Strona: The effects of Virtual Reality technology application in the aircraft pilot training process / Department of Complex Systems

The effects of Virtual Reality technology application in the aircraft pilot training process

, red. Bartosz Kowal
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We encourage you to read the latest article entitled The effects of Virtual Reality technology application in the aircraft pilot training process, published in the IOPscience database as part of the international conference "10th EASN Virtual Conference".

P. Dymora, B. Kowal, M. Mazurek, R. Śliwa, 2021
IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1024, 012099


In this study, we focus on some problems related to virtual reality technology usage in supporting the educational process. The main goal is to determine the optimal duration of exposure to virtual reality without causing physiological problems that could affect learning outcomes.

While virtual reality software provides many benefits, it also presents challenges in technological innovation, particularly in health-related aspects. The presented example of a VR-based training application demonstrates the effectiveness of VR methods in training aircraft pilots. On average, students using VR-based training achieved 90% correct answers, representing an improvement of 21% to 32.7% compared to traditional methods.

The research confirmed that a key challenge in expanding VR-based education is the proper adaptation of learning materials to technical requirements. When applied correctly, VR offers significant benefits in specific areas of education.

The article is available online at:

We encourage you to read this paper.

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