Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 4


30 Apr

RaP STEAM project kick-off conference

30-04-2024 r.
On Wednesday, April 24, 2024, G2A Arena hosted a large group of guests and representatives of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship at the kick-off conference of the RaP STEAM project.
09 Apr

New research devices at Department of Complex

09-04-2024 r.
The Department of Complex Systems is constantly expanding with new equipment for science and research. We present newly purchased modules for penetration testing of computer net and more
27 Mar

Conference on Exploration and Representation Technologies of Knowledge

27-03-2024 r.
On 22-23.03.2024, ZSZ employees Andrzej Paszkiewicz PhD Eng. and Marek Bolanowski PhD Eng. participated in the Conference on Exploration and Representation Technologies of Knowledge.
25 Mar

Easter wishes

25-03-2024 r.
On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, the Department of Complex Systems employees wish all students, colleagues, and supporters a healthy and peaceful holidays.
19 Mar

Kick-off meeting - AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques

19-03-2024 r.
On March 12, 2024, the kick-off meeting of the AICY project - AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques - took place. The meeting took place in Bilbao, Spain, in Bizkaia Aretoa.
12 Mar

Krzysztof Demidowski - new teaching assistant in the Department of Complex...

12-03-2024 r.
We are pleased to announce that our team has expanded with the addition of Krzysztof Demidowski, M.Sc., who has been serving as an assistant in the research and teaching staff group since March 2024.
12 Mar

Dariusz Rączka - new assistant teacher in the Department of Complex Systems

12-03-2024 r.
As of February 15, 2024, the staff team of the Complex Systems Department has expanded by another employee: Dariusz Rączka, M.Sc., who will serve as a research and teaching assistant.
08 Mar

Ideas and Computer engineering – a new subject for students of computer science

08-03-2024 r.
Starting from the 2023/24 academic year, first degree students of computer engineering have received a new subject in their teaching offer entitled: Ideas and Computer Engineering.