Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 14


26 Apr

OPTimeeting at RUT

26-04-2022 r.
Possibilities of development and implemented projects at OPTeam. Meeting with students
24 Apr

XXXVII International Education Salon Perspektywy 2022

24-04-2022 r.
Empolyees of RUT took place at educational fair for Mazowieckie region in Poland
19 Apr

Network Load Balancing for Edge-Cloud Continuum Ecosystems

19-04-2022 r.
The article „Network Load Balancing for Edge-Cloud Continuum Ecosystems”, co-authored by Andrzej Paszkiewicz, PhD, and Marek Bolanowski, PhD, has been published in Springer LNEE.
14 Apr

Easter wishes

14-04-2022 r.
On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, the Department of Complex Systems employees wish all students, colleagues, and supporters a healthy and peaceful holiday.
12 Apr

"Training network engineers in a VR environment"

12-04-2022 r.
On March 30, 2022 a meeting of representatives of the Rzeszow University of Technology and Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise took place in the Virtual Reality laboratory of the Department of Complex Systems.
11 Apr

Marek Bolanowski, PhD, Eng. awarded reviewer of the Future Internet magazine

11-04-2022 r.
The editors of the MDPI Future Internet journal have once again awarded the employee of the Department of Complex Systems, Marek Bolanowski, PhD, Eng. for the high quality of reviews.
08 Apr

Action disinformation, or how to not get fooled on the Internet

08-04-2022 r.
On April 6, 2022, the building V of Rzeszów University of Technology hosted a conference celebrating the 25th anniversary of the "KOD" Students' Science Club.
30 Mar

NanoForms: an integrated server for processing

30-03-2022 r.
The article "NanoForms: an integrated server for processing, analysis and assembly of raw sequencing data of microbial genomes, from Oxford Nanopore technology" was published in PeerJ