starting vari-ous numbers of network connected devices as well as in the case of sending pack-ets with different sizes. This article is addressed to security systems administrators as well as to people involved in security systems implementation. Słowa kluczowe: security, network, test, protection, detection, service, denial, intrusion, system, DDoS, DoS, attack Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Szarek M., Nienajadło S. The analysis of efficiency and performance of intrusion prevention systems. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2017, vol. XXV, No. 36 (1/2017), pp. 53-65 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Szarek, Mariusz AU - Nycz, Mariusz AU - Nienajadlo, Sara PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 53 EP - 65VL – XXVT1 - The analysis of efficiency and performance of intrusion prevention systems DO - 10.7862/re.2017.5 JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Szarek, Mariusz and Nycz, Mariusz and Nienajadlo, Sara}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {53-65},volume = {XXV},title = {The analysis of efficiency and performance of intrusion prevention systems}, journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics}, doi = {10.7862/re.2017.5} } Link |
2017 | Strzałka D., Koczkodaj W., Kakiashvili T., Szymańska A., Montero-Marin J., Araya R., Garcia-Campayo J., Rutkowski K. | How to reduce the number of rating scale items without predictability loss? | Scientometrics | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Rating scales are used to elicit data about qualitative entities (e.g., research collaboration). This study presents an innovative method for reducing the number of rating scale items without the predictability loss. The “area under the receiver operator curve method” (AUC ROC) is used. The presented method has reduced the number of rating scale items (variables) to 28.57% (from 21 to 6) making over 70% of collected data unnecessary. Results have been verified by two methods of analysis: Graded Response Model (GRM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). GRM revealed that the new method differentiates observations of high and middle scores. CFA proved that the reliability of the rating scale has not deteriorated by the scale item reduction. Both statistical analysis evidenced usefulness of the AUC ROC reduction method Słowa kluczowe: Rating scale; Prediction; Receiver operator characteristic; Reduction Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D., Koczkodaj W., Kakiashvili T., Szymańska A., Montero-Marin J., Araya R., Garcia-Campayo J., Rutkowski K. How to reduce the number of rating scale items without predictability loss?. Scientometrics. 2017, vol. 111, No. 2, pp. 581-593 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Koczkodaj Waldemar AU - Kakiashvili, Tamar AU - Szymanska, Agnieszka AU - Montero-Marin, Jesus AU - Araya, Rodolfo AU - Garcia-Campayo, Javier AU - Rutkowski, Krzysztof AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2017/02/16 SP - 581 EP - 593 T1 - How to reduce the number of rating scale items without predictability loss? VL - 111 DO - 10.1007/s11192-017-2283-4 JO - Scientometrics ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Koczkodaj, Waldemar and Kakiashvili, Tamar and Szymanska, Agnieszka and Montero-Marin, Jesus and Araya, Rodolfo and Garcia-Campayo, Javier and Rutkowski, Krzysztof and Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2017}, month = {02}, pages = {581-593}, title = {How to reduce the number of rating scale items without predictability loss?}, volume = {111}, journal = {Scientometrics}, doi = {10.1007/s11192-017-2283-4} } Link |
2017 | Strzałka D., Koczkodaj W., Magnot J., Mazurek J., Rakhshani H., Peters J., Sołtys M., Szybowski J., Tozzi A. | On normalization of inconsistency indicators in pairwise comparisons | International Journal of Approximate Reasoning | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this study, we provide mathematical and practice-driven justification for using [0,1] normalization of inconsistency indicators in pairwise comparisons. The need for normalization, as well as problems with the lack of normalization, is presented. A new type of paradox of infinity is described. Słowa kluczowe: Pairwise comparisonsInconsistency indicatorNormalizationDecision making Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D., Koczkodaj W., Magnot J., Mazurek J., Rakhshani H., Peters J., Sołtys M., Szybowski J., Tozzi A. On normalization of inconsistency indicators in pairwise comparisons. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2017, vol. 86, pp. 73-79 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Koczkodaj, Waldemar AU - Magnot, Jean-Pierre AU - Mazurek, Jiri AU - Peters, James AU - Rakhshani, Hojjat AU - Soltys, Michael AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Szybowski, Jacek AU - Tozzi, Arturo PY - 2017/07/01 SP - 73 EP - 79 T1 - On normalization of inconsistency indicators in pairwise comparisons VL - 86 JO - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Koczkodaj, Waldemar and Magnot, Jean-Pierre and Mazurek, Jiri and Peters, James and Rakhshani, Hojjat and Soltys, Michael and Strzałka, Dominik and Szybowski, Jacek and Tozzi, Arturo}, year = {2017}, month = {07}, pages = {73-79}, title = {On normalization of inconsistency indicators in pairwise comparisons}, volume = {86}, journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning} } Link |
2017 | Strzałka D. | Initial Results of Testing Some Statistical Properties of Hard Disks Workload in Personal Computers in Terms of Non-Extensive Entropy and Long-Range Dependencies | Entropy | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The aim of this paper is to present some preliminary results and non-extensive statistical properties of selected operating system counters related to hard drive behaviour. A number of experiments have been carried out in order to generate the workload and analyse the behaviour of computers during man–machine interaction. All analysed computers were personal ones, worked under Windows operating systems. The research was conducted to demonstrate how the concept of non-extensive statistical mechanics can be helpful in the description of computer systems behaviour, especially in the context of statistical properties with scaling phenomena, long-term dependencies and statistical self-similarity. The studies have been made on the basis of perfmon tool that allows the user to trace operating systems counters during processing. Słowa kluczowe: complex systems; non-extensive entropy; operating systems; human computer interaction;workload; physics of processing Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Initial Results of Testing Some Statistical Properties of Hard Disks Workload in Personal Computers in Terms of Non-Extensive Entropy and Long-Range Dependencies. Entropy. 2017, vol. 19, No. 7, pp. 1-19 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2017/07/05 SP - 1 EP - 19 T1 - Initial Results of Testing Some Statistical Properties of Hard Disks Workload in Personal Computers in Terms of Non-Extensive Entropy and Long-Range Dependencies VL - 19 DO - 10.3390/e19070335 JO - Entropy ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2017}, month = {07}, pages = {1-19}, title = {Initial Results of Testing Some Statistical Properties of Hard Disks Workload in Personal Computers in Terms of Non-Extensive Entropy and Long-Range Dependencies}, volume = {19}, journal = {Entropy}, doi = {10.3390/e19070335} } Link |
2017 | Nycz M., Hajder M., Gerka A. | Edukacja w zakresie metod i środków ochrony tożsamości w sieci | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W opracowaniu przedstawiono problematykę ochrony tożsamości oraz metody i środki zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa użytkowników. Autorzy zwracają uwagę na fakt, iż odpowiednia edukacja w zakresie ochrony tożsamości jest kluczowa dla zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa użytkowników sieci. Słowa kluczowe: ochrona tożsamości, kradzież tożsamości, cyberbezpieczeństwo Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Hajder M., Gerka A. Edukacja w zakresie metod i środków ochrony tożsamości w sieci. EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA. 2017, No. 3 (21)/2017, pp. 261-265 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Nycz, Mariusz AU - Gerka, Alicja AU - Hajder, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka SP - 261 EP - 265 T1 - Edukacja w zakresie metod i środków ochrony tożsamości w sieci VL - 21 DO - 10.15584/eti.2017.3.37 ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Nycz, Mariusz and Gerka, Alicja and Hajder, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {261-265},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}, title = {Edukacja w zakresie metod i środków ochrony tożsamości w sieci}, volume = {21}, doi = {10.15584/eti.2017.3.37} } Link |
2017 | Nycz M., Nienajadło S., Hajder M. | Koncepcja niskokosztowej platformy edukacyjnej | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W pracy przedstawiono koncepcje niskokosztowej platformy edukacyjnej. Autorzy prezentują rozwiązania sprzętowe oraz programowe, których głównym celem jest podniesienie jakości edukacji informatycznej w szkołach podstawowych i gimnazjalnych. Słowa kluczowe: Raspberry Pi, Scratch, nauka programowania Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Nienajadło S.. Hajder M. Koncepcja niskokosztowej platformy edukacyjnej. EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA. 2017, No. 2 (20)/2017, pp. 237-241 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Nycz, Mariusz AU - Nienajadlo, Sara AU - Hajder, Miroslaw PY - 2017/01/01 SP - 237 EP - 241 T1 - Koncepcja niskokosztowej platformy edukacyjnej VL - 20 DO - 10.15584/eti.2017.2.31JO - Edukacja-Technika-InformatykaER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Nycz, Mariusz and Nienajadlo, Sara and Hajder, Miroslaw}, year = {2017}, month = {01}, pages = {237-241}, title = {Koncepcja niskokosztowej platformy edukacyjnej}, volume = {20},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}, doi = {10.15584/eti.2017.2.31} } Link |
2016 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Wroński M., Żegleń R. | Representativeness analysis and possible applications of partial network data flows | Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt A new approach to statistical analysis of network flows and its possible application to statistical anomaly detection in high bandwidth communication networks are presented in the paper. The whole data stream was divided into smaller flows using Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). A statistical analysis of the resulting flows shows that a single stream separated from the overall network traffic is representative when it comes to statistical anomaly detection. Such an approach allows the reduction of hardware resources needed to detect anomalies, and makes such a detection possible in high traffic communication systems. Słowa kluczowe: link aggregation control protocol; network security; network anomaly detection Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Wroński M., Żegleń R. Representativeness analysis and possible applications of partial network data flows. Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2016, vol. 62, No. 1, pp. 29-32 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Wronski, MichalAU - Zeglen, Robert PY - 2016SP - 29EP - 32T1 - Representativeness analysis and possible applications of partial network data flowsVL - 62DO -JO - Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola BibTeX@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Wronski, Michal and Zeglen, Robert},year = {2016},pages = {29-32},title = {Representativeness analysis and possible applications of partial network data flows},volume = {62},journal = {British Journal of Applied Science \& Technology},} Link |
2016 | Strzałka D. | Selected Remarks about Computer Processing in Terms of Flow Control and Statistical Mechanics | Entropy | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Despite the fact that much has been said about processing in computer science, it seems that there is still much to do. A classical approach assumes that the computations done by computers are a kind of mathematical operation (calculations of functions values) and have no special relations to energy transformation and flow. However, there is a possibility to get a new view on selected topics, and as a special case, the sorting problem is presented; we know many different sorting algorithms, including those that have complexity equal to O(n lg(n)), which means that this problem is algorithmically closed, but it is also possible to focus on the problem of sorting in terms of flow control, entropy and statistical mechanics. This is done in relation to the existing definitions of sorting, connections between sorting and ordering and some important aspects of computer processing understood as a flow that are not taken into account in many theoretical considerations in computer science. The proposed new view is an attempt to change the paradigm in the description of algorithms' performance by computational complexity and processing, taking into account the existing references between the idea of Turing machines and their physical implementations. This proposal can be expressed as a physics of computer processing; a reference point to further analysis of algorithmic and interactive processing in computer systems. Słowa kluczowe: sorting; insertion sort; entropy; physics of processing; flow control; complex system Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Selected Remarks about Computer Processing in Terms of Flow Control and Statistical Mechanics. Entropy. 2016, vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 1-19 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2016/03/12 SP - 1 EP - 19 T1 - Selected Remarks about Computer Processing in Terms of Flow Control and Statistical Mechanics VL - 18 DO - 10.3390/e18030093 JO - Entropy ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2016}, month = {03}, pages = {1-19}, title = {Selected Remarks about Computer Processing in Terms of Flow Control and Statistical Mechanics}, volume = {18}, journal = {Entropy}, doi = {10.3390/e18030093} } Link |
2016 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Jaskółka S. | VoIP Anomaly Detection - selected methods of statistical analysis | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Self-similarity analysis and anomaly detection in networks are interesting fields of research and scientific work of scientists around the world. Simulation studies have demonstrated that the Hurst parameter estimation can be used to detect traffic anomaly. The actual network traffic is self-similar or long-range dependent. The dramatic expansion of applications on modern networks gives rise to a fundamental challenge to network security. The Hurst values are compared with confidence intervals of normal values to detect anomaly in VoIP Słowa kluczowe: Hurst factor; anomaly detection; self-similarity long-range dependence Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Jaskółka S. VoIP Anomaly Detection - selected methods of statistical analysis. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica. 2016, vol. 16, No. 2 (2016), pp. 14-19 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Jaskolka, Slawomir PY - 2017/12/22 SP - 14 EP - 19 T1 - VoIP Anomaly Detection - selected methods of statistical analysis VL - 16 DO - 10.17951/ai.2016.16.2.14 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Jaskolka, Slawomir}, year = {2017}, month = {12}, pages = {14-19}, title = {VoIP Anomaly Detection - selected methods of statistical analysis}, volume = {16}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.17951/ai.2016.16.2.14} } Link |
2016 | Nycz M., Hajder M., Gerka A. | New architecture of system intrusion detection and prevention | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this article there has been presented new intrusion detection and prevention algorithm implemented on Raspberry Pi platform. The paper begins with the presentation of research methodology in the field of Intrusion Detection Systems. Adequate supervision and control over network traffic is crucial for the security of information and communication technology. As a result of the limited budget allocated for the IT infrastructure of small businesses and the high price of dedicated solutions, many companies do not use mentioned systems. Therefore, in this order, there has been proposed monitoring solution based on the generally available Raspberry Pi platform. The paper is addressed to network administrators Słowa kluczowe: intrusion detection; network security; DS; IPS; Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Hajder M., Gerka A. New architecture of system intrusion detection and prevention. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica. 2016, vol. 16, No. 2 (2016), pp. 20-24 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Nycz, Mariusz AU - Hajder, Miroslaw AU - Gerka, Alicja PY - 2017/12/22 SP - 20 EP - 24 T1 - New architecture of system intrusion detection and prevention VL - 16 DO - 10.17951/ai.2016.16.2.20 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Nycz, Mariusz and Hajder, Miroslaw and Gerka, Alicja}, year = {2017}, month = {12}, pages = {20-24}, title = {New architecture of system intrusion detection and prevention}, volume = {16}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.17951/ai.2016.16.2.20} } Link |
2016 | Nycz M., Hajder M., Nienajadło S. | Methods for increasing security of web servers | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article is addressed in most part to people dealing with security of web servers. This paper begins with presenting the statistical dimension of the issue of data security in the modern Internet. This paper begins with presenting statistics dealing with issues of data security on the modern World Wide Web. The authors main focus in this work is presenting the challenges of dealing with security and protection of web communication. The work analyses the security of implementing SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocol and proposes a new method of increasing security of web servers. This article is addressed to people dealing with analysis and security of web servers Słowa kluczowe: security; web server; intrusion detection; intrusion prevension Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Hajder M., Nienajadło S. Methods for increasing security of web servers. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica. 2016, vol. 16, No. 2 (2016), pp. 39-42 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Nycz, Mariusz AU - Hajder, Miroslaw AU - Nienajadlo, Sara PY - 2017/12/22 SP - 39 EP - 42 T1 - Methods for increasing security of web servers VL - 16 DO - 10.17951/ai.2016.16.2.39 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Nycz, Mariusz and Hajder, Miroslaw and Nienajadlo, Sara}, year = {2017}, month = {12}, pages = {39-42}, title = {Methods for increasing security of web servers}, volume = {16}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.17951/ai.2016.16.2.39} } Link |
2016 | Strzałka D. | Some preliminary results of memory cache analysis with the use of non-extensive | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The problem of modelling different parts of computer systems requires accurate statistical tools. Cache memory systems is an inherent part of nowadays computer systems, where the memory hierarchical structure plays a key point role in behavior and performance of the whole system. In the case of Windows operating systems, cache memory is a place in memory subsystem where the I/O system puts recently used data from disk. In paper some preliminary results about statistical behavior of one selected system counter behavior are presented. Obtained results shown that the real phenomena, which have appeared during human-computer interaction, can be expressed in terms of non-extensive statistics that is related to Tsallis proposal of new entropy definition. Słowa kluczowe: complex systems; cache memory; system counters;Tsallis entropy Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Some preliminary results of memory cache analysis with the use of non-extensive. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica. 2016, vol. 16, No. 2 (2016), pp. 43-47 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2017/12/22 SP - 43 EP - 47 T1 - Some preliminary results of memory cache analysis with the use of non-extensive statistics VL - 16 DO - 10.17951/AI.2016.16.2.43 JO - Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio AI–Informatica ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2017}, month = {12}, pages = {43-47}, title = {Some preliminary results of memory cache analysis with the use of non-extensive statistics}, volume = {16}, journal = {Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, Sectio AI–Informatica}, doi = {10.17951/AI.2016.16.2.43} } Link |
2016 | Strzałka D. | Influence of Long-Term Dependences on Hard Drives Performance during Human Computer Interaction | Acta Physica Polonica A | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Today, computer systems become one of the most important systems in technology and our life. They have a plenty of possible applications but most of them can be described as a transformation of (electrical) energy into useful work = calculations. This process is not so simple as it seems to be because the structure of computers hardware is very complicated and processed tasks are also very complex. Because the expectations of computer users are very high, a lot of computer resources are used only for operating systems normal work. Some existing solutions, especially in the memory system, guarantee that computer systems have acceptable performance but this parameter depends on many important system features. In this paper we will focus on one parameter, namely average disk time s/ transfer, in order to show the complex behavior of this memory system part during man– computer interaction. This is one of the most important counters in computer systems that works under Windows family operating systems and describes measurement related to hard drive based on the complete roundtrip time of any request. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Influence of Long-Term Dependences on Hard Drives Performance during Human Computer Interaction. Acta Physica Polonica A. 2016, vol. 129, No. 5, pp. 1064-1070 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2016/05/01 SP - 1064 EP - 1070 T1 - Influence of Long-Term Dependences on Hard Drives Performance during Human Computer Interaction VL - 129 DO - 10.12693/APhysPolA.129.1064 JO - Acta Physica Polonica A ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2016}, month = {05}, pages = {1064-1070}, title = {Influence of Long-Term Dependences on Hard Drives Performance during Human Computer Interaction}, volume = {129}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica A}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.129.1064} } Link |
2015 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Jaskółka S. | Analiza statystyczna pracy sieci komputerowej w środowisku LabView | Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Analiza ruchu sieciowego oraz metod wykrywania nieprawidłowości pracy urządzeń sieciowych stanowi ciekawy problem dla analityków badających sieci komputerowe. Poprawna interpretacja anomalii oraz odpowiednia reakcja na nie może poprawić jakość działania sieci, zapobiec awarii lub skrócić jej czas. W artykule przedstawiono oryginalną aplikację utworzoną w środowisku LabVIEW, z zaimplementowanymi algorytmami do wyznaczania współczynnika Hursta, będącego miarą samopodobieństwa i określenia zależności długoterminowych oraz multifraktalności ruchu sieciowego. Celem aplikacji było zaimplementowanie znanych metod wyznaczania współczynnika Hursta metody statystyki R/S, metody wartości bezwzględnej oraz zagregowanej wariancji - jako aparatu statystycznego do określenia cech ruchu sieciowego. W badaniach wykorzystano wirtualną sieć testową, której model utworzono w środowisku OPNET Modeler. Przeprowadzona w programie analiza statystyczna wskazała, że poziom samopodobieństwa ruchu sieciowego zawiera się w przedziale od 0,5 do 1, zaś jego wartość przybiera wyższe wartości wraz z rosnącym wypełnieniem pasma sieci. Nieprzerwany ruch sieciowy o małym natężeniu (np. ruch typu VoIP) posiada samopodobieństwo porównywalne do szumu białego równe 0,5 co zaprezentowano w artykule. Słowa kluczowe: współczynnik Hursta, wykrywanie anomalii sieci komputerowych, samopodobieństwo, zależności długoterminowe, systemy złożone Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Jaskółka S. Analiza statystyczna pracy sieci komputerowej w środowisku LabView. Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika. 2015, vol. XXIII, No. 34 (2/2015), pp. 323-340 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawAU - Jaskolka, SlawomirPY - 2015/01/01SP - 323EP - 340T1 - Analiza statystyczna pracy sieci komputerowej w srodowisku LabViewDO - 10.7862/re.2015.24JO - Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: ElectrotechnicsVL - XXIII BibTeX@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Jsakolka, Slawomir},year = {2015},month = {01},pages = {323-340},title = { Analiza statystyczna pracy sieci komputerowej w srodowisku LabView },journal = {Scientific Journals of Rzeszów University of Technology, Series: Electrotechnics},doi = {10.7862/re.2015.24}} Link |
2015 | Bolanowski M., Gomółka Z., Żesławska E., Twaróg B. | Restitution of 3D scenery with coherent and structured light scanner technologies | Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In the paper, there is presented the comparison of the quality of three-dimensional object measurement by scanning devices using a coherent light beam and a structured light field. Several selected issues from the fringe pattern analysis, as well as the characteristics of terrestrial laser scanning are also presented. The comparative analysis was performed to scan a crankshaft in order to assess the measurement accuracy of both scanners. By applying the appropriate software for the resulting point clouds we created a three-dimensional model of the crankshaft and made adequate comparative measures. Słowa kluczowe: 3D scenery restitution, coherent light scanner, a structured light scanner, point clouds Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Gomółka Z., Żesławska E., Twaróg B. Restitution of 3D scenery with coherent and structured light scanner technologies. Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2015, vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 430-433 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Gomolka, Zbigniew AU - Zeslawska, Ewa AU - Twarog, Boguslaw AU - Bolanowski, Marek PY - 2015/09/01 SP - 430 EP - 433 T1 - Restitution of 3D scenery with coherent and structured light scanner technologies VL - 61 ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Gomolka, Zbigniew and Zeslawska, Ewa and Twarog, Boguslaw and Bolanowski, Marek}, year = {2015}, month = {09}, pages = {430-433}, title = {Restitution of 3D scenery with coherent and structured light scanner technologies}, volume = {61} } Link |
2015 | Bolanowski M., Twaróg B., Mlicki R. | Anomalies detection in computer networks with the use of SDN | Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In the paper, the authors present a method of anomalies detection and identification in network traffic using statistical signatures. There is also shown a new system architecture based on the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) which allows for application of statistical anomaly detection in computer networks. With the proposed hardware-software model, it becomes possible to implement custom algorithms for the threats detection with the use of recognized and secure communications standards. The proposed architecture has been built based on an open-source solutions and can be used directly in production environments. Słowa kluczowe: anomaly detection, statistical signature, computer network, software defined network Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Twaróg B., Mlicki R. Anomalies detection in computer networks with the use of SDN. Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2015, vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 443-445 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Bolanowski, Marek AU - Twarog, Boguslaw AU - Mlicki, Rafal. PY - 2015/09/01 SP - 443 EP - 445 T1 - Anomalies detection in computer networks with the use of SDN VL - 61 JO - Measurement Automation Monitoring ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Twarog, Boguslaw and Mlicki, Rafal.}, year = {2015}, month = {09}, pages = {443-445}, title = {Anomalies detection in computer networks with the use of SDN}, volume = {61}, journal = {Measurement Automation Monitoring} } Link |
2015 | Paszkiewicz A., Więch P., Gomółka Z. | Performance of a router based on NetFPGA-1Gb/s cards | Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Providing a flexible platform that also allows prototyping new network solutions opens new possibilities for designers, researchers and administrators. This solution are NetFPGA systems. Their additional advantage is the possibility of testing new networking protocols in a real heterogeneous environment. Until now, it has been mainly possible by using software tools such as, e.g. Opnet Modeler. Despite the very good mapping network environment in this type of solutions, it is necessary to carry out tests in the real network for their correct evaluation. The paper focuses on the analysis of the solution performance based on NetFPGA-1G cards as an alternative to the network nodes based on ASICs. Therefore a series of tests was carried out. They demonstrated the applicability of the platform in different layers of the network, e.g. access, aggregation, or core. Thus, the paper goal is to show the possibilities of using NetFPGA solutions in a network environment mainly of enterprise class. Słowa kluczowe: NetFPGA; computer networks; routing protocols; performance Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A., Gomółka Z., Więch P. Performance of a router based on NetFPGA-1Gb/s cards. Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2015, vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 446-449 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Wiech, Pawel AU - Gomolka, Zbigniew PY - 2015/09/01 SP - 446 EP - 449 T1 - The use of the Circular Hough Transform for counting coins VL - 61 JO - Measurement Automation Monitoring ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Wiecj, Pawel and Gomolka, Zbigniew}, year = {2015}, month = {09}, pages = {446-449}, title = {The use of the Circular Hough Transform for counting coins}, volume = {61}, journal = {Measurement Automation Monitoring} } Link |
2015 | Gomółka Z., Żesławska E., Twaróg B., Paszkiewicz A. | The use of the Circular Hough Transform for counting coins | Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper presents the circular Hough transform in the process of detecting and counting coins. The issues of linear and circular Hough transform are discussed. An algorithm for counting coins in a threedimensional image using the discrete Hough space is demonstrated. Moreover, the results of the application for detecting and counting coins in a static image and video stream are presented. Observations of histograms for HSV and RGB color palettes, for different camera resolutions and various parameters of image segmentation, edge detection and smoothing filter have been made. Słowa kluczowe: Hough transform, image detection, segmentation, digital image processing, edge detection Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Gomółka Z., Żesławska E., Twaróg B., Paszkiewicz A. The use of the Circular Hough Transform for counting coins. Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2015, vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 434-437 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Gomolka, ZbigniewAU - Zeslawska, EwaAU - Twarog, BoguslawAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2015SP - 434EP - 437T1 - The use of the Circular Hough Transform for counting coinsVL - 61JO - Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola BibTeX@article{article,author = {Gomolka, Zbigniew and Zeslawska, Ewa and Twarog, Boguslaw and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej},year = {2015},pages = {434-437},title = {The use of the Circular Hough Transform for counting coins},volume = {61},journal = {Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola}} Link |
2015 | Bolanowski M., Krutys P. | Metody i środki zarządzania infrastrukturą sieciową w złożonym środowisku laboratoryjnym | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiono metody i środki zarządzania oraz optymalizacji dostępu do zasobów laboratorium sieci komputerowych. Zaprezentowano aplikacje do automatyzacji zapisu, odtwarzania konfiguracji urządzeń i gromadzenia wyników oraz wskazano protokoły, które mogą być użyte w tym celu. Zaproponowana została również metoda automatyzacji zmian konfiguracyjnych uzależniona od bieżącej analizy parametrów pomiarowych. Słowa kluczowe: sieci komputerowe; dostęp do zasobów laboratoryjnych; zarządzanie sieciami Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Krutys P. Metody i środki zarządzania infrastrukturą sieciową w złożonym środowisku laboratoryjnym. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka. 2015, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 238-243 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Krutys, PawelPY - 2015SP - 238EP - 243T1 - Metody i srodki zarzadzania infrastruktura sieciowa w zlolonym srodowisku laboratoryjnymVL - 6JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Krutys, Pawel},year = {2015},pages = {238-243},title = {Metody i srodki zarzadzania infrastruktura sieciowa w zlolonym srodowisku laboratoryjnym},volume = {6},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2015 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Mroczka B. | Wykorzystanie multimedialnych rozszerzeń baz danych w dydaktyce przedmiotów informatycznych | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiono właściwości współczesnych baz danych w zakresie mechanizmów składowania i obsługi multimedialnych typów danych. Zaprezentowano możliwość budowy interaktywnej aplikacji internetowej opartej na relacyjno-obiektowej bazzie danych wykorzystującej multimedialne typy danych dostępne w bibliotekach Oracle Multimedia oraz technologii JSP. Tematyka ta może być z powodzeniem wykorzystana w dydaktyce przedmiotów bazodanowych oraz programistycznych. Słowa kluczowe: nauczanie; przedmioty bazodanowe i programistyczne; typy multimedialne; środowisko Oracle; JSP Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Mroczka B.Wykorzystanie multimedialnych rozszerzeń baz danych w dydaktyce przedmiotów informatycznych. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka. 2015, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 308-322 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawAU - Mroczka, Bogumil PY - 2015SP - 308EP - 322T1 - Wykorzystanie multimedialnych rozszerzen baz danych w dydaktyce przedmiotow informatycznychVL - 6JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Mroczka, Bogumil},year = {2015},pages = {308-322},title = {Wykorzystanie multimedialnych rozszerzen baz danych w dydaktyce przedmiotow informatycznych},volume = {6},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2015 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Rywka J. | Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji webowych z wykorzystaniem frameworka Djano w Pythonie | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiono proces tworzenia interaktywnych aplikacji webowych wykorzystujących język programowania wysokiego poziomu Python, framework sieciowy Django, język znaczników HTML, kaskadowe arkusze stylów CSS oraz skryptowy język programowania JavaScript. Celem artykułu jest zapoznanie studenta z procesem opracowania całego projektu technicznego obejmującego zarówno środowisko programistyczne, wzorce projektowe, biblioteki wraz z przygotowaniem analizy funkcjonalnej aplikacji. Słowa kluczowe: nauczanie; Python; bazy danych; SQLite; Django Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Rywka J. Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji webowych z wykorzystaniem frameworka Djano w Pythonie. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka. 2015, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 302-307 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawAU - Rywka, JakubPY - 2015SP - 302EP - 307T1 - Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji webowych z wykorzystaniem frameworka Djano w PythonieVL - 6JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Rywka, Jakub},year = {2015},pages = {302-307},title = {Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji webowych z wykorzystaniem frameworka Djano w Pythonie},volume = {6},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2015 | Koniuszko M., Pękala R., Paszkiewicz A. | Wspomaganie certyfikacji witryn internetowych za pomocą urzędów lokalnych | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z problematyką technologii SSL wykorzystującej certyfikaty. Zaproponowano aplikację, która w znaczący sposób ułatwia wdrażanie technologii SSL. Aplikacja ta posiada wszystkie niezbędne funkcjonalności pozwalające na zarządzanie kluczami i certyfikatami w połączeniu z technologiami bazodanowymi. Słowa kluczowe: certyfikat SSL; urząd certyfikacji; OpenSSL Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Koniuszko M., Pękala R., Paszkiewicz A. Wspomaganie certyfikacji witryn internetowych za pomocą urzędów lokalnych. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka. 2015, vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 62-67 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Koniuszko, MichalAU - Pekala, RobertAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2015SP - 62EP - 67T1 - Wspomaganie certyfikacji witryn internetowych za pomocą urzedow lokalnychVL - 6JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Koniuszko, Michal and Pekala, Robert and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej},year = {2015},pages = {62-67},title = {Wspomaganie certyfikacji witryn internetowych za pomocą urzedow lokalnych},volume = {6},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2015 | Kwater T., Krutys P., Bolanowski M. | Interfejs graficzny do badań identyfikacji bramek logicznych z zastosowaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Zaprojektowany i wykonany interfejs graficzny do zastosowania w sztucznych sieciach neuronowych pozwala na lepsze zrozumienie zagadnień sztucznej inteligencji oraz przyszłych innych zastosowań. Dalsze prace mogą być prowadzone jako rozwiniecie tej idei. Słowa kluczowe: bramki logiczne; sieci nauronowe; interfejs Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Kwater T., Bolanowski M., Krutys P. Interfejs graficzny do badań identyfikacji bramek logicznych z zastosowaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka 2015, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 333-338 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Kwater, TadeuszAU - Kurtys, PawelAU - Bolanowski, MarekPY - 2015SP - 333EP - 338T1 - Interfejs graficzny do badan identyfikacji bramek logicznych z zastosowaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowychVL - 6JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Kwater, Tadeusz and Bolanowski, Marek and Kurtys, Pawel},year = {2015},pages = {333-338},title = {Interfejs graficzny do badan identyfikacji bramek logicznych z zastosowaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych},volume = {6},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2015 | Paszkiewicz A., Pękala R. | Analiza wydajności sieci konwergentnych za pomocą programowego generatora ruchu | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia związane z wykorzystaniem programowych generatorów ruchu w celu dokonania analizy wydajności rzeczywistej infrastruktury sieciowej w odniesieniu do współcześnie występujących usług sieciowych o charakterze konwergentnym. Słowa kluczowe: sieci konwergentne; testy wydajności sieci; generatory ruchu Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A., Pękala R. Analiza wydajności sieci konwergentnych za pomocą programowego generatora ruchu. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka. 2015, vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 278-283 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Pekala, RobertPY - 2015SP - 278EP - 283T1 - Analiza wydajnosci sieci konwergentnych za pomoca programowego generatora ruchuVL - 6JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Pekala, Robert},year = {2015},pages = {278-283},title = { Analiza wydajnosci sieci konwergentnych za pomoca programowego generatora ruchu},volume = {6},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2015 | Strzałka D. | A simple method for calculations of the number of inversions in permutation | British Journal of Applied Science & Technology | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The aim of this paper is to show the recurrence method for obtaining the number of inversions In(k) in input sets with different sizes n, when the information about In−1(k) is given. The proposed method is based on a simple observation that the use of recursive approach gives an elegant way for obtaining those numbers in contradiction to the so far existing approach based on binomial coefficients and pentagonal numbers. The complexity of this method is O(n 3). The results of this proposal can be used for interesting exercises in education of maths and also for problem of inversions description in sorting algorithms. Słowa kluczowe: Inversions; combinatorics Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. A simple method for calculations of the number of inversions in permutation. British Journal of Applied Science & Technology. 2015, vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 313-317 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2015/01/10 SP - 313 EP - 317 T1 - A Simple Method for Calculations of the Number of Inversions in Permutation VL - 9 DO - 10.9734/BJAST/2015/17570 JO - British Journal of Applied Science & Technology ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2015}, month = {01}, pages = {313-317}, title = {A Simple Method for Calculations of the Number of Inversions in Permutation}, volume = {9}, journal = {British Journal of Applied Science & Technology}, doi = {10.9734/BJAST/2015/17570} } Link |
2015 | Buczek K., Masłowski G., Strzałka D. | 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszów University of Technology | Archives of Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Deans foreword In 2015 celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Ignacy Łukasiewicz Rzeszów University of Technology. The first students began their education at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1965 that is less than two years after the establishment of the First Degree Engineering School in Rzeszów. In the fifty years of the history of our Faculty we have educated almost eleven thousand graduates who have successfully found employment, occupying responsible positions in business companies and public administration. Many of them have chosen a career in science achieving significant successes, including at our Faculty. The high level of education was confirmed by the Polish Accreditation Commission, which granted a positive assessment of the Faculty as an institution. We make every effort to ensure to still be seen as a leader in the region and a significant unit in the Polish education system in the fields of electrical engineering, computer science, electronics and telecommunications, power engineering, automation control and robotics. Currently, 121 university teachers work at the Faculty. They teach more than 2,800 undergraduate and graduate students. The Faculty Council is authorized to confer a D.Sc. degree in technical sciences in the discipline of electrical engineering and authorized to confer doctoral degrees in electrical engineering and computer science disciplines. Moreover, there are doctoral studies in both disciplines. To celebrate the anniversary , a series of scientific peer meetings and accompanying events were planned. A solemn joint meeting of the Faculty Council and the Economic Council (June 17th 2015) was a unique occasion to remind ourselves of the history and many achieved successes of the Faculty in the areas of education, research and collaboration with companies. We will remember with affection, those who have gone and those without whom the Faculty would not have achieved its unique position. In this paper we are presenting a short story of our Faculty; the presented information was collected and edited by Prof., Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Kazimierz Buczek, who for many years was a Faculty Dean. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Buczek K., Masłowski G., Strzałka D. 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszów University of Technology. Archives of Electrical Engineering. 2015, vol. 64, No. 4, pp. 679-689 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Buczek, Kazimierz. AU - Maslowski, Grzegorz. AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2015/01/01 SP - 679 EP - 689 T1 - 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszow University of Technology VL - 64JO - Archives of Electrical Engineering ER - BibTeX @article{article, author = {Buczek, Kazimierz and Maslowski, Grzegorz and Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2015}, month = {01}, pages = {679-689},title = {50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszow University of Technology},journal = {Archives of Electrical Engineering} } Link |
2014 | Nycz M., Mlicki R., Michno B. | Analiza podatności na ataki socjotechniczne w Jednostce Samorządu Terytorialnego | Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI seria TRANSPORT i INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Celem tej analizy było sprawdzenie po- datności na ataki socjotechniczne w lo- kalnej siedzibie samorządu terytorial- nego. W tym celu została opracowana ankieta, w których poruszono problemy bezpieczeństwa informacji na poziomie zarówno podstawowym jak i bardziej rozbudowanym. Ankietowani odpowia- dali na około 20 pytań. Wyniki ankiety dały podstawy do zbudowania przybli- żonych profili ankietowanych wraz z po- ziomem ich podatności na określone zagrożenia socjotechniczne, m. in. w In- ternecie. Ze względów bezpieczeństwa ankieta oraz jej bezpośrednie wyniki nie będą ujawniane. Słowa kluczowe: socjotechnika, ankieta, bezpieczeństwo, analiza, podatność Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Mlicki R., Michno B. Analiza podatności na ataki socjotechniczne w Jednostce Samorządu Terytorialnego. Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI seria TRANSPORT i INFORMATYKA. 2014, vol. 4, No. 1 (2014), pp. 5-10 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Nycz, MariuszAU - Mlicki, RafalAU - Michno BartoszPY - 2014/09/01SP - 5EP - 10T1 - Analiza podatnosci na ataki socjotechniczne w Jednostce Samorzadu TerytorialnegoVL - 90JO - Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI seria TRANSPORT i INFORMATYKAER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Nycz, Mariusz and Mlicki, Rafal and Michno Bartosz },year = {2014},month = {01},pages = {5-10},title = {Analiza podatnosci na ataki socjotechniczne w Jednostce Samorzadu Terytorialnego },volume = {4},journal = {Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI seria TRANSPORT i INFORMATYKA} Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M. | A comparative study of self-adopting fault tolerant protocols in wireless sensor networks | Przegląd Elektrotechniczny | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Technologia bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych pojawia się w wielu obszarach współczesnego życia. Ważną rolę w tej technologii odgrywają samoadaptacyjne protokoły poprzez które sieć reaguje na zachodzące w niej zmiany i uszkodzenia, dostosowuje się i efektywnie zarządza dostępnymi zasobami. W pracy przedstawiono analizę porównawczą istniejących rozwiązań w dziedzinie odpornych na uszkodzenia samoadaptacyjnych protokołów. Symulacje realizowano w środowisku OMNeT++. Słowa kluczowe: Bezprzewodowe sieci sensorowe, odporność na uszkodzenia, samoadaptacyjne protokoły OMNeT++ Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M. A comparative study of self-adopting fault tolerant protocols in wireless sensor networks. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. 2014, vol. 90, No. 1, pp. 167-170 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2014/01/01 SP - 167 EP - 170 T1 - A comparative study of self-adopting fault tolerant protocols in wireless sensor networks VL - 90 ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2014}, month = {01}, pages = {167-170}, title = {A comparative study of self-adopting fault tolerant protocols in wireless sensor networks}, volume = {90} } Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Network anomaly detection based on the statistical self-similarity factor for HTTP protocol | Przegląd Elektrotechniczny | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Analiza samopodobieństwa i wykrywania nieprawidłowości działania sieci stanowi interesujący problem dla naukowców na całym świecie. W artykule pokazano wykorzystanie współczynnika Hursta, jako parametru na podstawie którego można wykryć wszelkie anomalia pracy sieci. Odchylenia od wartości bazowej parametru Hursta w czasie pracy mogą sygnalizować nieprawidłowości działania. Badania mogą obejmować dowolny typ ruchu np. usługi HTTP. Słowa kluczowe: Współczynnik Hursta, wykrywanie anomalii, samopodobieństwo, zależności długozasięgowe Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M. Network anomaly detection based on the statistical self-similarity factor for HTTP protocol. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. 2014, vol. 90, No. 1, pp. 127-130 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawPY - 2014/09/02SP - 127EP - 130T1 - Network anomaly detection based on the statistical self-similarity factor for HTTP protocolVL - 90 DO - 10.12915/pe.2014.01.30JO - Przeglad ElektrotechnicznyER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Dymora Pawel and Mazurek Miroslaw },year = {2014},month = {01},pages = {127-130},title = {Network anomaly detection based on the statistical self-similarity factor for HTTP protocol },volume = {90},journal = {Przeglad Elektrotechniczny}, doi = {10.12915/pe.2014.01.30} } Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. | Long-range dependencies in quick-sort algorithm | Przegląd Elektrotechniczny | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Sortowanie jest jednym z najczęstszych wykorzystywanych typów przetwarzania w systemach komputerowych. W prezentowanym podejściu sortowanie będzie rozważane jako wprowadzenie porządku w przetwarzanym zadaniu wejściowym oraz algorytm jako fizyczny system (odpowiedzialny za obliczenia). Zazwyczaj analiza zachowania dowolnego algorytmu jest realizowana w kontekście klasycznej złożoności obliczeniowej. W niniejszej pracy istnienie zależności długoterminowych w dynamice przetwarzania jest wyznaczane w oparciu o współczynnik Hursta. Słowa kluczowe: Zależności długoterminowe, algorytm szybkiego sortowania, współczynnik Hursta, samopodobieństwo Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. Long-range dependencies in quick-sort algorithm. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. 2014, vol. 90, No. 1, pp. 149-152 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Dymora, Pawel PY - 2014/01/01 SP - 149 EP - 152 T1 - Long-range dependencies in quick-sort algorithm VL - 90 JO - Przeglad Elektrotechniczny ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Dymora, Pawel}, year = {2014}, month = {01}, pages = {149-152}, title = {Long-range dependencies in quick-sort algorithm}, volume = {90}, journal = {Przeglad Elektrotechniczny} } Link |
2014 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P., Żak R. | Stress test of network devices with maximum traffic load for second and third layer of ISO/OSI model | Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Odpowiedni dobór urządzeń sieciowych ma kluczowy wpływ na cały proces projektowania i budowy współczesnego systemu komunikacyjnego. W chwili obecnej testy wydajnościowe urządzeń sieciowych realizowane są najczęściej przez wyspecjalizowane laboratoria lub przez samych producentów urządzeń sieciowych. Do ich przeprowadzenia wymagane jest wygenerowanie ruchu testowego charakteryzującego się niejednokrotnie przepustowościami na poziomie 100 i więcej Gb/s. Autorzy w artykule zaproponowali własne topologie testowe które pozwalają wysycić wszystkie porty testowanego urządzenia. Bazują one na zapętlaniu ruchu pomiędzy portami lub instancjami rutingu. We wstępie autorzy prezentują jak aktualnie realizowane są tego typu testy urządzeń. W rozdziale drugim zaprezentowane zostały elementy składowe stanowiska badawczego. W rozdziale trzecim zaprezentowana została topologia wykorzystywana do realizacji testów w warstwie drugiej modelu ISO/OSI, oraz pokazano wpływ ruchu testowego na wybrane elementy sprzętowe urządzenia. W rozdziale czwartym zaproponowano topologie wysycania ruchem dwóch urządzeń testowych bazującą na zapętleniu ruchu z wykorzystaniem VRF i protokołu OSPF. Takie podejście, bazujące na otwartych standardach pozwala na samodzielną realizację testów urządzeń przez klienta końcowego, który może sprawdzić działanie interesujących go protokołów w środowisku granicznie wysyconego ruchem urządzenia sieciowego. Należy jednak pamiętać, że przedstawiona metoda służy jedynie do generowania obciążenia na portach urządzenia. Może to być dobra podstawa do zrealizowania właściwych testów określonych usług lub protokołów. Słowa kluczowe: Sieci komputerowe, testy wydajnościowe, urządzenia sieciowe, model ISO/OSI Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P., Żak R. Stress test of network devices with maximum traffic load for second and third layer of ISO/OSI model. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2014, vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 854-857 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Zapala PrzemyslawAU - Zak RafalPY - 2014/09/02SP - 854EP - 857T1 - Stress test of network devices with maximum traffic load for second and third layer of ISO/OSI modelVL - 60JO - Pomiary Automatyka KontrolagER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Bolanowski Marek and Paszkiewicz Andrzej and Zapala Przemyslaw and Zak Rafal},year = {2014},month = {09},pages = {854-857},title = {Stress test of network devices with maximum traffic load for second and third layer of ISO/OSI model },volume = {60},journal = {Pomiary Automatyka Kontrolag}, Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Maciąg P. | System monitorujacy prace bezprzewodowej sieci sensorowej oparty na przestrzennych typach danych | Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Sieci sensorowe znajdują zastosowanie nie tylko w budowie systemów ostrzegających przed zagrożeniami naturalnymi, ale również w projektowaniu inteligentnych budynków czy specjalistycznej aparatury medycznej. System sensorowy składa się zazwyczaj z pewnej liczby węzłów pomiarowych, których zadaniem jest dostarczanie informacji o pewnych pożądanych parametrach. Parametry te mogą mówić np. o stanie poziomu wód rzecznych, stężeniu niebezpiecznych gazów czy występowaniu substancji niebezpiecznych dla środowiska naturalnego. Dobrze zaprojektowana sieć sensorowa powinna cechować się redundancją, możliwością routowania danych pomiędzy węzłami pomiarowymi oraz wykorzystaniem odpowiedniego mechanizmu dostępu do pasma komunikacyjnego. Istotną część systemu sensorowego stanowi aplikacja monitorująca oraz wizualizująca stan sensorów. W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono oryginalne podejście do budowy sieci sensorowej i wizualizacji jej działania z użyciem przestrzennych typów danych. Słowa kluczowe: Przestrzenne typy danych, mikroprocesor AVR, protokoły bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Maciąg P. System monitorujacy prace bezprzewodowej sieci sensorowej oparty na przestrzennych typach danych. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2014, vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 849-853 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawAU - Maciag PiotrPY - 2014/09/02SP - 849EP - 853T1 - System monitorujacy prace bezprzewodowej sieci sensorowej oparty na przestrzennych typach danychVL - 60JO - Pomiary Automatyka KontrolagER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Dymora Pawel and Mazurek Miroslaw and Maciag Piotr},year = {2014},month = {09},pages = {849-853},title = {System monitorujacy prace bezprzewodowej sieci sensorowej oparty na przestrzennych typach danych },volume = {60},journal = {Pomiary Automatyka Kontrolag}, Link |
2014 | Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M., Zawodnik D. | Measurements of routing protocols performace for high-throughput computer networks in OPNET environment | Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W ostatnich latach jesteśmy światkami gwałtownego rozwoju systemów informatycznych, zwłaszcza systemów rozproszonych. Jednym z istotnych składników tychże systemów jest infrastruktura komunikacyjna, składająca się zarówno z topologii połączeniowej, jak również z protokołów routingu. W artykule przedstawiono analizę powszechnie wykorzystywanych protokołów routingu w wysokoprzepustowych sieciach komputerowych przeprowadzoną w środowisku Opnet. Zaprezentowano możliwości analizy takich protokołów dla różnych środowisk topologicznych. Dokonano pomiarów istotnych parametrów takich jak czas zbieżności, obciążenie łącza, itp. z punktu widzenia wydajności funkcjonowania protokołów routingu. Dodatkowo, zaproponowano wykorzystanie topologii Butterfly dla stworzenia efektywnego środowiska routingu w sieciach komputerowych bazujących na klasycznym trójwarstwowym systemie połączeniowym. Słowa kluczowe: Sieci komputerowe, protokoły routingu, OPNET Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M., Zawodnik D. Measurements of routing protocols performace for high-throughput computer networks in OPNET environment. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2014, vol. 60, No. 10, pp. 858-861 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Zawodnik DamianPY - 2014/09/02SP - 858EP - 861T1 - Measurements of routing protocols performace for high-throughput computer networks in OPNET environmentVL - 60JO - Pomiary Automatyka KontrolagER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek and Zawodnik Damian},year = {2014},month = {09},pages = {858-861},title = {Measurements of routing protocols performace for high-throughput computer networks in OPNET environment },volume = {60},journal = {Pomiary Automatyka Kontrolag}, Link |
2014 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | The use of statistical signatures to detect anomalies in computer network | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article presents a new approach for detecting anomalies in the computer network. The approach is based on the determination of the network traffic statistical parameters in case of normal condition. When network anomaly happens, usually more than one statistical parameter is change. A set of parameters that have changed can be used to identify threats. Currently, anomaly detection mechanisms used in the network traffic are computationally complex and cannot be used in case of high speed connection. The presented method does not guarantee the anomaly identification but can be used as one of the indicators used for the isolation of suspicious flows (through ongoing modifications the routing or switching rules). Separated flow is subjected to further analysis with use of classical methods for anomaly detection. With this approach it is possible to make a rough anomaly identification in the core of high speed computer network. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. The use of statistical signatures to detect anomalies in computer network. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2014, vol. 324, pp. 251-260 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY – 2014/11/01SP - 251EP - 260T1 - The use of statistical signatures to detect anomalies in computer networkVL - 324DO - 10.1007/978-3-319-11248-0_19JO - Lecture Notes in Electrical EngineeringER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej},year = {2014},month = {01},pages = {251-260},title = {The use of statistical signatures to detect anomalies in computer network },volume = {324},journal = {Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering},doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-11248-0_19}} Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Network Anomaly Detection Based on the Statistical Self-similarity Factor | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Self-similarity analysis and anomaly detection in networks are interesting fields of research and scientific work of scientists around the world. Simulation studies have demonstrated that the Hurst parameter estimation can be used to detect traffic anomaly. The actual network traffic is self-similar or long-range dependent. The dramatic expansion of applications on modern networks gives rise to a fundamental challenge to network security. The Hurst values are compared with confidence intervals of normal values to detect anomaly in VoIP. Słowa kluczowe: Hurst factor, anomaly detection, self-similarity, long-range dependence Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M. Network Anomaly Detection Based on the Statistical Self-similarity Factor. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2014, vol. 324, pp. 271-287 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2015/11/01 SP - 271 EP - 287 T1 - Network Anomaly Detection Based on the Statistical Self-similarity Factor VL - 324 DO - 10.1007/978-3-319-11248-0_21 JO - Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2015}, month = {11}, pages = {271-287}, title = {Network Anomaly Detection Based on the Statistical Self-similarity Factor}, volume = {324}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-11248-0_21} } Link |
2014 | Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Wireless networks environment and complex networks | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The process of creating software for modeling and simulation of phenomena taking place in computer networks should take into account many aspects of their functioning. However, until now, the creation of such software was based on a reductionist approach. This approach is typical for simple or most complicated systems. In contrast, software for modeling and simulation of computer networks should be treated as a complex system. Therefore, the process of its creation should take into account such properties of complex systems as: feedback loop, non-extensivity, indeterminacy, self-similarity, non-additivity, etc. The authors use computer simulators in their work on everyday basis. However, they have generally an outdated, static architecture that prevents their easy and continuous development. Therefore, the authors started working on developing their own model of creating such software and this paper is an introduction to this issue. The authors focused on the selected features of complex systems in the context of the software development process. Based on the feedback loop, a new spiral of software development and modeling for computer networks is presented. The paper also defines the notion of process and functional non-additivity and its importance in the software development process. The presented approach allows for flexible development of the software under consideration in terms of their functionality. The authors also presented examples of application of complex system properties when creating selected functional modules of software for modeling and simulation of computer networks. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Wireless networks environment and complex networks. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2014, vol. 324, pp. 261-270 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Grabowski, Franciszek AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Bolanowski, Marek PY - 2015/11/01 SP - 261 EP - 270 T1 - Wireless Networks Environment and Complex Networks VL - 324 DO - 10.1007/978-3-319-11248-0_20 JO - Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek}, year = {2015}, month = {11}, pages = {261-270}, title = {Wireless Networks Environment and Complex Networks}, volume = {324}, journal = {Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-11248-0_20} } Link |
2014 | Strzałka D. | Long-range dependencies and statistical self-similarity in computer memory system | Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper shows the problem of possible existence of statistical self-similarity and long-range (long-term) dependencies in behavior of computer memory systems. It will be shown, that the hierarchical structure of memory and the dispersion of time constants during accessing successive levels of such a structure, lead to "memory effect" and self-similarity. These effects have not been taken into account so far in computer systems design, management and description. A few methods were used to calculate the Hurst H coefficient, which reflects the statistical self-similarity in time series and the d parameter that represents the problem of long-range dependencies. Słowa kluczowe: Statistical self-similarity, computer memory systemprocessing, complex systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Long-range dependencies and statistical self-similarity in computer memory system. Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers. 2015, vol. 24, No. 3, p. 1550031 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2015/03/01 SP - 1550031 T1 - Long-Range Dependencies and Statistical Self-Similarity in Computer Memory System VL - 24 DO - 10.1142/S0218126615500310 JO - Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2015}, month = {03}, pages = {1550031}, title = {Long-Range Dependencies and Statistical Self-Similarity in Computer Memory System}, volume = {24}, journal = {Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers}, doi = {10.1142/S0218126615500310} } Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Hadaj P. | Education set for collecting and visualizing data using sensor system based on AVR microcontroller | International Journal of Modern Engineering Research | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This article presents the issues of the wireless sensor measuring systems design which might be used in education process of computer science faculty. The work shows the integration of a simple measuring system, data management system, visual system and the hardware. Education set is designed to consolidate knowledge in many fields of computer science and the interdependence between them, as programming techniques, database, Web server, communications protocols, software and hardware. Presented measuring sensor system consists of a number of measurement nodes, whose role is to provide information about certain desirable characteristics, warning against natural hazards or violation of the physical safety. An important part of the sensor system is a measuring subsystem and the collecting measurement data subsystem. The article presents the temperature measurement sensor system concepts and measurement data storage and visualization methods. Słowa kluczowe: microcontrollers AVR, sensor, wireless sensor networks protocols, measuring system Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Hadaj P. Education set for collecting and visualizing data using sensor system based on AVR microcontroller. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research. 2014, vol. 4, No. 10, pp. 38-42 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawAU - Hadaj, PiotrPY - 2014SP - 334EP - 341T1 - Education set for collecting and visualizing data using sensor system based on AVR microcontrollerVL - 4JO - International Journal of Modern Engineering ResearchDO - 10.6084/m9.figshare.1241222 BibTeX@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw, and Hadaj, Piotr},year = {2014},pages = {334-341},title = {Education set for collecting and visualizing data using sensor system based on AVR microcontroller},volume = {4},journal = {International Journal of Modern Engineering Research}doi = {10.6084/m9.figshare.1241222}} Link |
2014 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Metody i środki zapewnienia dostępu do specjalizowanych zasobów laboratoryjnych | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiono metody i środki zarządzania oraz optymalizacji dostępu do zasobów laboratorium sieci komputerowych. Zaprezentowano apli-kacje do automatyzacji zapisu, odtwarzania konfiguracji urządzeń i gromadzenia wyników oraz wskazano protokoły, które mogą być użyte w tym celu. Zaproponowana została również metoda automatyzacji zmian konfiguracyjnych uzależniona od bieżącej analizy parametrów pomiarowych. Słowa kluczowe: sieci komputerowe, dostęp do zasobów laboratoryjnych, zarządzanie sieciami Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Metody i środki zapewnienia dostępu do specjalizowanych zasobów laboratoryjnych. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka. 2014, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 334-341 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2014SP - 334EP - 341T1 - Metody i srodki zapewnienia dostepu do specjalizowanych zasobow laboratoryjnychVL - 5JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej},year = {2014},pages = {334-341},title = {Metody i srodki zapewnienia dostepu do specjalizowanych zasobow laboratoryjnych},volume = {5},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2014 | Grabowski F., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. | Wykorzystanie teorii małych światów w e-learningu | EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article presents the issues related to the use of the small worlds theory in order to determine a group of people potentially interested in the educational offer in the form of e-learning. Proposed mechanism which allows selection of the group on the basis of information collected available in social networks. Słowa kluczowe: small world, e-learning Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. Wykorzystanie teorii małych światów w e-learningu. Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka. 2014, vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 245-251 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Bolanowski, MarekPY - 2014SP - 245EP - 251T1 - Wykorzystanie teorii malych swiatow w e-learninguVL - 5JO - Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka BibTeX@article{article,author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek},year = {2014},pages = {245-251},title = {Wykorzystanie teorii malych swiatow w e-learningu},volume = {5},journal = {Edukacja-Technika-Informatyka}} Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Pilecki T. | Performance analysis of VPN remote access tunnels | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The purpose of the study is to analyze the efficiency of communication with the server using the methods of secure remote access, as well as checking and comparing the quality of services provided by the server depending on the method of secure remote connection. The article focuses on VPN technology implemented in the latest Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Pilecki T. Performance analysis of VPN remote access tunnels. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2014, vol. 14, No. 3 (2014), pp. 53-64 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Pilecki, Tomasz PY - 2014/09/01 SP - 53 EP - 64 T1 - Performance Analysis of VPN Remote Access Tunnels VL - 14 DO - 10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0014 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Pilecki, Tomasz}, year = {2014}, month = {09}, pages = {53-64}, title = {Performance Analysis of VPN Remote Access Tunnels}, volume = {14}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0014} } Link |
2014 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Żelazny K. | Operating system efficiency evaluation on the base on measurements analysis with the use of non-extensive statistics elements | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The major goal of this article was to evaluate the efficiency of Linux operating system using statistical self-similarity and multifractal analysis. In order to collect the necessary data, the tools available in Linux such as vmstat, top and iostat were used. The measurement data collected with those tools had to be converted into a format acceptable by applications which analyze statistical selfsimilarity and multifractal spectra. Measurements collected while using the MySQL database system in a host operating system were therefore analyzed with the use of statistical self-similarity and allowed to determine the occurrence of long-range dependencies. Those dependencies were analyzed with the use of adequately graduated diagrams. Multifractal analysis was conducted with the help of FracLab application. Two methods were applied to determine the multifractal spectra. The obtained spectra were analyzed in order to establish the multifractal dependencies. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Żelazny K. Operating system efficiency evaluation on the base on measurements analysis with the use of non-extensive statistics elements. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2014, vol. 14, No. 3 (2014), pp. 65-75 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Zelazny, Kamil PY - 2014/11/20 SP - 65 EP - 75 T1 - Operating system efficiency evaluation on the base of measurements analysis with the use of non-extensive statistics elements VL - 14 DO - 10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0015 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Zelazny, Kamil}, year = {2014}, month = {11}, pages = {65-75}, title = {Operating system efficiency evaluation on the base of measurements analysis with the use of non-extensive statistics elements}, volume = {14}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0015} } Link |
2014 | Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Queuing in terms of complex systems | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Limited resources are a natural feature of most real systems, both artificial and natural ones. This causes the need for effective management of access to existing resources. In this area, queuing systems are of special application. However, they are treated as simple systems for which two states are characteristic: work underload and work on the border of thermodynamic equilibrium. This approach is reflected in existing queue management mechanisms, that need to keep them in one of two mentioned states. On the other hand, they should be considered from the point of complex systems view, for which the third operation states: overload state is natural as well. In order to be closer to this issue, in this paper the authors consider queues performance from the perspective of complex systems. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Queuing in terms of complex systems. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2014, vol. 14, No. 3 (2014), pp. 7-14 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Grabowski, Franciszek AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Bolanowski, Marek PY - 2014/11/20 SP - 7 EP - 14 T1 - Queuing in terms of complex systems VL - 14 DO - 10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0016 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek}, year = {2014}, month = {11}, pages = {7-14}, title = {Queuing in terms of complex systems}, volume = {14}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0016} } Link |
2014 | Grabowski F., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. | Load balancing of communication channels with the use of routing protocols | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In the article the authors propose a method for load-balancing of network resources for the case which uses a routing protocols. In the first part of the article the authors present currently used algorithms for load balancing and possibilities of their modification. Through the introduction of additional hardware components for each node: the agent and the probe; it is possible to monitor and control the current system performance. The whole analyzed network is treated as a complex system. This allows to eliminate overloading of route nodes (through ongoing analysis of the optimal operating point for a given node). Load balancing can be achieved using a modified mechanism of ECMP. The proposed approach allows for dynamic adjustment of load to network resources and thus effectively to balance network traffic. Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M.Load balancing of communication channels with the use of routing protocols. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2014, vol. 14, No. 3 (2014), pp. 77-85 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Grabowski, Franciszek AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Bolanowski, Marek PY - 2014/11/20 SP - 77 EP - 85 T1 - Load balancing of communication channels with the use of routing protocols VL - 14 DO - 10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0024 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek}, year = {2014}, month = {11}, pages = {77-85}, title = {Load balancing of communication channels with the use of routing protocols}, volume = {14}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/umcsinfo-2014-0024} } Link |
2013 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Nowy model detekcji zagrożeń w sieci komputerowej | Przegląd Elektrotechniczny | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule przedstawiony został nowy model detekcji zagrożeń w sieciach komputerowych z wykorzystaniem metody opartej na sygnaturach statystycznych. Proponowana metoda pozwala na dynamiczne zamiany polityki w obszarze strefy zdemilitaryzowanej, które wyzwalane będą poprzez zmianę wartości statystycznych ruchu sieciowego reprezentowanego przez szereg czasowy. Zaprezentowane zostaną wybrane deskryptory statystyczne stosowane do detekcji określonych zagrożeń. Słowa kluczowe: Sieć komputerowa, bezpieczeństwo, sieci komputerowych, anomalia Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Nowy model detekcji zagrożeń w sieci komputerowej. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. 2013, vol. 89, No. 11, pp. 308-311 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2013SP - 308EP - 311T1 - Nowy model detekcji zagrozen w sieci komputerowejVL - 89JO - Przeglad ElektrotechnicznyER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej },year = {2013},pages = { 308-311},title = {Nowy model detekcji zagrozen w sieci komputerowej},volume = {89},journal = { Przeglad Elektrotechniczny} Link |
2013 | Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Lokalne sieci bezprzewodowe w kontekście systemów złożonych | Przegląd Elektrotechniczny | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Procesy zachodzące w sieciach bezprzewodowych charakteryzują się dużą dynamiką zmian. Z tej perspektywy, przyjęcie tradycyjnego modelu ich opisu bazującego na redukcjonistycznym paradygmacie systemów prostych jest dużym uproszczeniem. Dlatego też, w pracy postaramy się przybliżyć sieci WLAN w ujęciu systemów złożonych. Dodatkowo, zaprezentowane zostaną obszary wykorzystania właściwości sieci dowolnej skali do poprawy funkcjonowania sieci WLAN. Słowa kluczowe: WLAN, sieć złożona, sieć bezprzewodowa, sieć lokalna Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Lokalne sieci bezprzewodowe w kontekście systemów złożonych. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny. 2013, vol. 89, No. 11, pp. 312-316 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2013SP - 312EP - 316T1 - Lokalne sieci bezprzewodowe w kontekscie systemow zlozonychVL - 89JO - Przeglad ElektrotechnicznyER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej },year = {2013},pages = { 312-316},title = {Lokalne sieci bezprzewodowe w kontekscie systemow zlozonych},volume = {89},journal = { Przeglad Elektrotechniczny} Link |
2013 | Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Delay analysis in wireless sensor network protocols | Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Dynamiczny rozwój miniaturyzacji oraz niskie zapotrzebowanie na energię przyczyniło się do wzrostu popularności bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych. Sieci te tworząc specjalną grupę rozproszonych systemów pomiarowych, mogą być wykorzystane do obsługi szerokiej gamy aplikacji, mających silne wymagania co do opóźnień w przesyle informacji między węzłami, jak również strat powstałych podczas transmisji danych. Zakres wykorzystania sieci jest praktycznie nieograniczony, od systemów sieci czujników przeznaczonych do monitorowania środowiska (pożary, powodzie itp.), kontroli i monitoringu stanu zdrowia, zastosowań w automatyce domowej, systemach bezpieczeństwa czy systemach militarnych. Aby zapewnić prawidłowe działanie systemu wymagana jest duża stabilność pracy sieci, a więc niski poziom opóźnień w działaniu, uwarunkowany odpornością sieci na uszkodzenia. Sieć czujników musi reagować na zmiany w topologii sieci, wywołane przez awarię węzłów, brak zasilania czy różnego rodzaju zakłócenia elektromagnetyczne. Istotną kwestią dla zapewnienia odpowiedniego poziomu jakości transmisji jest zapewnienie maksymalnej wydajności, energooszczędności i minimalnego poziomu błędów. Można to osiągnąć poprzez zastosowanie odpowiednich algorytmów odpowiedzialnych za trasowanie pakietów. Przeprowadzone badania opóźnień komunikacyjnych pokazują, które architektury lub protokoły mogą zostać wykorzystane do zapewnienia wsparcia QoS dla obsługiwanych przez sieć sensorową aplikacji. Problem ten stanowi duże wyzwanie dla naukowców. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wybranych algorytmów trasowania i ich wpływ na opóźnienia w pracy. Słowa kluczowe: Jakość usług, protokoły bezprzewodowych sieci sensorowych, analiza opóźnień pakietów Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M. Delay analysis in wireless sensor network protocols. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2013, vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 1054-1056 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawPY - 2013SP - 1054EP - 1056T1 - Delay analysis in wireless sensor network protocolsVL - 59JO - Pomiary Automatyka KontrolaER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw },year = {2013},pages = { 1054-1056},title = {Delay analysis in wireless sensor network protocols},volume = {59},journal = { Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola} Link |
2013 | Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Self organization and self adaptation of computer networks in nonextensive approach | Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Współczesne sieci komputerowe wpisują się w kategorię systemów złożonych. Jednakże wiele sosowanych modeli sieci ciągle bazuje na idealistycznym paradygmacie systemów prostych opartym na termodynamice równowagowej. W celu zrozumienia i optymalizacji procesu projektowania rzeczywistych sieci komputerowych konieczne staje się zrozumienie i opisanie nieekstensywnych aspektów ich działania. Dlatego należy wyjaśnić takie pojęcia ja samoorganizacja, samoadaptacja, w systemie rozproszonym, dostosowanie obciążenia, równowagowy i nierównowagowy stan sieci komputerowej postrzeganej jako system. W artykule autorzy pokazują że samoadaptacja i samoorganizacja w sieci komputerowej ma charakter nieekstensywny, jak również analizują ich wpływ na wzajemne dopasowanie pomiędzy obciążeniem i ograniczonymi zasobami systemu rozproszonego. Analizowany jest również wpływ samoadaptacji i samoorganizacji na czas odpowiedzi systemu. Zaproponowany model pozwoli na doprecyzowanie i ulepszenie procesu projektowania i kontroli sieci komputerowych, który uwzględniać będzie zjawiska krótko i długoterminowe w nich zachodzące. Wpłynie to również na poprawę zarządzania sieciami realizowanego z wykorzystaniem sztucznej inteligencji, algorytmów genetycznych i logiki rozmytej. Słowa kluczowe: Sieci komputerowe, termodynamika nieekstensywna, samoorganizacja, samoadaptacja Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Self organization and self adaptation of computer networks in nonextensive approach. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2013, vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 1049-1053 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2013SP - 1049EP - 1053T1 - Self organization and self adaptation of computer networks in nonextensive approachVL - 59JO - Pomiary Automatyka KontrolaER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Grabowski, Franciszek and Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej},year = {2013},pages = { 1049-1053},title = {Self organization and self adaptation of computer networks in nonextensive approach},volume = {59},journal = { Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola} Link |
2013 | Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. | The method for taking into account the indeterminacy in designing distributed connection systems | Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Projektowanie systemów rozproszonych, tak jak wiele innych procesów projektowych, wymaga uwzględnienia licznych, zwykle sprzecznych ze sobą parametrów opisujących charakterystyki techniczne, ekonomiczne, uwarunkowania społeczne itp. projektowanych (modelowanych) obiektów. Próba odwzorowania złożonych relacji pomiędzy tymi charakterystykami prowadzi w większości przypadków do zadań NP-zupełnych. Z drugiej zaś strony, próby uproszczenia w tym zakresie modeli projektowanych obiektów, bazując na wybranych kryteriach (pojedynczych obszarach parametrów opisujących obiekt) nie pozwalają uzyskać pożądanych rezultatów. Problem wyboru i dostosowania dostępnych rozwiązań do zbioru potencjalnych zadań, z uwzględnieniem niejednoznaczności oceny oraz zmiennością charakterystyk opisujących obiekty przyczynia się do powstania nieokreśloności. Ponieważ w trakcie eksploatacji systemów rozproszonych część parametrów uwzględnianych w procesie projektowania zmienia swoje znaczenie, stworzony wcześniej projekt może nie spełniać stawianych przed nim wymagań. Konieczne staje się zatem uwzględnienie w projektowaniu zmienności w czasie wybranych charakterystyk systemu czy sieci komputerowej [1]. W artykule zaprezentowano sposób uwzględniania nieokreśloności w procesie projektowania systemów rozproszonych, a szczególnie systemów połączeniowych. Zaprezentowane własności uwzględniania nieokreśloności pozwalają na szerokie zastosowanie ich w przypadku projektowania systemów charakteryzujących się złożonością modeli ich opisujących oraz zmiennością warunków funkcjonowania. Słowa kluczowe: Sieci komputerowe, systemy rozproszone, nieokreśloność Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. The method for taking into account the indeterminacy in designing distributed connection systems. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2013, vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 1067-1069 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY – 2013SP - 1067EP - 1069T1 - The method for taking into account the indeterminacy in designing distributed connection systemsVL - 59JO - Pomiary Automatyka KontrolaER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej },year = {2013},pages = { 1067-1069},title = {The method for taking into account the indeterminacy in designing distributed connection systems},volume = {59},journal = { Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola} Link |
2013 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Reconfiguration of logical communication channels | Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this paper a new reconfiguration of interconnection networks algorithm was proposed for the computational systems and the logical network connection. The proposed solution is based on the presentation of the network and base requirements in the form of linear Diophantine constraints solution in area {0,1}. A set of topologies that meet initial assumptions is obtained as the solution of the system of constrains. In the next step, the final topology is selected, which can be used to reconfigure the interconnection network. It is done using the proposed method of selecting the optimal solution from the set of acceptable solutions, taking into account a certain level of indeterminacy. Słowa kluczowe: Multibus network, graph, linear Diophantine constraints, reconfiguration, indeterminacy Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Reconfiguration of logical communication channels. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science. 2013, vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 21-28 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2013SP - 21EP - 28T1 - Reconfiguration of logical communication channelsVL - 3JO - Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer ScienceER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej },year = {2013},pages = { 21-28},title = {Reconfiguration of logical communication channels},volume = {3},journal = { Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science} Link |
2013 | Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Computer networks as complex systems in nonextensive approach | Journal of Applied Computer Science | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Contemporary computer networks fit into the category of complexsystems. However, many models still are based on an idealistic paradigmof simple systems based on thermodynamic equilibrium. In order to under-stand and optimize the design of real networks it is necessary to understandand describe their nonextensive operation aspects. Therefore, it is necessaryto explain such concepts as self-organization, self-adaptation and matchingload to finite resources. Słowa kluczowe: Complex systems, computer networks, nonextensive. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Computer networks as complex systems in nonextensive approach. Journal of Applied Computer Science. 2013, vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 31-44 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2013SP - 31EP - 44T1 - Computer networks as complex systems in nonextensive approachVL - 21JO - Journal of Applied Computer ScienceER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Grabowski, Franciszek and Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej },year = {2013},pages = { 31-44},title = {Computer networks as complex systems in nonextensive approach},volume = {13},journal = { Journal of Applied Computer Science} Link |
2013 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Gawron R. | Cluster computing performance in the context of nonextensive statistics | International Journal of Modern Engineering Research | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This work presents the problem of clusters computing performance in the context of nonextensive statistics. Simulation studies have demonstrated that the cluster computing process is self-similar or long-range dependent and the Hurst coefficient estimation can be used to specify computing performance. The paper presents a comparison of several methods for estimating Hurst coefficient, characterized by simplicity of implementation and convergence results. Słowa kluczowe: Long-memory effect, complex system, cluster, stationarity, Hurst coefficient, nonextensive statistics Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Gawron R. Cluster computing performance in the context of nonextensive statistics. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research. 2013, vol. 3, No 6, pp. 3872-3877 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawAU - Gawron, RafalPY - 2014/12/09SP - 3872EP - 3877T1 - Cluster computing performance in the context of nonextensive statisticsVL - 3JO - International Journal of Modern Engineering ResearchER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Gawron, Rafal },year = {2014},month = {12},pages = {3872-3877},title = {Cluster computing performance in the context of nonextensive statistics},volume = {13},journal = { International Journal of Modern Engineering Research} Link |
2013 | Grabowski F. | Nonextensive model of self-organizing systems | Complexity | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The article concerns the new nonextensive model of self‐organizing systems and consists of two interrelated parts. The first one presents a new nonextensive model of interaction between elements of systems. The second one concerns the relationship between microscopic and macroscopic processes in complex systems. It is shown that nonextensivity and self‐organization of systems is a result of mismatch between its elements. Słowa kluczowe: Nonextensive, matching, self‐organization, systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F. Nonextensive model of self-organizing systems. Complexity. 2013, vol. 18, No 5, pp. 28-36 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Grabowski, Franciszek PY - 2013/05/01 SP - 28 EP - 36 T1 - Nonextensive model of self-organizing systems VL - 18 DO - 10.1002/cplx.21438 JO - Complexity ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Grabowski, Franciszek}, year = {2013}, month = {05}, pages = {28-36}, title = {Nonextensive model of self-organizing systems}, volume = {18}, journal = {Complexity}, doi = {10.1002/cplx.21438} } Link |
2013 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | Performance test of network devices | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Selection of components in contemporary computer networks is extremely important, not only because of the project budget but also because of the network performance. Therefore, it is necessary to perform tests before deploying devices. In this paper the authors show that the performance of test network devices is dependent on the nature of network traffic including its statistical properties. Also a new hybrid model of the system for testing the network device based on the q-additivity of traffic flows was proposed. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Performance test of network devices. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2013, vol. 13, No. 2 (2013), pp. 29-36 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejPY - 2014/12/09SP - 29EP - 36T1 - Performance test of network devicesVL - 13 DO - 10.2478/v10065-012-0044-9JO - Annales UMCS, InformaticaER - BibTex:@article{article,author = { Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej },year = {2014},month = {12},pages = {29-36},title = {Performance test of network devices },volume = {13},journal = { Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-012-0044-9} } Link |
2013 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. | A set of connection network synthesis based on the linear Diophantine constraints solution in area (0,1) | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In the paper we present a method for synthesis of a set of connection networks, which fulfill the designer’s assumption. In order to do that, the designed network is presented as a system of Diophantine constraints in a special form. A method to resolve those systems is proposed, which is characterized by lower computational complexity, especially in the case of rare topologies design. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. A set of connection network synthesis based on the linear Diophantine constraints solution in area (0,1). Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2013, vol. 13, No 1 (2013), pp. 11-21 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Bolanowski, Marek AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej PY - 2013/01/01 SP - 11 EP - 21 T1 - A set of connection network synthesis based on the linear Diophantine constraints solution in area {0,1} VL - 13 DO - 10.2478/v10065-012-0043-x JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej}, year = {2013}, month = {01}, pages = {11-21}, title = {A set of connection network synthesis based on the linear Diophantine constraints solution in area {0,1}}, volume = {13}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-012-0043-x} } Link |
2013 | Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P. | Convergent traffic in the environment of wireless MESH technology | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper presents a performance study of wireless MESH networks in the contextof the convergent transmission. Nowadays, the integration of voice, video and data is becoming the norm. However, the wireless LAN environment, and especially MESH technology is an unfriendly environment due to its characteristics. Therefore, the impact of the size of transmitted frames to delays in the network based on mesh technology was analyzed. The sizes of transmitted framescorresponded to standards for Voice over IP, Video over IP that are commonly used. Additionally, a model of effective load balancing in mesh networks was presented. Then, the reliability and flexibility of these networks will be increased. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P. Convergent traffic in the environment of wireless MESH technology. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2013, vol. 13, No. 2 (2013), pp. 83-95 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej AU - Bolanowski, Marek AU - Zapala, Przemyslaw PY - 2013/01/01 SP - 83 EP - 95 T1 - Convergent traffic in the environment of wireless MESH technology VL - 13 DO - 10.2478/v10065-012-0042-y JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Bolanowski, Marek and Zapala, Przemyslaw}, year = {2013}, month = {01}, pages = {83-95}, title = {Convergent traffic in the environment of wireless MESH technology}, volume = {13}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-012-0042-y} } Link |
2013 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Płonka P. | Simulation of reconfiguration problems in sensor networks using OMNeT++softwere | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper presents a comparative analysis of reallocation algorithms in a structureof wireless sensor network in the event of a failure of network nodes. The article contains detailedresearch results of wireless sensor networks technology, with particular emphasis on thte network-layerprotocols - routing protocols. In the research the simulation environment OMNeT++ was used tostudy the properties of reconfiguration and reallocation problems in the wireless sensor network. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Płonka P. Simulation of reconfiguration problems in sensor networks using OMNeT++softwere. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2013, vol. 13, No. 1 (2013), pp. 49-67 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Plonka, Piotr PY - 2013/01/01 SP - 49 EP - 67 T1 - Simulation of reconfiguration problems in sensor networks using OMNeT++ software VL - 13 DO - 10.2478/v10065-012-0041-z JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Plonka, Piotr}, year = {2013}, month = {01}, pages = {49-67}, title = {Simulation of reconfiguration problems in sensor networks using OMNeT++ software}, volume = {13}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-012-0041-z} } Link |
2013 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. | Computer network traffic analysis with the use of statistical self-similarity factor | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The optimal computer network performance models require accurate traffic models, which can capture the statistical characteristic of actual traffic. If the traffic models do not represent traffic accurately, one may overestimate or underestimate the network performance. The paper presents confirmation of the self-similar nature of the selected protocols in the computer network communication layer. It shows that the good measure of self-similarity is a Hurst factor. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. Computer network traffic analysis with the use of statistical self-similarity factor. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica. 2013, vol. 13, No. 1 (2013), pp. 69-81 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslw AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2013/01/01 SP - 69 EP - 81 T1 - Computer network traffic analysis with the use of statistical self-similarity factor VL - 13 DO - 10.2478/v10065-012-0040-0 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2013}, month = {01}, pages = {69-81}, title = {Computer network traffic analysis with the use of statistical self-similarity factor}, volume = {13}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-012-0040-0} } Link |
2012 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Kryvyi S.L. | The computational algorithm for supported solutions set of linear diophantine equations systems in a ring of integer numbers | International Journal of Modern Engineering Research | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The algorithm for computation of minimal supported set of solutions and base solutions of linear Diophantine equations systems in a ring of integer numbers is proposed. This algorithm is founded on the modified TSS-method. Słowa kluczowe: Ring of integer numbers, linear Diophantine equations, supported set, supported set of solutions Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Kryvyi S.L. The computational algorithm for supported solutions set of linear diophantine equations systems in a ring of integer numbers. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research. 2012, vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 4133-4137 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Mazurek, MiroslawAU - Kryvyi, SerigiyPY - 2012SP - 4133EP - 4137T1 - The computational algorithm for supported solutions set of linear diophantine equations systems in a ring of integer numbersVL - 2JO - International Journal of Modern Engineering ResearchER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Strzałka, Dominik and Kryvyi, Serigiy },year = {2012},pages = { 4133-4137},title = {The computational algorithm for supported solutions set of linear diophantine equations systems in a ring of integer numbers},volume = {2},journal = { International Journal of Modern Engineering Research} Link |
2012 | Strzałka D., Dymora P., Strzałka B. | Queue Performance in Presence of Long-Range Dependencies - an Empirical Study | International Journal of Information Science | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The queuing, as an inherent feature of each real system, plays a very important role in teletraffic networks as well. It is known that the queuing system consists of three basic components: the input stream of requests, the service processes and the queue discipline. The optimal performance of system can be achieved only in the case when all components are “matched” together. The teletraffic models that describe the early telephone services (e.g. Poisson and Markov) have been very successful. One of the main reasons for this success with models, which accurately resembles the real-world behavior, has been due to the highly static, low varying nature of early development phase of telephone voice traffic. This means that the whole environment of early telephone networks can be treated as a simple system. The main features of such systems can be described by: thermodynamic quasi-equilibrium, homogenous topologies, random graph theory, short-range dependencies, Poisson distribution, circuit switching, etc. However, the evolution of teletraffic from voice to new data traffic and integrated services inevitably leads to the vastly different statistical characteristics that are much more irregular and variable and as a result undermine the basis for the traditional traffic models. In this paper we show that taking into account the complex systems approach the existence of long-range dependencies (expressed by 1/ f noise) influence queue performance. This is done basing on analytical approach with presentation of long-range dependent queue model and also by experimental study of traffic behavior in computer network during daily workload generated by computer user. Słowa kluczowe: Long-Range Dependencies, Hurst Parameter, Powers Spectral Density, Queues, Complex Systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D., Dymora P., Strzałka B. Queue Performance in Presence of Long-Range Dependencies - an Empirical Study. International Journal of Information Science. 2012, vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 47-53 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Barbara AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Strzal, Dominik PY - 2012/07/09 SP - 47 EP - 53 T1 - Queue Performance in Presence of Long-Range Dependencies - an Empirical Study VL - 2 DO - 10.5923/j.ijis.20120204.04 JO - International Journal of Information Science ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Barbara and Strzałka, Dominik and Strzal, Dominik}, year = {2012}, month = {07}, pages = {47-53}, title = {Queue Performance in Presence of Long-Range Dependencies - an Empirical Study}, volume = {2}, journal = {International Journal of Information Science}, doi = {10.5923/j.ijis.20120204.04} } Link |
2012 | Strzałka D. | Fractal Properties of Linux Kernel Maps | Computer Science and Engineering | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Many different measures were proposed to describe the problem of possible software co mplexity-the nu mber of lines of code sometimes referred as a source lines of code (SLOC), Halstead's volume V, McCabe cyclo matic number V(G), among others. However, any of them doesn't take into account the possible fractal properties of software source code emerging fro m develop ment process. The ma in aim of this paper is to show that in the case of successive Linu x OS kernels fractal self-organization of the system can be seen. This is done in the relation to: (i) the analysis of rate of growth for number of files and source lines of Linu x kernels code, (ii) by the presentation of some v isualizations indicating self-similar graphical structure of OS kernels, (iii) by the calculations of fractal dimensions D b basing on box dimension method. Basing on obtained results it can be assumed that: (i) calculated rate of growth in the case of lines and files in the simplest approach can be approximated by the polynomial with degree 2 with R = 0.96 and R = 0.94 respectively, (ii) this system becomes more and more co mple x with self-similar structure, (iii) its fractal dimension is still growing. Presented analysis opens new possibilit ies for description of co mputer programs in terms of comp le x systems approach. Słowa kluczowe: Linux Kernel Maps, Fractal Dimension, Emergence, Complex Systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Fractal Properties of Linux Kernel Maps. Computer Science and Engineering. 2012, vol. 2, No. 6, pp. 112-117 TY - JOUR RIS: AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2012/10/01 SP - 112 EP - 117 T1 - Fractal Properties of Linux Kernel Maps VL - 2 DO - 10.5923/ JO - Computer Science and Engineering ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2012}, month = {10}, pages = {112-117}, title = {Fractal Properties of Linux Kernel Maps}, volume = {2}, journal = {Computer Science and Engineering}, doi = {10.5923/} } Link |
2012 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Nieroda S. | Sensor network infrastructure for intelligent building monitoring and management system | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The aim of this study was to present that it is possible to design and implement an efficient and functional intel-ligent building management system based on free tools, own project and self-realization of sensor network sys-tem which may be a low cost alternative to commercial ones. The paper presents the designed system consisting of implemented devices on the basis of sensor network technology and own hardware project in a building manage-ment system. At the application level there was designed and implemented the building management system which allows communication between the sensors, data exchange between the sensors and the database as well as the system parameters visualization panel used for intelligent building monitoring. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Nieroda S. Sensor network infrastructure for intelligent building monitoring and management system. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica. 2012, vol. 12, No. 2 (2012), pp. 59-71 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw AU - Nieroda, Slawomir PY - 2012/01/01 SP - 59 EP - 71 T1 - Sensor network infrastructure for intelligent building monitoring and management system VL - 12 DO - 10.2478/v10065-012-0010-6 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw and Nieroda, Slawomir}, year = {2012}, month = {01}, pages = {59-71}, title = {Sensor network infrastructure for intelligent building monitoring and management system}, volume = {12}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-012-0010-6} } Link |
2012 | Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D., Piękoś M. | Influence of batch structure on cluster computing performance - complex systems approach | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This work presents the problem of clusters computing performance optimization. An assessment of the impact of computing architecture, applications, and communications equipment on the system performance was done. Processing bottlenecks were identified, showing that in order to obtain an optimum usage of computational structure the system should be treated as a complex one in which it is impossible to isolate and optimize each element independently. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D., Piękoś M. Influence of batch structure on cluster computing performance - complex systems approach. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica. 2012, vol. 12, No. 1 (2012), pp. 57-66 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Strzałka, DominikAU - Piekos, MarcinPY - 2012SP - 57EP - 66T1 - Influence of batch structure on cluster computing performance - complex systems approachVL - 12 DO - 10.2478/v10065-012-0012-4JO - Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sectio AI InformaticaER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Strzałka, Dominik and Piekos, Marcin },year = {2012},pages = { 57-66},title = {Influence of batch structure on cluster computing performance - complex systems approach},volume = {12},journal = { Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sectio AI Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-012-0012-4} } Link |
2012 | Dymora P., Strzałka D., Mazurek M. | Long-range dependencies in reading memory pages in the man-computer system interaction | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The modern computer systems consist of many interdependent subsystems. There are two possible approaches to their analysis. The first one is based on the idea of reductionism proposed by Descrates[1] and can be considered as a still ruling paradigm in the case of computer science and engineering. The second one can be related to the still new idea of the complex systems approach, where in order to understand the behaviour of such systems one needs to have the knowledge about the behaviour of system components and also, that is more important, how they act together [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. This specific paradigm change can be even shown in the case of the idea of Turing machines and new approach for consideration in the case of interactive processing – even the opinion that “the computer engineering is not a mathematical science” was presented [9]. It should be noted that the Turing machine is a mathematical idea [10] while its implementations are the physical ones [11], but if the physical nature of computer systems was indicated, there is a need to have an appropriate physical (thermodynamical) basis for deliberations in such a case. In [12] it has been shown that the analysis of processes in the computer systems can be based on non-extensive thermodynamics. However, this analysis considers only spatial correlations, meanwhile in this paper we will focus on time dependencies leading to a long-memory effect. The paper is divided into 5 sections. In Section 2 the conception of the hierarchical structure of memory system in the computer is presented. This proposal was given in [11] where its influence on computer thermodynamics was discussed. In Section 3 there is a short survey about long-range dependencies whereas Section 4 discusses practical usage of theoretical considerations. The last section concludes the paper. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Strzałka D., Mazurek M. Long-range dependencies in reading memory pages in the man-computer system interaction. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica. 2012, vol. 12, No. 2 (2012), pp. 49-58 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Dymora, PawelAU - Strzałka, DominikAU - Mazurek, MiroslawPY - 2012SP - 49EP - 58T1 - Long-range dependencies in reading memory pages in the man-computer system interactionVL - 12JO - Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sectio AI InformaticaER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Strzałka, Dominik and Mazurek, Miroslaw },year = {2012},pages = { 49-58},title = {Long-range dependencies in reading memory pages in the man-computer system interaction},volume = {12},journal = { Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska Sectio AI Informatica} Link |
2011 | Strzałka D., Dymora P., Mazurek M. | Statistical mechanics of memory pages reads during man-computer system interaction | Metody Informatyki Stosowanej | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper shows that the hierarchical structure of computer system memory organization during man-computer interaction can lead to the existence of phenomena that can be considered in terms of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The analysis of probability distribution shows the existence of power-laws in the rate at which operating system resolves data from hard drive caused by the hardware page faults in virtual memory mechanism. Słowa kluczowe: Man-computer interaction, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, power-laws, hard drive behavior. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Statistical mechanics of memory pages reads during man-computer system interaction. Metody Informatyki Stosowanej. 2011, vol. 1 (26), pp. 15-21 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Dymora, Pawel AU - Mazurek, Miroslaw PY - 2011/01/01 SP - 15 EP - 21 T1 - Statistical mechanics of memory pages reads during man-computer system interaction VL - 1 JO - Metody Informatyki Stosowanej ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Dymora, Pawel and Mazurek, Miroslaw}, year = {2011}, month = {01}, pages = {15-21}, title = {Statistical mechanics of memory pages reads during man-computer system interaction}, volume = {1}, journal = {Metody Informatyki Stosowanej} } Link |
2011 | Strzałka D., Szurlej P. | Power-Law Distributions in Hard Drive Behavior | Journal of Software Engineering and Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Taking into account the fact that the computer systems, as the implementations of Turing machine, are physical devices, the paper shows considerations in which hard drive behavior will be presented in terms of statistical mechanics. Because computer is a machine, its analysis cannot be based only on mathematical models apart of physical conditions. In the paper it will be presented a very narrow part this problem – an analysis of hard drive behavior in the context of the power-law distributions. We will focus only on four selected hard drive parameters, i.e. the rate of transfer bytes to or from the disk during the read or write, the number of pending requests to the disk and the rate of read operations. Our research was performed under the Windows operating system and this allows to make a statistical analysis for the possible occurrence of power-laws representing the lack of characteristic scale for considered processes. This property will be confirmed in all analyzed cases. A presented study can help describing the behavior of the whole computer system in terms of physics of computer processing. Słowa kluczowe: Power Laws, Hard Drive Behavior, Performance Monitor, Windows Operating System, Physics of Computer Processing Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D., Szurlej P. Power-Law Distributions in Hard Drive Behavior. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications. 2011, vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 710-717 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Strzałka, DominikAU - Szurlej, PiotrPY - 2011SP - 710EP - 717T1 - Power-Law Distributions in Hard Drive BehaviorVL - 2JO - Journal of Software Engineering and ApplicationsER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel and Szurlej, Piotr },year = {2011},pages = { 710-717},title = {Power-Law Distributions in Hard Drive Behavior},volume = {2},journal = { Journal of Software Engineering and Applications} Link |
2011 | Dymora P., Hajder M. | A novel approach to fault tolerant multichannel networks designing problems | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI: Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This work presents solution of a bus interconnection network set designing task on the base of a hypergraph model. In order to do this the interconnection network is presented as a multipartite hypergraph. A system with virtual bus connections functioning in an environment of common physical channel was analyzed, which is characteristic of the networks based on the WDM technology. The mathematical reliability model was proposed for two modes of system functioning: with redundancy of communication subsystem and division of communication load. As solution estimation criteria the expected changes of processing efficiency changes were used as also a communication delay change criteria and system reliability criteria. The designing task solution is searched in a Pareto set composed of Pareto optima. The selection procedure of a specific solution in the case of its equivalency in relation to a vector goal function was presented. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Dymora P., Hajder M. A novel approach to fault tolerant multichannel networks designing problems. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI: Informatica. 2011, vol. 11, No. 1 (2011), pp. 67-77 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Hajder, Miroslaw AU - Dymora, Pawel PY - 2011/12/01 SP - 67 EP - 77 T1 - A novel approach to fault tolerant multichannel networks designing problems VL - 11 DO - 10.2478/v10065-011-0029-0 JO - Annales UMCS, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Hajder, Miroslaw and Dymora, Pawel}, year = {2011}, month = {12}, pages = {67-77}, title = {A novel approach to fault tolerant multichannel networks designing problems}, volume = {11}, journal = {Annales UMCS, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-011-0029-0} } Link |
2010 | Grabowski F. | Logistic equation of arbitrary order | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper is concerned with the new logistic equation of arbitrary order which describes the performance of complex executive systems X vs. number of tasks N, operating at limited resources K, at non-extensive, heterogeneous self-organization processes characterized by parameter f. In contrast to the classical logistic equation which exclusively relates to the special case of sub-extensive homogeneous self-organization processes at f=1, the proposed model concerns both homogeneous and heterogeneous processes in sub-extensive and super-extensive areas. The parameter of arbitrary order f, where −∞<f<+∞, depends on both the coefficient of external resource utilization u=N/K, where 0<u<1, and the internal microscopic character of realized processes related to the depth of feedback β. The coefficient β directly influences self-organization of processes by the change of microscopic parameters Vi, Si, i and Z, where Vi is the number of references (visit) to the ith component of the system during the service of each task, Si is the time of serving the task by the ith component, and Z is the think time of a given process. In the general case of complex system, parameters Vi, Si, i and Z can have values in the range from 0 to +∞. In this way the new equation includes all possible cases of a complex executive system’s operation. Furthermore, it allows us to define the optimal matching point between X and N with f as the parameter. It also helps to balance the load in complex systems and to equip artificial systems with self-optimization mechanisms similar to those observed in natural systems. Słowa kluczowe: Logistic equation, Arbitrary order, Feedback, Self-organization, Matching point Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F. Logistic equation of arbitrary order. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2010, vol. 389, No. 16, pp. 3081-3093 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Grabowski, Franciszek PY - 2010/08/01 SP - 3081 EP - 3093 T1 - Logistic equation of arbitrary order VL - 389 DO - 10.1016/j.physa.2010.03.024 JO - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Grabowski, Franciszek}, year = {2010}, month = {08}, pages = {3081-3093}, title = {Logistic equation of arbitrary order}, volume = {389}, journal = {Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications}, doi = {10.1016/j.physa.2010.03.024} } Link |
2010 | Strzałka D. | On some properties of Benford's Law | Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In present paper there are studied some properties of Benford’s law. The existence of this law in not necessary large sets of numbers is a very interesting example that can show how the complex phenomena can appear in the positional number systems. Such systems seem to be very simple and intuitive and help us proceed with numbers. However, their simplicity in the case of usage in our lifetime is not necessary connected with the simplicity in the case of laws that govern them. Even if this laws indicate the existence of self-similar properties. Słowa kluczowe: Benford's law, self-similarity, complex systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. On some properties of Benford's Law. Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. 2010, vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 1055-1075 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2010/01/01 SP - 1055 EP - 1075 T1 - On some properties of Benford's law VL - 47 DO - 10.4134/JKMS.2010.47.5.1055 JO - Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2010}, month = {01}, pages = {1055-1075}, title = {On some properties of Benford's law}, volume = {47}, journal = {Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society}, doi = {10.4134/JKMS.2010.47.5.1055} } Link |
2010 | Strzałka D. | Paradigms Evolution in Computer Science | Egitania Sciencia | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper presents a problem of paradigm evolution in computer science. A brilliant idea of Turing machine, which is the basis of all theoretical considerations in the contemporary computer engineering, seems to be from the system analysis point of view, only a complicated system that works only under an algorithmic processing mode. Meanwhile, taking into account the physical structure, the character of realized tasks and interactive processing mode of nowadays computer systems, it seems that they are complex ones and their analysis requires a definitely different approach. The ancient rule “divide and conquer” (reductionist approach) can’t be used in the case of complex systems, because they are governed by Aristotle rule “a whole is more that sum of its parts”. Thus the analysis of modern computer systems requires the understanding of general laws that govern them as a whole and this also requires a different, system approach that takes into account the long-range dependencies in time and space domain, i.e., the paradigm of complex systems. Słowa kluczowe: Complex systems, computer systems, paradigms evolution Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Paradigms Evolution in Computer Science. Egitania Sciencia. 2010, vol. 6, pp. 203-220 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2010/01/01 SP - 203 EP - 220 T1 - Paradigms evolution in computer science VL - 6 JO - Egitania Sciencia ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2010}, month = {01}, pages = {203-220}, title = {Paradigms evolution in computer science}, volume = {6}, journal = {Egitania Sciencia} } Link |
2010 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Dynamics of Algorithmic Processing in Computer Systems | Complex Systems | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper presents a new analytical and experimental approach to the insertion sort algorithm and task processing dynamics. The dependencies that exist in the task structure can influence the algorithm’s behavior, especially in the number of dominant operations that are needed to compute the computational complexity. The proposed approach is based on a Tsallis definition of entropy suitable for all systems that are far from thermodynamical equilibrium. The ideas presented show how a complex systems approach can provide a good perspective for analyzing the processing dynamics of computer systems that are no longer simple. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Dynamics of Algorithmic Processing in Computer Systems. Complex Systems. 2010, vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 73-87 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Grabowski, Franciszek PY - 2010/01/01 SP - 73 EP - 87 T1 - Dynamics of algorithmic processing in computer systems VL - 19 JO - Complex Systems ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Grabowski, Franciszek}, year = {2010}, month = {01}, pages = {73-87}, title = {Dynamics of algorithmic processing in computer systems}, volume = {19}, journal = {Complex Systems} } Link |
2010 | Strzałka D. | Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics - a Possible Basis for Modelling Processes in Computer Memory System | Acta Physica Polonica A | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Tsallis definition of non-extensive entropy introduced in 1988 has been considered to obtain new possibilities to construct generalized thermodynamical basis for statistical physics expanding classical Boltzmann–Gibbs thermodynamics for nonequilibrium states. During the last two decades this q-generalized theory has been successfully applied to considerable number of physically interesting complex phenomena. In the paper the possible thermodynamical basis of processes will be presented in nowadays computer systems in the case of memory behaviour. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics - a Possible Basis for Modelling Processes in Computer Memory System. Acta Physica Polonica A. 2010, vol. 117, No. 4, pp. 652-657 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2010/04/07 SP - 652 EP - 657 T1 - Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics--a Possible Basis for Modelling Processes in Computer Memory System VL - 117 DO - 10.12693/APhysPolA.117.652 JO - Acta Physica Polonica Series a ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2010}, month = {04}, pages = {652-657}, title = {Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics--a Possible Basis for Modelling Processes in Computer Memory System}, volume = {117}, journal = {Acta Physica Polonica Series a}, doi = {10.12693/APhysPolA.117.652} } Link |
2009 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Wybrane właściwości statystyczne dynamiki procesu sortowania przez wstawianie | Metody Informatyki Stosowanej | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule pokazano, że pełne zrozumienie dynamiki struktury wykonawczej wymaga w pierwszej kolejności zrozumienia mechanizmów rządzących stykiem algorytm struktura danych wejściowych. Procesy generowane na szczycie tej struktury są następnie przenoszone na kolejne warstwy struktury wykonawczej powodując ich kumulowanie się, co w efekcie sprawia, że spada wydajność całego systemu komputerowego. Zrozumienie i próba zamodelowania tych procesów pozostaje kluczową kwestią nie tylko w kontekście nowego spojrzenia na dynamikę całej struktury wykonawczej oraz nowego spojrzenia na problem złożoności obliczeniowej, ale także z punktu widzenia dalszego rozwoju systemów operacyjnych i zastosowanych w nich metod dostępu do zasobów. Słowa kluczowe: Algorytm sortowania przez wstawianie, przetwarzanie algorytmiczne, zależności dalekiego zasięgu, systemy złożone Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Wybrane właściwości statystyczne dynamiki procesu sortowania przez wstawianie. Metody Informatyki Stosowanej. 2009, vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 85-98 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Grabowski, Franciszek PY - 2009/01/01 SP - 85 EP - 98 T1 - Wybrane wlasciwosci statystyczne dynamiki procesu sortowania przez wstawianie VL - 1/2009 JO - Metody Informatyki Stosowanej ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Grabowski, Franciszek}, year = {2009}, month = {01}, pages = {85-98}, title = {Wybrane wlasciwosci statystyczne dynamiki procesu sortowania przez wstawianie}, volume = {1/2009}, journal = {Metody Informatyki Stosowanej} } Link |
2009 | Strzałka D. | Stany nierównowagowe procesów w przetwarzaniu algorytmicznym | Metody Informatyki Stosowanej | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule zostały zaprezentowane rozważania dotyczące istnienia możliwych związków pomiędzy nieekstensywnmą definicją entropii zaproponowaną przez C. Tsallisa a przetwarzaniem algorytmicznym na przykładzie sortowania przez wstawianie. Wykresy rozkładów empirycznych w skali log-lin pokazujące istnienie wolno zanikających ogonów rozkładów prawdopodobieństwa wskazują, że uwarunkowania termodynamiczne pracy analizowanego algorytmu wyłaniają się dopiero dla odpowiednio dużych przetwarzanych zbiorów danych. W pewnym sensie jest to cecha o charakterze emergentnym, która w klasycznej analizie algorytmów nie jest w ogóle brana pod uwagę. W artykule [23] pokazano, że taką cechą może być także przenoszenie pewnych własności sortowanych zbiorów danych (efekt zależności długoterminowych) na poziom dynamiki zachowań algorytmu i liczby operacji dominujących, jakie są wykonywane w czasie jego pracy. Jest to podejście odmienne od dotychczas zakładanego, kiedy to w klasycznej analizie złożoności obliczeniowej przyjmowano, że najbardziej interesującym i miarodajnym jest przypadek pesymistyczny (najgorszy z możliwych) lub w niektórych przypadkach tzw. przypadek średni. Tymczasem analiza pracy algorytmu w połączeniu z wiedzą nt. przetwarzanych danych pokazuje, że istnieją pewne charakterystyczne cechy, które mogą mieć fundamentalne znaczenie w przypadku analizy maszyn Turinga traktowanych nie jako model matematyczny, ale rozważanych w kontekście fizycznych właściwości implementacji. Słowa kluczowe: Przetwarzanie algorytmiczne, entropia nieekstensywna, sortowanie przez wstawianie, uwarunkowania termodynamiczne Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Stany nierównowagowe procesów w przetwarzaniu algorytmicznym. Metody Informatyki Stosowanej. 2009, vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 145-160 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik PY - 2009/01/01 SP - 145 EP - 160 T1 - Stany nierownowagowe procesow w przetwarzaniu algorytmicznym VL - 2/2009 JO - Metody Informatyki Stosowanej ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik}, year = {2009}, month = {01}, pages = {145-160}, title = {Stany nierownowagowe procesow w przetwarzaniu algorytmicznym}, volume = {2/2009}, journal = {Metody Informatyki Stosowanej} } Link |
2009 | Nycz M., Filipiak-Karasińska A. | The Improvement of Wireless Network Performance Functioning Based on Diffusive Moving The Loads of Cells | Journal of Applied Computer Science | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In the paper, the original method of balancing cell loads in wireless networks has been presented. It allows for diffusing the load to the area assembling cells with decreased load and, thus, improving the total network capacity. The method is highly effective in load balancing and acceptable as far as computational complexity is concerned. Its performance has been proved by experimental tests. Słowa kluczowe: Load balancing, cells networks, networks design, graph theory Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Nycz M., Filipiak-Karasińska A. The Improvement of Wireless Network Performance Functioning Based on Diffusive Moving The Loads of Cells. Journal of Applied Computer Science. 2009, vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 41-56 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Filipiak-Karasi, Aneta AU - Nycz, Mariusz PY - 2009/01/01 SP - 41 EP - 56 T1 - The Improvement of a Wireless Network Performance Functioning Based on Diffusive Moving The Loads of Cells VL - 17 ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Filipiak-Karasi, Aneta and Nycz, Mariusz}, year = {2009}, month = {01}, pages = {41-56}, title = {The Improvement of a Wireless Network Performance Functioning Based on Diffusive Moving The Loads of Cells}, volume = {17} } Link |
2009 | Grabowski F., Zarychta M., Hawro P. | Agent technologies for WEB mining from a non-extensive thermodynamics perspective | International Journal Information Technologies and Knowledge | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Motivated by the works that reveal the small-world effect and scale-free property of various real-life networks, many scientists devote themselves into studying complex networks. One of the ultimate goals is to understand how the topological structures of networks affect the dynamics upon them. In this paper, we give a brief review on the studies of agent technology appliances for Web mining which is performed in complex network environment ruled by non-extensive thermodynamics. Słowa kluczowe: Non-extensive thermodynamics, web mining, complex networks, multi-agent technology. Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Zarychta M., Hawro P. Agent technologies for WEB mining from a non-extensive thermodynamics perspective. International Journal Information Technologies and Knowledge . 2009, vol. 3, No. 13, pp. 125-130 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Zarychta, MarekAU - Hawro, PrzemyslawPY - 2009SP - 125EP - 130T1 - Agent technologies for WEB mining from a non-extensive thermodynamics perspectiveVL - 3JO - International Journal Information Technologies and Knowledge ER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Zarychta, Marek and Hawro, Przemyslaw },year = {2009},pages = { 125-130},title = {Agent technologies for WEB mining from a non-extensive thermodynamics perspective},volume = {3},journal = { International Journal Information Technologies and Knowledge } Link |
2009 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Conception of paradigms evolution in science towards the complex systems approach | Egitania Sciencia | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt An article shows a wide depiction of conception of paradigms evolution in science and surrounding reality. The presented approach is based on a new formula of system paradigm approach, which assumes wide depiction in analysis, description and synthesis of real systems as complex systems governed by long-range dependencies in space and time domain. A process of deepening science knowledge within a given time is strictly connected with ruling paradigm of perceiving reality; each paradigm change is based on a scientific revolution and leads to the change of reality perceiving and science problems too. It seems that the lack of awareness of this process itself and its consequences don't allow to have a wide depiction of many scientific problems. Słowa kluczowe: paradigms evolution, complex systems science Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Conception of paradigms evolution in science towards the complex systems approach. Egitania Sciencia. 2009, vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 197-210 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Grabowski, Franciszek PY - 2009/01/01 SP - 197 EP - 210 T1 - Conception of paradigms evolution in science - towards the complex systems approach VL - 4 JO - Egitania Scienca ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Grabowski, Franciszek}, year = {2009}, month = {01}, pages = {197-210}, title = {Conception of paradigms evolution in science - towards the complex systems approach}, volume = {4}, journal = {Egitania Scienca} } Link |
2009 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Influence of Excess 1/f Noise on Channel Capacity | Complex Systems | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper deals with new analytical and experimental aspects of a channel's capacity in the presence of excess nonwhite Gaussian noise with long-range dependencies described by the Hurst parameter H. Shannon's theory of information based on the assumptions given by the Boltzmann|Gibbs extensive thermodynamical basis, does not allow description of many different phenomena directly connected with the ideas of a complex systems approach. This theory is also a basis of many considerations in communication, but a new approach to transmission channels is needed. The transmission channels are no longer simple systems built with only one wire connection, but consist of many different transmission media. For each type of partial connection in such channels there are many various interferences that influence some parts of the channel in different ways. We suggest that in many cases the real capacity of the whole channel can no longer be determined by Shannon's equation without taking into account the problem of excess 1 ë f noise, which appears as an intrinsic feature of dynamically packet switched networks. The ideas presented in this paper show how the complex system approach can provide a good perspective for analyzing the whole transmission channel. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Influence of Excess 1/f Noise on Channel Capacity. Complex Systems. 2009, vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 255-266 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Grabowski, Franciszek PY - 2009/01/01 SP - 255 EP - 266 T1 - Influence of excess 1/f noise on channel capacity VL - 18 JO - Complex Systems ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Grabowski, Franciszek}, year = {2009}, month = {01}, pages = {255-266}, title = {Influence of excess 1/f noise on channel capacity}, volume = {18}, journal = {Complex Systems} } Link |
2009 | Strzałka D. | Connections between Von Foerster coalition growth model and Tsallis q-exponential | Acta Physica Polonica B | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt The paper will show the direct connections between q-Malthusian growth model, i.e. the classical exponential growth model generalized in Tsallis statistics, and the coalition growth model introduced by von Foerster in 1960. As it will turn out, the equations that have been taken into account when the coalition model was introduced, are closely related to the equations that describe the non-extensive generalization of entropy. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Strzałka D. Connections between Von Foerster coalition growth model and Tsallis q-exponential. Acta Physica Polonica B. 2009, vol. 40, No. 1, pp. 41-47 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Strzałka, DominiPY - 2009SP - 41EP - 47T1 - Connections between Von Foerster coalition growth model and Tsallis q-exponentialVL - 40JO - Acta Physica Polonica BER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Dymora, Pawel },year = {2009},pages = { 41-47},title = {Connections between Von Foerster coalition growth model and Tsallis q-exponential},volume = {40},journal = { Acta Physica Polonica B} Link |
2008 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Rekonfigurowalność systemów w kontekście statystyki nie-ekstensywnej | Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt W artykule pokazano, że czas życia systemów rekonfigurowalnych wpisuje się w przypadek super-ekstensywny, nieaddytywnej termodynamiki nierównowagowej i entropii Tsallisa, która oprócz składnika addytywnego o charakterze ilościowym, opisującym nierekonfigurowane struktury klasyczne, zawiera dodatkowy człon jakościowy wpisujący się w charakter struktur rekonfigurowalnych. Podejście to stanowi rozszerzenie klasycznej, addytywnej formuły entropii Boltzmanna-Gibbsa-Shannona. Badania dotyczą relacji pomiędzy postępem technologicznym określonym przez prawo Moore'a a czasem życia produktu w odniesieniu do struktur klasycznych i rekonfigurowalnych. Słowa kluczowe: Rekonfigurowalność, entropia nieekstensywna Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Rekonfigurowalność systemów w kontekście statystyki nie-ekstensywnej. Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola. 2008, vol. 54, No. 8, pp. 556-558 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Strzałka, DominikPY - 2008SP - 556EP - 558T1 - Rekonfigurowalnosc systemow w kontekscie statystyki nie-ekstensywnejVL - 54JO -Pomiary Automatyka KontrolaER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Strzałka, Dominik },year = {2008},pages = { 556-558},title = {Rekonfigurowalnosc systemow w kontekscie statystyki nie-ekstensywnej},volume = {54},journal = { Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola} Link |
2008 | Bolanowski M., Hajder M. | Connectivity Analysis in the Computational Systems with Distributed Communications in the Multichanel Environment | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Bolanowski M., Hajder M. Connectivity Analysis in the Computational Systems with Distributed Communications in the Multichanel Environment. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2008, vol. 17, No. 2A, pp. 14-18 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Bolanowski, MarekAU - Hajder, MPY - 2008SP - 14EP - 18T1 - Connectivity Analysis in the Computational Systems with Distributed Communications in the Multichanel EnvironmentVL - 17JO -Polish Journal of Environmental StudiesER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Bolanowski, Marek and Hajder, M },year = {2008},pages = { 14-18},title = {Connectivity Analysis in the Computational Systems with Distributed Communications in the Multichanel Environment},volume = {17},journal = { Polish Journal of Environmental Studies} Link |
2008 | Paszkiewicz A., Hajder M. | Selecting Communication Means in Conditions of Incomplete Information for Distributed Systems with Hierarchy of Topology | Polish Journal of Environmental Studies | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Słowa kluczowe: Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A., Hajder M. Selecting Communication Means in Conditions of Incomplete Information for Distributed Systems with Hierarchy of Topology. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 2008, vol. 17, No. 2A, pp. 19-23 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Paszkiewicz, AndrzejAU - Hajder, MPY - 2008SP - 19EP - 23T1 - Selecting Communication Means in Conditions of Incomplete Information for Distributed Systems with Hierarchy of TopologyVL - 17JO -Polish Journal of Environmental StudiesER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Paszkiewicz, Andrzej and Hajder, M },year = {2008},pages = { 19-23},title = {Selecting Communication Means in Conditions of Incomplete Information for Distributed Systems with Hierarchy of Topology},volume = {17},journal = { Polish Journal of Environmental Studies} Link |
2008 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Towards possible q-generalizations of the Malthus and Verhulst growth models | Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Tsallis entropy introduced in 1988 based on the equation Sq=1−∑ipiqq−1 has been considered to obtain new possibilities for constructing a generalized thermodynamical basis for statistical physics, expanding classical Boltzmann–Gibbs thermodynamics for non-equilibrium states. During the last two decades this q-generalized theory has been successfully applied to a considerable amount of physically interesting complex phenomena. The authors wish to present a mathematical analysis of the possible q-generalizations of the Malthus and the Verhulst growth models based on Tsallis definitions of the q-logarithm and the q-exponential. Słowa kluczowe: Non-extensive entropy; Population dynamics (ecology); Complex systems Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Towards possible q-generalizations of the Malthus and Verhulst growth models. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2008, vol. 387, No. 11, pp. 2511-2518 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Strzałka, DominikPY - 2008SP - 2511EP - 2518T1 - Towards possible q-generalizations of the Malthus and Verhulst growth modelsVL - 387JO -Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its ApplicationsER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Strzałka, Dominik },year = {2008},pages = { 2511-2518},title = {Towards possible q-generalizations of the Malthus and Verhulst growth models},volume = {387},journal = { Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications } Link |
2008 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | A short review of elementary properties and possible applications of deformed q-algebra derived from non-extensive Tsallis entropy | Modern Physics Letters B | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt Tsallis entropy introduced in 1988 is considered to have obtained new possibilities to construct generalized thermodynamical basement for statistical physics expanding classical Boltzmann–Gibbs–Shannon thermodynamics for non-equilibrium states. During the last two decades this q-generalized theory has been successfully applied to a considerable amount of physically interesting complex phenomena. The authors would like to present a short rewiev, the applications and the elementary properties of some operators in deformed q-algebra derived from Tsallis definition of non-extensive entropy based on the definitions of the q-logarithm and the q-exponential. The new definition of the q-root is also introduced. Słowa kluczowe: Non-extensive entropy, q-generalized algebra Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. A short review of elementary properties and possible applications of deformed q-algebra derived from non-extensive Tsallis entropy. Modern Physics Letters B. 2008, vol. 22, No. 16, pp. 1525-1534 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Strzałka, DominikPY - 2008SP - 1525EP - 1534T1 - A short review of elementary properties and possible applications of deformed q-algebra derived from non-extensive Tsallis entropyVL - 22JO - Modern Physics Letters BER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Strzałka, Dominik },year = {2008},pages = { 1525-1534},title = {A short review of elementary properties and possible applications of deformed q-algebra derived from non-extensive Tsallis entropy},volume = {22},journal = { Modern Physics Letters B } Link |
2008 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Towards possible non-extensive thermodynamics of algorithmic processing -statistical mechanics of insertion sort algorithm | International Journal of Modern Physics C | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt BRAK Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Towards possible non-extensive thermodynamics of algorithmic processing -statistical mechanics of insertion sort algorithm. International Journal of Modern Physics C. 2008, vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1443-1458 RIS:TY - JOURAU - Grabowski, FranciszekAU - Strzałka, DominikPY - 2008SP - 1443EP - 1458T1 - Towards possible non-extensive thermodynamics of algorithmic processing -statistical mechanics of insertion sort algorithmVL - 19JO - International Journal of Modern Physics CER - BibTex:@article{article,author = {Grabowski, Franciszek and Strzałka, Dominik },year = {2008},pages = { 1443-1458},title = {Towards possible non-extensive thermodynamics of algorithmic processing -statistical mechanics of insertion sort algorithm},volume = {19},journal = { International Journal of Modern Physics C } Link |
2008 | Grabowski F., Strzałka D. | Processes in Systems with Limited Resources in the Context of Non-extensive Thermodynamics | Fundamenta Informaticae | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt This paper presents a preliminary analysis of the system behavior that works far from the thermodynamical equilibrium states in the environment with limited resources. The examples of such systems are the real computer systems. Nowadays in such systems the runoff characteristic of the information flow is very turbulent in contradiction to the current existing laminar models. These systems work under constant overload, which means a permanent thermodynamical non-equilibrium (from the thermodynamical point of view). For such a situation the classical approach to their modeling is still based on Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) thermodynamics,which is proper only for systems that are in equilibriumstate (sometimes called thermostatic) or very close to it. The changing number of tasks N in such systems and the limited resourcesK of the environment cause its chaotic behavior and generate the dependencies that have got a long-termproperty. Such processes degrade the system performance X and elongate the response time R; in other words degrade the Quality of Service (QoS). To understand the whole behavior of such systems one needs a proper thermodynamical basis that seems to be the Tsallis formula of the non-extensive entropy. Słowa kluczowe: Limited resources, non-extensive entropy, thermodynamic non-equilibrium Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Processes in Systems with Limited Resources in the Context of Non-extensive Thermodynamics. Fundamenta Informaticae. 2008, vol. 85, No. 1-4, pp. 455-464 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Strzałka, Dominik AU - Grabowski, Franciszek PY - 2008/01/01 SP - 455 EP - 464 T1 - Processes in Systems with Limited Resources in the Context of Non-extensive Thermodynamics VL - 85 JO - Fundam. Inform. ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Strzałka, Dominik and Grabowski, Franciszek}, year = {2008}, month = {01}, pages = {455-464}, title = {Processes in Systems with Limited Resources in the Context of Non-extensive Thermodynamics}, volume = {85}, journal = {Fundam. Inform.} } Link |
2008 | Paszkiewicz A., Hajder M. | Interconnection distributed systems designed with hierarchical organization | Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI, Informatica | |
Abstrakt: Rozwiń Abstrakt In this paper an origin approach to distributed systems design is shown. It allows to include complete costs of their life circuit. In order to simplify complexity of a design procedure we assume that a created system will have a regional hierarchical structure. A model based on the equivalence relation can describe that problem. In this way, it is possible to describe hierarchical regionalization simply for n-levels. Słowa kluczowe: BRAK Cytowanie: Rozwiń Cytowanie Paszkiewicz A., Hajder M. Interconnection distributed systems designed with hierarchical organization. Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI, Informatica. 2008, vol. 8, No. 1 (2008), pp. 177-184 RIS: TY - JOUR AU - Hajder, Miroslaw AU - Paszkiewicz, Andrzej PY - 2008/01/01 SP - 177 EP - 184 T1 - Interconnection distributed systems designed with hierarchical organization VL - 8 DO - 10.2478/v10065-008-0017-1 JO - Annales Umcs, Informatica ER - BibTex: @article{article, author = {Hajder, Miroslaw and Paszkiewicz, Andrzej}, year = {2008}, month = {01}, pages = {177-184}, title = {Interconnection distributed systems designed with hierarchical organization}, volume = {8}, journal = {Annales Umcs, Informatica}, doi = {10.2478/v10065-008-0017-1} } Link |