Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 22


18 Dec

Monograph: "Zaawansowane systemy informatyczne – studia wybranych przypadków

18-12-2020 r.
Monograph: "Advanced IT systems - studies of selected cases" contains two chapters of our department employees: M.Sc Alicja Gerka and M.Sc Piotr Hadaj.
18 Dec

Monograph: "Wybrane zagadnienia informatyki stosowanej"

18-12-2020 r.
Monograph "Selected Issues of Applied Computer Science" (pl. Wybrane zagadnienia informatyki stosowanej) contains two chapters of our department employees: PhD. Michał Piętal and M.Sc. Bartosz Kowal
15 Oct

NanoForms - a new server for bioinformatics data analysis

15-10-2020 r.
Project entitled Oxford Nanopore technology: enzyme optimization and genomic data analysis for commercial applications a completely new NanoForms server for bioinformatics data analysis is presented.
06 Oct

Rzeszów as a smart city - scientific publication after the Fourth World...

06-10-2020 r.
We encourage you to read the latest paper entitled Open Government issues and opportunity: a case study based on a medium-sized city in Poland published in the IEEE Xplore.
02 Sep

Dynamic RFID Identification in Urban Traffic Management Systems

02-09-2020 r.
In Sensors, MDPI journal a new article has been published with employee of Department of Complex Systems, MEng. Mateusz Salach as co-author
31 Aug

The project Electronics for the automotive industry awarded by the National...

31-08-2020 r.
The POWER project Electronics for the automotive industry (POWR.03.01.00-00-T006/17), carried out in the period from 01.2018 to 10.2019 as awarded by NCBiR.
25 Aug

The expansion of collaboration with Laurentian University in Canada

25-08-2020 r.
We invite you to participate in the master degree thesis defence The supervisor is prof. Waldemar W. Koczkodaj and PhD Dominik Strzałka is one of thesis reviewers.
03 Aug

Announcement of the competition – assistant at Department of Complex Systems

03-08-2020 r.
Department of Complex Systems announces a competition for the position of an assistant in the group of research and teaching staff.