Strona: Computer science in medicine on the example of cytometric tests and digital pathology / Department of Complex Systems

Computer science in medicine on the example of cytometric tests and digital pathology

, red. Bartosz Kowal
SoftSystem logo

We invite you to a seminar with SoftSystem Rzeszów.

Tuesday, May 11th, 2021 at 8.45.

 The seminar will cover the topics related to:

The FlowDRA system and its applications in the field of flow cytometry.

Methods of normalization of data from histopathological images and their influence on the effectiveness of classification.

Digital methods of assessing the quality of images of histopathological preparations.

Detection of artifacts on images of histopathological preparations.

The seminar will be conducted by: PhD Justyna Surówka - Scientific manager of the R&D project at SoftSystem

Meeting on the Teams channel.

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