Strona: SDSI Subcarpathian 2023 and the National Conference and Competition of Young Engineers - report from the event / Department of Complex Systems

SDSI Subcarpathian 2023 and the National Conference and Competition of Young Engineers - report from the event

, red. Marek Bolanowski
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About the event

On June 1, 2023, the National Conference and Competition of Young Engineers - 7th edition, which was part of the SDSI Subcarpathian 2023 Conference, began at the Prezydencki Hotel. Over 100 people attended the Conference.>This year, the opening of the event was attended by, among others: Ewa Leniart (Subcarpathian provincial governor), Wiesław Paluszyński, President of the Polish IT Society, Zbigniew Styczeń, President of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Rzeszów Branch.>In the second part of the conference, the gathered people were joined by Stanisław Kruczek Member of the board of the local government of the Subcarpathian  Voivodeship.>20 projects were submitted to the Young Engineer Competition, and 8 were selected for the finals. The conference was addressed to students and PhD students from all over Poland.>Its aim is to present and get acquainted with the works and research achievements of young scientists of all scientific disciplines from our country.>Due to the high level of competition entries, it was decided to award the first two places.


The first place awarded by the President of the Polish Information Technology Society, Wiesław Paluszyński, was awarded to Hubert Ząbik and Franciszek Hadław for the preparation of the project entitled "Using the ignorance and trust of the elderly using the phishing method - carrying out an attack in practice".

The first place awarded by the President of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Sławomir Cieślik, went to Karol Kowal, presenting a project entitled "Glove controller for virtual reality". In addition, BorgWarner honored the author of the project with an invitation to a 3-month paid internship.

The second place in the competition was taken by Hubert Hara, presenting a project entitled "Implementation of a belt sorter model" BorgWarner invited the author of the project for a 6-month paid internship.

The third place in the competition was taken by Mateusz Partyka, Gabriela Nowak, Paweł Sołtys, Maciej Wojturski presenting a project entitled "Better Word application".

Faustyna Misiura received the distinction for her work entitled "Autonomously controlled vehicles".

The motto of this year's Conference is "Engineering in sports and e-sports", which is why the organizers decided to organize an e-sports tournament in two games, i.e. Counter Strike: Global Offensive and League of Legends.>On May 31, 2023 at>At 10:00 the final of the Counter Strike: Global Offensive e-sports tournament took place in the Esport Arena building.>In the meantime, there were mini competitions and other attractions for students who came to the event.>On June 1 at>At 14:00 the final of the League of Legends game took place in Galeria Rzeszów.

The organizers

The organization of the National Conference and Competition of Young Engineers was joined by: Mechatron Scientific Circle, Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Polish IT Society Podkarpackie Branch, co-organizers ESport Arena Rzeszów, TEB Education Branch in Rzeszów.

The organizers of the SDSI Podkarpacie 2023 conference are:

  • Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, Podkarpackie Branch,
  • Association of Polish Electrical Engineers,
  • Department of Complex Systems of the Rzeszów University of Technology.

On behalf of the Department of Complex Systems, the organization of the events was joined by: M.Sc Mateusz Salach, PhD. eng.>Andrzej Paszkiewicz, PhD. eng. Marek Bolanowski

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