Strona: AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques / Department of Complex Systems

AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques

red. Bartosz Kowal

The lack of skilled experts in Cyber Security and recorded cyber attack data is a global problem. With the developments in areas such as cloud computing, mobile applications and the internet of things, advanced targeted cyber attacks are increasing day by day. For this reason, stronger cyber security human resources to combat cyber terrorism are gaining in importance. However, the educational difficulties experienced especially during the COVID period have brought along employment problems in SMEs and some in vocational education. According to 2021 Eurostat data, the employment rate for the 20-29 age group in the EU is 62.9%. About 20% of vocational high school and university graduates are looking for a job.

In the A NEW SKILLS AGENDA FOR EUROPE report prepared in 2016, it was stated that although around 14 million vocational education students are trained every year, there will be a greater need for manpower with the needed skills. This problem arises from the difference between the qualifications sought by the labour market and the qualifications possessed by graduates. To solve this crisis in the workforce, innovative training models and techniques must be developed and training opportunities must be made more accessible.

Projections made by the European Commission confirm this. Depending on different scenarios, it is estimated that the quality gap may increase by up to 810 thousand people in 2027. To find a solution to this quality gap with the Europe 2020 Strategy, initiatives such as the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs and E-skills Program have been launched for digital jobs, primarily in the Digital Agenda, in EU countries. In addition, the EU Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) stated that teachers' competencies in the use of technology in education and training should be developed. The DigCompEdu strategy has also set a roadmap for the development and enhancement of teachers' and students' digital competencies. The main purpose of these initiatives is to increase the supply of human resources in the field of ICT and to provide these people with the necessary qualifications. In line with these objectives, on 16 December 2020, the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy put into practice a new “EU Cyber Security Strategy”. In addition, the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) stated that activities that will contribute to digital transformation in education should be planned.

By implementing AICY project, we want to develop ICT skills, which have an important place in VET education, with cyber security trainings. In doing so, curricula that support digital transformation and are compatible with employment skills will be developed in line with the EU commission's DigCompEdu, Digital Action Edu.Plan and Digital Compass objectives. The objectives of AICY project is to develop AI supported cyber security training materials for VET in line with the objectives of the EU.