Strona: Publications / Department of Complex Systems


red. Bartosz Kowal

List of Department publications
Year Authors Title In More
2024 A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, D. Rączka, M. Madera, T. Kądziołka Application of cyber-physical systems for additive manufacturing of polymer products Polimery
2024 M. Salach, A. Stęchły, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Organiściak, G. Budzik Sterowanie kobotem za pomocą wirtualnej rzeczywistości dla potrzeb Przemysłu 4.0 PAR
2024 G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Cygnar, Ł. Przeszłowski, T. Dziubek Possibilities of Automating the Additive Manufacturing Process of Material Extrusion – MEX Tehnički glasnik
2024 J. Woźniak, A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Kiełbicki, D. Zimon Development of additive technologies in the light of the industry 4.0 and industry 5.0 conception in accordance with the IoE idea International Journal for Quality Research
2024 Kuraś P, Strzałka D, Kowal B, Organiściak P, Demidowski K, Vanivska V. REDUCE—A Tool Supporting Inconsistencies Reduction in the Decision-Making Process Applied sciences
2024 Kowal B., Strzałka D. Statistical Long-Range Dependencies and Statistical Self-Similarity in Computer Systems Processing – The Case of Cache Bytes Counter Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
2024 Mazurek, J., Perzina, R., Strzałka, D., Kowal, B., Kuraś, P., Puhrová, B. P., & Rajs, R. Is the best–worst method path dependent? Evidence from an empirical study 4OR
2024 Organiściak, P., Kuraś, P., Strzalka, D., Paszkiewicz, A., Bolanowski, M., Kowal, B., Ćmil, M., Dymora, P., Mazurek, M., & Vanivska, V. Detection of Incidents and Anomalies in Software-Defined Network – Based Implementations of Critical Infrastructure Resulting in Adaptive System Changes Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
2024 Ćmil, M., Strzalka, D., Grabowski, F., & Kuraś, P. New Approaches to Generalized Logistic Equation with Bifurcation Graph Generation Tool Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
2024 Kuraś, P., Organiściak, P., Kowal, B., Strzałka, D. i Demidowski, K. Integracja systemów płatniczych w IoE oraz metaverse - wyzwania i przyszłość e-commerce w wirtualnym świecie e-mentor
2024 A. Paszkiewicz, C. Ćwikła, M. Bolanowski, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Hodoň Multifunctional clustering based on the LEACH algorithm for edge-cloud continuum ecosystem BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-TECHNICAL SCIENCES
2023 M. Salach, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, A. Kraska, J. Więcek Network Aspects of Remote 3D Printing in the Context of Industry as a Service IDaaS Automation 2023: Key Challenges in Automation, Robotics and Measurement Techniques
2023 J. Kumar, J.K. Samriya, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, W. Pawłowski, M. Ganzha, K. Wasielewska-Michniewska, B. Solarz-Niesłuchowski, M. Paprzycki, I. Lacalle Úbeda, C.E. Palau Towards 6G-Enabled Edge-Cloud Continuum Computing – Initial Assessment ICACIS 2022
2023 W.W. Koczkodaj, A. Kowalczyk, M. Mazurek, W. Pedrycz, G. Redlarski, E. Rogalska, D. Strzalka, A. Szymanska, A. Wilinski, O.S. Xue Peer assessment as a method for measuring harmful internet use MethodsX
2023 G. Budzik, T. Dziubek,A. Kawalec,P. Turek,A. Bazan,M. Dębski,J. Józwik,P. Poliński,M. Kiełbicki,Ł. Kochmański,M. Oleksy,J. Cebulski,A. Paszkiewicz, I. Kuric Geometrical Accuracy of Threaded Elements Manufacture by 3D Printing Process ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-RESEARCH JOURNAL
2023 M. Bolanowski,A. Gerka,A. Paszkiewicz,M. Ganzha,M. Paprzycki, Application of Genetic Algorithm to Load Balancing in Networks with a Homogeneous Traffic Flow Computational Science – ICCS 2023 : 23rd International Conference Prague, Czech Republic, July 3–5, 2023 Proceedings, Part II
2023 P. Sowiński, K. Rachwał, A. Danilenka, K. Bogacka, M. Kobus, A. Dąbrowska, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki Frugal Heart Rate Correction Method for Scalable Health and Safety Monitoring in Construction Sites SENSORS
2023 P. Kuraś, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal, J. Mazurek REDUCE – A Python Module for Reducing Inconsistency in Pairwise Comparison Matrices Advances in Science and Technology Research Journal
2023 M. Salach, A. Dzierwa, A. Bełzo, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz Application of VR Technology in the Process of Training Engineers Proceedings ISECON 2023 Information Systems Education Conference
2023 J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal, P. Kuraś, B. Petrů Puhrová, R. Rajs Is the best–worst method path dependent? Evidence from an empirical study 4OR-A QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH
2023 A. Paszkiewicz, M. Salach, D. Wydrzyński, J. Woźniak, G. Budzik, M. Bolanowski, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, N. Cierpicki Use of virtual reality to facilitate engineer training in the aerospace industry MACHINE GRAPHICS AND VISION
2023 K. Strzępek, M. Salach, B. Trybus, K. Siwiec, B. Pawłowicz, A. Paszkiewicz Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Agricultural Fields Based on Aerial Multispectral Images Using Neural Networks SENSORS
2023 A. Paszkiewicz, G. Piecuch, T. Żabiński, M. Bolanowski, M. Salach, D. Rączka Estimation of Tool Life in the Milling Process—Testing Regression Models SENSORS
2023 N. Şeyma Yilmaz, A. Włoch, E. Özkan, D. Strzałka On Doubled and Quadrupled Fibonacci Type Sequences ANNALES MATHEMATICAE SILESIANAE
2023 M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, T. Żabiński, G. Piecuch, M. Salach, K. Tomecki System Architecture for Diagnostics and Supervision of Industrial Equipment and Processes in an IoE Device Environment ELECTRONICS
2023 P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, M. Nycz Modeling and Statistical Analysis of Data Breach Problems in Python JOURNAL EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE
2023 B. Pawłowicz, M. Skoczylas, B. Trybus, M. Salach, M. Hubacz, D. Mazur Navigation and mapping of closed spaces with a mobile robot and RFID grid ARCHIVES OF CONTROL SCIENCES
2023 P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, M. Nycz Comparison of Angular, React, and Vue Technologies in the Process of Creating Web Applications on the User Interface Side JOURNAL EDUCATION, TECHNOLOGY AND COMPUTER SCIENCE
2023 P. Organiściak Woocommerce in ecommerce - overall system review and stress tests ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYŻSZEJ SZKOŁY TECHNICZNEJ W KATOWICACH
2023 P. Organiściak, P. Kuraś, B. Kowa; Threats and crisis events detection using machine learning techniques with social media data ZESZYTY NAUKOWE WYŻSZEJ SZKOŁY TECHNICZNEJ W KATOWICACH
2022 Czmil​ A, Wroński M, Czmil S, Sochacka-Piętal M, Ćmil M, Gawor J, Wołkowicz T, Plewczyński D, Strzałka D, Piętal​ M NanoForms: an integrated server for processing, analysis and assembly of raw sequencing data of microbial genomes, from Oxford Nanopore technology PeerJ
2022 Śliwa, R.E.; Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Kowal, B.; Jurek, M.; Kordos, D.; Rogalski, T.; Flaszynski, P.; Doerffer, P.; Doerffer, K.; Grigg, S. The Latest Advances in Wireless Communication in Aviation, Wind Turbines and Bridges Inventions
2022 A. Bădică, C. Bădică, M. Bolanowski, S. Fidanova, M. Ganzha, S. Harizanov, M. Ivanovic, I. Lirkov, M. Paprzycki, A. Paszkiewicz., K. Tomczyk Cascaded Anomaly Detection with Coarse Sampling in Distributed Systems ICEEE 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2022 A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, C. Ćwikła, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, C.E. Palau, I.L. Úbeda Network Load Balancing for Edge-Cloud Continuum Ecosystems ICEEE 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2022 Samriya, J.K., Kumar, M., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Bolanowski, M., Paszkiewicz, A. An Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for 5G-Enabled Edge Computing Based IoMT Framework Computational Science – ICCS 2022
2022 M. Bolanowski, P. Krogulski Rapid Remote Access System for Heterogeneous Laboratory Resources Proceedings of th 38th Information Systems Education Conference ISECON 2022
2022 G. Budzik, M. Wieczorowski, M. Oleksy, Ł. Przeszłowski, A. Paszkiewicz, B. Sobolewski, J. Woźniak, R. Oliwa The Place of 3D Printing in the Manufacturing and Operational Process Based on the Industry 4.0 Structure Tehnički glasnik
2022 Paszkiewicz, A., Salach, M., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Bolanowski, M., Budzik, G., Wójcik, H., Konstantinidis, F., Palau, C.E Implementation of UI Methods and UX in VR in Case of 3D Printer Tutorial Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
2022 Woźniak, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, P. Fudali, T. Dziubek, A. Paszkiewicz nalysis of the quality of products manufactured with the application of additive manufacturing technologies with the possibility of applying the Industry 4.0 conception International Journal for Quality Research
2022 Dziubek, G. Budzik, A. Kawalec, M. Dębski, P. Turek, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański, M. Kiełbicki, J. Józwik, I. Kuric, J. Cebulski Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials Polimery
2022 Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Bomba, S. A Comparative Analysis of Selected Predictive Algorithms in Control of Machine Processes Energies
2022 Dymora, P., Mazurek, M., Łyczko K. The effectiveness analysis of selected IT tools for predictions of the COVID-19 pandemic Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems
2022 Bolanowski, M., Żak, K., Paszkiewicz, A., Ganzha, M., Paprzycki, M., Sowiński, P., Lacalle, I., Palau, C.E Eficiency of REST and gRPC Realizing Communication Tasks in Microservice-Based Ecosystems Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
2022 Paszkiewicz, A.; Salach, M.; Strzałka, D.; Budzik, G.; Nikodem, A.; Wójcik, H.; Witek, M. VR Education Support System—A Case Study of Digital Circuits Design Energies
2022 Strzałka, D.; Mazurek, J. On the Monte Carlo weights in multiple criteria decision analysis PLoS ONE
2022 Hadaj, P.; Strzałka, D.; Nowak, M.; Dymora, P.; Łatka, M. The use of PLANS and NetworkX in modeling power grid system failures Scientific Reports
2022 J.K. Samriya, M. Kumar, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz An Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for 5G-Enabled Edge Computing Based IoMT Framework Computational Science – ICCS 2022
2022 T. Dziubek, G. Budzik, A. Kawalec, M. Dębski, P. Turek, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański, M. Kiełbicki, J. Józwik, I. Kuric, J. Cebulski Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials Polimery
2022 A. Paszkiewicz, M. Salach, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, H. Wójcik, F. Konstantinidis, C.E. Palau Implementation of UI Methods and UX in VR in Case of 3D Printer Tutorial Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
2022 M. Bolanowski, K. Żak, A. Paszkiewicz, M. Ganzha, M. Paprzycki, P. Sowiński, I. Lacalle, C.E. Palau Eficiency of REST and gRPC Realizing Communication Tasks in Microservice-Based Ecosystems Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications
2022 M. Hubacz, B. Pawłowicz, M. Salach, B. Trybus, S. Kołcz Wykorzystanie identyfikatorów RFID w sterowaniu urządzeń piorących POMIARY AUTOMATYKA ROBOTYKA
2022 P. Turek ,D. Filip ,Ł. Przeszłowski ,A. Łazorko ,G. Budzik ,S. Snela ,M. Oleksy ,J. Jabłoński ,J. Sęp ,K. Bulanda ,S. Wolski , A. Paszkiewicz Manufacturing Polymer Model of Anatomical Structures with Increased Accuracy Using CAx and AM Systems for Planning Orthopedic Procedures POLYMERS
2022 J. Woźniak, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, P. Fudali, T. Dziubek, A. Paszkiewicz Analysis of the quality of products manufactured with the application of additive manufacturing technologies with the possibility of applying the Industry 4.0 conception INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR QUALITY RESEARCH
2022 M. Skoczylas, Ł. Gotówko, M. Salach, B. Trybus, M. Hubacz, B. Pawłowicz Room mapping system using RFID and mobile robots Proceedings of the 17th Conference on Computer Science and Intelligence Systems : September 4–7, 2022. Sofia, Bulgaria
2022 P. Kuraś, A. Gerka Using Inconsistency Reduction Algorithms in Comparison Matrices to Improve the Performance of Generating Random Comparison Matrices with a Given Inconsistency Coefficient Range ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH JOURNAL
2022 M. Hubacz, B. Pawłowicz, M. Salach, B. Trybus, S. Kołcz Model urządzenia piorącego wykorzystującego tekstroniczne transpondery RFID POMIARY AUTOMATYKA ROBOTYKA
2021 G. Budzik, J. Woźniak, A. Paszkiewicz, Ł. Przeszłowski, T. Dziubek, M. Dębski Methodology for the Quality Control Process of Additive Manufacturing Products Made of Polymer Materials Materials
2021 A. Paszkiewicz, M. Salach, P. Dymora, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, P. Kubiak Methodology of Implementing Virtual Reality in Education for Industry 4.0 Sustainability
2021 J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal, P. Kuraś A Numerical Comparison of Iterative Algorithms for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise Comparisons IEEE Access
2021 A. Paszkiewicz, G. Budzik, J. Woźniak, M. Bolanowski, M. Przytuła, M. Kiełbicki, P. Poliński, Ł. Kochmański Incremental processing of polymer materials using the INDUSTRY 4.0 network structure Polimery
2021 B Filip, R Bochenek, K Baran, D Strzałka, D Antos Influence of the geometry of extra column volumes on band broadening in a chromatographic system. Predictions by computational fluid dynamics Journal of Chromatography
2021 D Strzałka, S Wolski, A Wloch Distance Fibonacci Polynomials by Graph Methods Symmetry
2021 P. Dymora, M. Mazurek, K. Smalara Modeling and Fault Tolerance Analysis of ZigBee Protocol in IoT Networks Energies
2021 G. Budzik, M. Przytuła, A. Paszkiewicz, P. Poliński, M. Kiełbicki Analysis of solutions for remote control and monitoring of the 3D printing process Przegląd Mechaniczny
2021 M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, B. Rumak Coarse Traffic Classification for High-Bandwidth Connections in a Computer Network Using Deep Learning Techniques CISIS 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems
2021 Paszkiewicz, A.; Pawłowicz, B.; Trybus, B.; Salach Traffic Intersection Lane Control Using Radio Frequency Identification and 5G Communication Energies
2021 A. Paszkiewicz Modeling and Analysis of Anomalies in the Network Infrastructure Based on the Potts Model Entropy
2021 M. Oleksy, R. Oliwa, K. Bulanda, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Magniszewski, A. Paszkiewicz Torsional strength tests of spline connections made of polymer materials (Rapid communication) Polimery
2021 Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M.; Sudek, B. Comparative Analysis of Selected Open-Source Solutions for Traffic Balancing in Server Infrastructures Providing WWW Service Energies
2020 Hadaj P., Strzałka D. Modelling Selected Parameters of Power Grid Network in the South-Eastern Part of Poland: The Case Study Energies
2020 M. Hajder, P. Hajder,M. Nycz Low-Cost Architecture of the Universal Security Threat Detection System for Industrial IoT Handbook of Wireless Sensor Networks: Issues and Challenges in Current Scenario's
2020 W.W. Koczkodaj , F. Liu, V.W. Marek, J. Mazurek, M. Mazurek, L. Mikhailov, C. Ozel, W. Pedrycz, A. Przelaskowski, A. Schumann, R. Smarzewski, D. Strzałka, J. Szybowski, Y. Yayli On the use of group theory to generalize elements of pairwise comparisons matrix: a cautionary note International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
2020 W.W. Koczkodaj, M.A. Mansournia, W. Pedrycz, A. Wolny-Dominiak, P.F. Zabrodskii, D. Strzałka, T. Armstrong, A.H. Zolfaghari, M. Dębski, J. Mazurek 1,000,000 cases of COVID-19 outside of China: The date predicted by a simple heuristic Global Epidemiology
2020 J. Mazurek, R. Perzina, D. Strzałka, B. Kowal A New Step-by-Step (SBS) Algorithm for Inconsistency Reduction in Pairwise Comparisons IEEE Access
2020 P. Dymora, M. Mazurek An Innovative Approach to Anomaly Detection in Communication Networks Using Multifractal Analysis Applied Sciences
2020 P. Dymora, M. Mazurek Performance Assessment of Selected Techniques and Methods Detecting Duplicates in Data Warehouses, Theory and Applications of Dependable Computer Systems Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
2020 A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, P. Sowa, T. Pisz, M. Oleksy, Ł. Przeszłowski Remote Design and Manufacture through the Example of a Ventilator Applied Sciences
2020 M. Bolanowski, A. Paszkiewicz, A. Kraska Integration of the elements of a distributed IT system with a computer network core using island topology Enterprise Information Systems
2020 G. Budzik, P. Turek, J. Józwik, M. Oleksy, A. Paszkiewicz, D. Żelechowski, J. Woźniak Analysis of Wear of the Polymer Mold in the Production of Wax Casting Models of Aircraft Engine Blades 2020 IEEE 7th International Workshop on Metrology for AeroSpace (MetroAeroSpace)
2020 A. Paszkiewicz, M. Bolanowski, G. Budzik, Ł. Przeszłowski, M. Oleksy Process of Creating an Integrated Design and Manufacturing Environment as Part of the Structure of Industry 4.0 Processes
2020 G. Duncan, P. Dymora, W. W. Koczkodaj, B. Kowal, M. Mazurek and D. Strzałka Open Government issues and opportunity: a case study based on a medium-sized city in Poland IEEE Xplore, 2020 Fourth World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability (WorldS4)
2020 P. Dymora, A. Paszkiewicz Performance Analysis of Selected Programming Languages in the Context of Supporting Decision-Making Processes for Industry 4.0 Applied Sciences
2020 A. Paszkiewicz, J. Węgrzyn Responsiveness of the Sensor Network to Alarm Events Based on the Potts Model Sensors
2020 P. Turek, G. Budzik, J. Sęp, M. Oleksy, J. Józwik, Ł. Przeszłowski, A. Paszkiewicz, Ł. Kochmański, D. Żelechowski An Analysis of the Casting Polymer Mold Wear Manufactured Using PolyJet Method Based on the Measurement of the Surface Topography Polymers
2020 P. Dymora, M. Mazurek Influence of Model and Traffic Pattern on Determining the Self-Similarity in IP Networks. Applied Sciences
2019 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Kowal B. Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji w środowisku Unity 3D EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2019 Koczkodaj W., Mazurek M., Strzałka D., Wolny-Dolniak A., Woodbury-Smith M. Electronic health record breaches as social indicators Social Indicators Research
2019 Borkowski M., Kuras R. Application of conformal mappings and the numerical analysis of conditioning of the matrices in Trefftz method for some boundary value problems Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
2019 Strzałka D., Mazurek M., Zabrodskii P., Masiak J., Koczkodaj W. Massive health record breaches evidenced by the office for civil rights data Iranian Journal of Public Health
2019 Borkowski M., Moldovan I.M. On rank-deficiency in direct Trefftz method for 2D Laplace problems Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
2019 Koczkodaj W., Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. Consistency-Driven Pairwise Comparisons Approach to Software Product Management and Quality Measurement DepCoS-RELCOMEX 2018: Contemporary Complex Systems and Their Dependability
2019 Dymora P., Koryl M., Mazurek M. Process Discovery in Business Process Management Optimization Information
2019 Dymora P., Niemiec K. Gamification as a Supportive Tool for School Children with Dyslexia Informatics
2019 Dymora P., Mazurek M. Anomaly Detection in IoT Communication Network Based on Spectral Analysis and Hurst Exponent Applied Sciences
2019 Mazur D., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M., Budzik G., Oleksy M. Analysis of possible SDN use in the rapid prototyping process as part of the Industry 4.0 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences
2019 Oleksy M., Budzik G., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Cz. II. Uwarunkowania w obszarze technologii wytwarzania i architektury systemu informatycznego w przetwórstwie tworzyw polimerowych Polimery
2019 Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. Software for Integration of Manufacturing Resources in the Hybrid Cloud Model for Industry 4.0 Integrating Research and Practice in Software Engineering
2019 Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M., Zapała P. Phase Transitions in Wireless MESH Networks and Their Application in Early Detection of Network Coherence Loss Applied Sciences
2019 Hajder P., Rauch Ł., Nycz M., Hajder M. A Heterogeneous Parallel Processing System Based on Virtual Multi-Bus Connection Network Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
2019 Paszkiewicz A., Iwaniec K. Evolutionary Approach Based on the Ising Model to Analyze Changes in the Structure of the IT Networks International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology
2018 Gotówko K., Kuryło K., Łakomy K., Pawłowicz B., Salach M. Application of Unattended Installation Systems and Image Management in Research and Didactic Laboratories Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering
2018 Salach M., Trybus B., Pawłowicz B., Kuryło K. Application of RFID Technology and Cloud Computing in Car Park Management System Poznan University of Technology Academic Journals. Electrical Engineering
2018 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Oleksy M., Budzik G., Sanocka-Zajdel A., Oliwa R., Mazur Ł. Industry 4.0 Part I.Selected applications in processing of polymer materials Polimery
2018 Strzałka D., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Modified stretched exponential model of computer system resources management limitations-The case of cache memory Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
2018 Bolanowski M., Byczek T. Measure and compare the convergence time of network routing protocols ITM Web of Conferences
2018 Bolanowski M., Cisło P. The possibility of using LACP protocol in anomaly detection systems ITM Web of Conferences
2018 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. Multifractal analysis of selected multicas routing protocols in IP Networks ITM Web of Conferences
2018 Mazurek M., Dymora P., Kowal B. Open data - an introduction to the issue ITM Web of Conferences
2018 Paszkiewicz A. The use of the power law designing wireless networks ITM Web of Conferences
2018 Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P. The modified metric for self-organization wireless MESH networks ITM Web of Conferences
2018 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Detekcja anomalii w systemach autonomicznych Internetu Rzeczy Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania
2018 Dymora P., Mazurek M. Pairwise comparisons in IT system security analysis Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania
2018 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Koryl M. Odkrywanie procesów po stronie klienta za pomocą dziennika API systemu centralnego Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania
2018 Brański A., Kocan-Krawczyk A. A Rough Estimation of Acoustics of the Cuboidal Room with Impedance Walls Archives of Acoustics
2018 Brański A., Prędka E. Nonsingular Meshless Method in an Acoustic Indoor Problem Archives of Acoustics
2017 Balasa M., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Czy nasze dane w chmurze są bezpieczne Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Burdacki M., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Analiza ruchu w sieci komputerowej w oparciu o modele multifraktalne Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Czarnik E., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Mechanizmy wyszukiwania obrazem w Oracle 11g Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Kowal B., Dymora P., Mazurek M. NS2 - Jako środowisko symulacyjne do badań nad bezprzewodowymi sieciami sensorowymi Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Margol P., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Strategie archiwizacji i odtwarzania baz danych Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Kałucki P., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Badanie wydajności wybranych systemów wirtualizacji Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Nycz M., Szeliga T., Hajder P. Assessment of the vulnerability of the apache server to DDoS attacks Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Szarek M., Nycz M., Nienajadło S. The analysis of efficiency and performance of intrusion prevention systems Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2017 Strzałka D., Koczkodaj W., Kakiashvili T., Szymańska A., Montero-Marin J., Araya R., Garcia-Campayo J., Rutkowski K. How to reduce the number of rating scale items without predictability loss? Scientometrics
2017 Strzałka D., Koczkodaj W., Magnot J., Mazurek J., Rakhshani H., Peters J., Sołtys M., Szybowski J., Tozzi A. On normalization of inconsistency indicators in pairwise comparisons International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
2017 Strzałka D. Initial Results of Testing Some Statistical Properties of Hard Disks Workload in Personal Computers in Terms of Non-Extensive Entropy and Long-Range Dependencies Entropy
2017 Nycz M., Hajder M., Gerka A. Edukacja w zakresie metod i środków ochrony tożsamości w sieci EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2017 Nycz M., Nienajadło S., Hajder M. Koncepcja niskokosztowej platformy edukacyjnej EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2016 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Wroński M., Żegleń R. Representativeness analysis and possible applications of partial network data flows Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2016 Strzałka D. Selected Remarks about Computer Processing in Terms of Flow Control and Statistical Mechanics Entropy
2016 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Jaskółka S. VoIP Anomaly Detection - selected methods of statistical analysis Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica
2016 Nycz M., Hajder M., Gerka A. New architecture of system intrusion detection and prevention Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica
2016 Nycz M., Hajder M., Nienajadło S. Methods for increasing security of web servers Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica
2016 Strzałka D. Some preliminary results of memory cache analysis with the use of non-extensive Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica
2016 Strzałka D. Influence of Long-Term Dependences on Hard Drives Performance during Human Computer Interaction Acta Physica Polonica A
2015 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Jaskółka S. Analiza statystyczna pracy sieci komputerowej w środowisku LabView Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Rzeszowskiej. Elektrotechnika
2015 Bolanowski M., Gomółka Z., Żesławska E., Twaróg B. Restitution of 3D scenery with coherent and structured light scanner technologies Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2015 Bolanowski M., Twaróg B., Mlicki R. Anomalies detection in computer networks with the use of SDN Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2015 Paszkiewicz A., Więch P., Gomółka Z. Performance of a router based on NetFPGA-1Gb/s cards Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2015 Gomółka Z., Żesławska E., Twaróg B., Paszkiewicz A. The use of the Circular Hough Transform for counting coins Measurement Automation Monitoring - Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2015 Bolanowski M., Krutys P. Metody i środki zarządzania infrastrukturą sieciową w złożonym środowisku laboratoryjnym EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2015 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Mroczka B. Wykorzystanie multimedialnych rozszerzeń baz danych w dydaktyce przedmiotów informatycznych EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2015 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Rywka J. Dydaktyczne aspekty projektowania aplikacji webowych z wykorzystaniem frameworka Djano w Pythonie EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2015 Koniuszko M., Pękala R., Paszkiewicz A. Wspomaganie certyfikacji witryn internetowych za pomocą urzędów lokalnych EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2015 Kwater T., Krutys P., Bolanowski M. Interfejs graficzny do badań identyfikacji bramek logicznych z zastosowaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2015 Paszkiewicz A., Pękala R. Analiza wydajności sieci konwergentnych za pomocą programowego generatora ruchu EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2015 Strzałka D. A simple method for calculations of the number of inversions in permutation British Journal of Applied Science & Technology
2015 Buczek K., Masłowski G., Strzałka D. 50th Anniversary of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszów University of Technology Archives of Electrical Engineering
2014 Nycz M., Mlicki R., Michno B. Analiza podatności na ataki socjotechniczne w Jednostce Samorządu Terytorialnego Zeszyty Naukowe WSEI seria TRANSPORT i INFORMATYKA
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M. A comparative study of self-adopting fault tolerant protocols in wireless sensor networks Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M. Network anomaly detection based on the statistical self-similarity factor for HTTP protocol Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. Long-range dependencies in quick-sort algorithm Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
2014 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P., Żak R. Stress test of network devices with maximum traffic load for second and third layer of ISO/OSI model Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Maciąg P. System monitorujacy prace bezprzewodowej sieci sensorowej oparty na przestrzennych typach danych Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2014 Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M., Zawodnik D. Measurements of routing protocols performace for high-throughput computer networks in OPNET environment Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2014 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. The use of statistical signatures to detect anomalies in computer network Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M. Network Anomaly Detection Based on the Statistical Self-similarity Factor Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2014 Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Wireless networks environment and complex networks Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
2014 Strzałka D. Long-range dependencies and statistical self-similarity in computer memory system Journal of Circuits Systems and Computers
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Hadaj P. Education set for collecting and visualizing data using sensor system based on AVR microcontroller International Journal of Modern Engineering Research
2014 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Metody i środki zapewnienia dostępu do specjalizowanych zasobów laboratoryjnych EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2014 Grabowski F., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. Wykorzystanie teorii małych światów w e-learningu EDUKACJA - TECHNIKA - INFORMATYKA
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Pilecki T. Performance analysis of VPN remote access tunnels Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2014 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Żelazny K. Operating system efficiency evaluation on the base on measurements analysis with the use of non-extensive statistics elements Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2014 Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Queuing in terms of complex systems Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2014 Grabowski F., Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. Load balancing of communication channels with the use of routing protocols Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2013 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Nowy model detekcji zagrożeń w sieci komputerowej Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
2013 Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Lokalne sieci bezprzewodowe w kontekście systemów złożonych Przegląd Elektrotechniczny
2013 Dymora P., Mazurek M. Delay analysis in wireless sensor network protocols Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2013 Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Self organization and self adaptation of computer networks in nonextensive approach Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2013 Paszkiewicz A., Bolanowski M. The method for taking into account the indeterminacy in designing distributed connection systems Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2013 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Reconfiguration of logical communication channels Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science
2013 Grabowski F., Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Computer networks as complex systems in nonextensive approach Journal of Applied Computer Science
2013 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Gawron R. Cluster computing performance in the context of nonextensive statistics International Journal of Modern Engineering Research
2013 Grabowski F. Nonextensive model of self-organizing systems Complexity
2013 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. Performance test of network devices Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2013 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A. A set of connection network synthesis based on the linear Diophantine constraints solution in area (0,1) Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2013 Bolanowski M., Paszkiewicz A., Zapała P. Convergent traffic in the environment of wireless MESH technology Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2013 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Płonka P. Simulation of reconfiguration problems in sensor networks using OMNeT++softwere Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2013 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D. Computer network traffic analysis with the use of statistical self-similarity factor Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI: Informatica
2012 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Kryvyi S.L. The computational algorithm for supported solutions set of linear diophantine equations systems in a ring of integer numbers International Journal of Modern Engineering Research
2012 Strzałka D., Dymora P., Strzałka B. Queue Performance in Presence of Long-Range Dependencies - an Empirical Study International Journal of Information Science
2012 Strzałka D. Fractal Properties of Linux Kernel Maps Computer Science and Engineering
2012 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Nieroda S. Sensor network infrastructure for intelligent building monitoring and management system Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica
2012 Dymora P., Mazurek M., Strzałka D., Piękoś M. Influence of batch structure on cluster computing performance - complex systems approach Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica
2012 Dymora P., Strzałka D., Mazurek M. Long-range dependencies in reading memory pages in the man-computer system interaction Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI Informatica
2011 Strzałka D., Dymora P., Mazurek M. Statistical mechanics of memory pages reads during man-computer system interaction Metody Informatyki Stosowanej
2011 Strzałka D., Szurlej P. Power-Law Distributions in Hard Drive Behavior Journal of Software Engineering and Applications
2011 Dymora P., Hajder M. A novel approach to fault tolerant multichannel networks designing problems Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio AI: Informatica
2010 Grabowski F. Logistic equation of arbitrary order Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
2010 Strzałka D. On some properties of Benford's Law Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
2010 Strzałka D. Paradigms Evolution in Computer Science Egitania Sciencia
2010 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Dynamics of Algorithmic Processing in Computer Systems Complex Systems
2010 Strzałka D. Non-Extensive Statistical Mechanics - a Possible Basis for Modelling Processes in Computer Memory System Acta Physica Polonica A
2009 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Wybrane właściwości statystyczne dynamiki procesu sortowania przez wstawianie Metody Informatyki Stosowanej
2009 Strzałka D. Stany nierównowagowe procesów w przetwarzaniu algorytmicznym Metody Informatyki Stosowanej
2009 Nycz M., Filipiak-Karasińska A. The Improvement of Wireless Network Performance Functioning Based on Diffusive Moving The Loads of Cells Journal of Applied Computer Science
2009 Grabowski F., Zarychta M., Hawro P. Agent technologies for WEB mining from a non-extensive thermodynamics perspective International Journal Information Technologies and Knowledge
2009 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Conception of paradigms evolution in science towards the complex systems approach Egitania Sciencia
2009 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Influence of Excess 1/f Noise on Channel Capacity Complex Systems
2009 Strzałka D. Connections between Von Foerster coalition growth model and Tsallis q-exponential Acta Physica Polonica B
2008 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Rekonfigurowalność systemów w kontekście statystyki nie-ekstensywnej Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola
2008 Bolanowski M., Hajder M. Connectivity Analysis in the Computational Systems with Distributed Communications in the Multichanel Environment Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
2008 Paszkiewicz A., Hajder M. Selecting Communication Means in Conditions of Incomplete Information for Distributed Systems with Hierarchy of Topology Polish Journal of Environmental Studies
2008 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Towards possible q-generalizations of the Malthus and Verhulst growth models Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
2008 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. A short review of elementary properties and possible applications of deformed q-algebra derived from non-extensive Tsallis entropy Modern Physics Letters B
2008 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Towards possible non-extensive thermodynamics of algorithmic processing -statistical mechanics of insertion sort algorithm International Journal of Modern Physics C
2008 Grabowski F., Strzałka D. Processes in Systems with Limited Resources in the Context of Non-extensive Thermodynamics Fundamenta Informaticae
2008 Paszkiewicz A., Hajder M. Interconnection distributed systems designed with hierarchical organization Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska, Sectio AI, Informatica