Strona: Invitation: International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME 2021) / Department of Complex Systems

Invitation: International conference on Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME 2021)

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Conference poster

The conference Decision making for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DEMSME) is a meeting of professionals from universities and businesses interested in the theory and applications of decision-making research using informatics, mathematics, business economics and management, and marketing approaches in the practice of SMEs. The outcomes of the conference will be published in conference proceedings submitted to Web of Science and/or in our partner journals indexed in Web of Science and/or Scopus. DEMSME 2019 has been already indexed in Web of Science.

The main goal of the conference is to support a wider discussion about decision making process from interdisciplinary and cross regional perspective. Every participant has a good chance to exchange experience and get an inspiration for further creative research with colleagues from various countries, universities and different business areas.

There is no conference fee.

In case of Covid-19 restrictions that might occur in May 2021, we will execute online presentations. The authors of high quality papers will not miss the chance to publish them in our partner journals anyway.

Important dates:

  • Abstract submission and registration deadline   January 31, 2021
  • Notification of abstract acceptance                         February 10, 2021
  • Paper submission deadline                                         February 20, 2021
  • Notification of paper acceptance                             March 15, 2021                 
  • Revised paper submission deadline                         March 23, 2021               

Conference        May 13-14, 2021

Further details are on:

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