Strona: DoCS employees at Automation 2024 / Department of Complex Systems

DoCS employees at Automation 2024

, red. Mateusz Salach

The next edition of the Automation 2024 scientific and technical conference was held in Warsaw on May 8-9, 2024. The venue of the event, as every year, was the Industrial Institute of Automation and Measurements PIAP.

During the event there were 3 thematic sessions: Automation, Measurement and Robotics. At the event, Paweł Kuraś, M. Eng., Patryk Organiściak, M. Eng. and Mateusz Salach, M. Eng. presented their research work. During the first day, there was a robotics session, where Mateusz Salach presented the results of his work "Remote control of an arm robot using VR in the field of Industry 4.0" (Mateusz Salach, Arkadiusz Stęchły, Andrzej Paszkiewicz, Patryk Organiściak, Grzegorz Budzik)

On the second day, the results of further work in the areas of automation and measurement were presented. The following presentations were given:

  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of machine learning models in predicting the amount of wastewater depending on weather conditions on the example of the treatment plant of the city of Rzeszow (Bartosz Kowal, Patryk Organiściak, Paweł Kuraś, Adam Masłoń, Bartosz Wadiak),
  • The use of the LoLiMoT (Local Linear Model Trees) algorithm in dynamic control systems (Dominik Ożóg, Joanna Maziarka-Ożóg, Paweł Kuraś),
  • Laundry control system using textronics and cloud computing (Marcin Hubacz, Mateusz Salach, Bartosz Trybus, Bartosz Pawłowicz),
  • A system for testing and verifying prototypes of models for vehicle traffic control (Marcin Hubacz, Andrzej Paszkiewicz, Bartosz Pawłowicz, Mateusz Salach, Bartosz Trybus, Konrad Żak)

All publications will be published in the next issue of the journal "Pomiary, Automatyka, Robotyka" with an index of 70 points according to MEiN

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