Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 24


07 Apr

Easter wishes

07-04-2020 r.
On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, the Department of Complex Systems employees wish all students, colleagues, and supporters a healthy and peaceful holiday.
06 Apr

Monograph: Social and technical aspects of security

06-04-2020 r.
We present a monograph entitled: Social and technical aspects of security. The monograph contains articles on security and data analysis.
26 Mar

A series of trainings at Astor company for students of WEiI

26-03-2020 r.
The Astor Kraków company in cooperation with the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of PRz organized a series of specialized trainings for the students (...)
26 Mar

1,000,000 cases of COVID-19 outside of China: The date predicted by a simple...

26-03-2020 r.
Journal Global Epidemiology (Elsevier) publishes a new paper devoted modelling the rate of COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-cov-2 virus.
22 Mar

PhD Dominik Strzałka becomes an expert of the Sectoral Council for...

22-03-2020 r.
The board of the experts accepted PhD Dominik Strzałka, a member of the Sectoral Competence Council - IT, as a member of Experts Specialists Board supporting the Council in its substantive activities.
16 Mar

Information about didactic classes in the Department of Complex Systems

16-03-2020 r.
We would like to kindly inform you that employees of the Department of Complex Systems have already started activities toward organizing teaching in a remote form.
11 Mar

A seminar by an employee of the Department of Complex Systems at the Centre...

11-03-2020 r.
On March 6th, a talk took place by an employee of the Department of Complex Systems, Michał Piętal, PhD, given at the Laboratory of Functional and Structural Genomics, University of Warsaw (CeNT UW).
04 Mar

Monograph: Bezpieczeństwo informacji. Podejście Kompleksowe

04-03-2020 r.
We present a monograph of an employee of the Department of the Complex Systems - Mariusza Nycza.