Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 21


07 Feb

New trends in computer development

07-02-2021 r.
Asseco Polska invites you to join a seminar on new programming trends in the IT industry
11 Jan

Invitation: International conference on Decision making for Small and...

11-01-2021 r.
We invite you to participate in conference Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise.
07 Jan

Ph.D. Marek Bolanowski prof. PRz joined the reviewer board of the Journal...

07-01-2021 r.
Ph.D. Marek Bolanowski prof. PRz was admitted to the Reviewer Board of the Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (ISSN 2224-2708).
07 Jan

Ph.D. Marek Bolanowski prof. PRz become a Topic Editor of the Electronics...

07-01-2021 r.
Ph.D. Marek Bolanowski prof. PRz has been invited to act as Topic Editor in the international, peer-reviewed MDPI Electronics magazine (ISSN 2079-9292, Impact Factor 2.412).
31 Dec

Invitation for on-line scientific seminar Complex Systems Engineering

31-12-2020 r.
Department of Complex Systems together with the Institute of Technical Engineering, State Higher School of Technology and Economics in Jarosław invite you to take a part in joint scientific seminar
31 Dec

Ph.D. Paweł Dymora has been nominated as Topic Editor of the Electronics journal

31-12-2020 r.
Ph.D. Paweł Dymora has been nominated as Topic Editor of the Electronics journal (ISSN 2079-9292, Impact Factor 2.412) published by MDPI.
28 Dec

Influence of Model and Traffic Pattern on Determining the Self-Similarity in...

28-12-2020 r.
An article was published in the Applied Sciences journal, the authors are employees of the Department of Complex Systems, Ph.D. Paweł Dymora and Ph.D Mirosław Mazurek
21 Dec

Christmas wishes

21-12-2020 r.
Department of Complex Systems would like to wish all students, colleagues and supporters a healthy and peaceful holiday and all the best in the New Year.