Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 7


12 Oct

Pantelis Roumelis - A new Erasmus+ scholarship student

12-10-2023 r.
A new Erasmus+ scholarship student, Pantelis Roumelis form Greece is joining us for 3 months stay at Department of Complex Systems
10 Oct

Agreement on the RaP STEAM project consortium

10-10-2023 r.
At the headquarter of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship Marshal's Office, an agreement establishing a project consortium. The consortium was established for the project entitled: RaP STEAM.
03 Oct

Use of traffic sampling in anomaly detection for high-throughput network links

03-10-2023 r.
At the 18th FedCSIS 2023 in Warsaw, a paper on anomaly detection in high-throughput networks was presented. Authors: PhD. M. Bolanowski, PhD. A. Paszkiewicz, H. Mazur.
06 Sep

Stationary meeting of the InCyT project team

06-09-2023 r.
The last stationary meeting of the InCyT project team was held on: 31.08-01.09.2023 at Sankt Pölten in Austria. The Department was represented by PhD, DSc, Eng. Dominik Strzałka, prof. Prz.
08 Aug

REDUCE – A Python Module for Reducing Inconsistency in Pairwise Comparison...

08-08-2023 r.
A new publication by the staff of the Department of Complex Systems (Paweł Kuraś, Bartosz Kowal, Dominik Strzałka) has been released. The article titled "REDUCE – A Python Module for Reducing Incons..
01 Aug

Possibilities of software automation of optical measurements of aeronautical...

01-08-2023 r.
During the conference a refereed paper entitled was presented: Possibilities of software automation of optical measurements of aeronautical elements produced additively in the structure Industry 4.0
18 Jul

Frugal Heart Rate Correction Method for Scalable Health and Safety...

18-07-2023 r.
Read the article titled Frugal Heart Rate Correction Method for Scalable Health and Safety Monitoring in Construction Sites in the journal MDPI Sensors.
04 Jul

Application of genetic algorithm to load balancing in networks with a...

04-07-2023 r.
During the conference ICCS 2023 a refereed paper entitled: Application of genetic algorithm to load balancing in networks with a homogeneous traffic flow was presented.