Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 13


02 Sep

Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials

02-09-2022 r.
Andrzej Paszkiewicz, Ph.D., is co-author of the scientific publication entitled " Strength of threaded connections additively produced from polymeric materials".
16 Aug

Analysis of the quality of products manufactured with the application of...

16-08-2022 r.
An employee of the Department of Complex Systems, Andrzej Paszkiewicz, Ph.D., is co-author of the scientific publication published in the scientific journal International Journal for Quality Research
12 Aug

Machine learning methods in modeling and analyzing of the legs and joints...

12-08-2022 r.
The team D. Strzałka, B. Kowal and P.Kuraś will have the opportunity to work, together with scientists from the Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics in a new project financed under the PCI grant
12 Aug

Market engineering: insights from two decades of research on markets and...

12-08-2022 r.
We invite you to read the review of special book, mostly devoted to honoring one person Christof Weinhardt, who was able to influence many people involved in widely understood information engineering.
13 Jul

Invitation for Erasmus + students for internships in the Department of...

13-07-2022 r.
Ameer a third-year computer engineering student, who will work as the first foreign student in the Department of Complex Systems team as an Erasmus + internship student.
22 Jun

An Energy Aware Clustering Scheme for 5G-enabled Edge Computing based IoMT...

22-06-2022 r.
The results of the work published in the article are the effect of joint research work conducted by Marek Bolanowski, PhD and Andrzej Paszkiewicz, PhD and the Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (India).
16 May

The Place of 3D Printing in the Manufacturing and Operational Process Based...

16-05-2022 r.
The article has been published in Tehnički glasnik magazine, co-authored by an employee of the Department of Complex Systems, Andrzej Paszkiewicz, PhD. Eng
28 Apr

ProtoLab Academy

28-04-2022 r.
On Saturday, April 23, 2022, a lecture entitled Digitization and cybersecurity - contemporary challenges and technologies of the future was delivered by PhD. DSc. Dominik Strzałka, prof. PRz.