Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 20


06 May

Mathematics Special Issue "Recent Trends in Modelling of Complex Systems and...

06-05-2021 r.
In this Special Issue, submissions are welcome for research papers presenting recent trends, new theoretical results, models and algorithms, structural investigations, experiments.
01 May

A Numerical Comparison of Iterative Algorithms for Inconsistency Reduction...

01-05-2021 r.
A new volume of IEEE Access (IF=3.745) publishes a paper co-authored by scientists of Department of Complex Systems University of Technology (Dominik Strzałka, Bartosz Kowal and Paweł Kuraś).
31 Mar

The 9th International Conference - WorldCist'21

31-03-2021 r.
On Wednesday 31.03.2021, Piotr Hadaj, M.Sc. gave a paper at the 9th International Conference - WorldCist'21.
30 Mar

Easter wishes

30-03-2021 r.
On the occasion of the upcoming Easter, the Department of Complex Systems employees wish all students, colleagues, and supporters a healthy and peaceful holiday.
02 Mar

Computing Reviews award for Dominik Strzałka

02-03-2021 r.
Phd Dominik Strzałka was awarded by Computing Reviews as a Featured Reviewer.
27 Feb

Paweł Dymora, PhD, served as "Chair for Technical Session of International...

27-02-2021 r.
On February 25-26, 2021 Paweł Dymora, PhD, served as "Chair for Technical Session of International Conference ICICT 2021
18 Feb

The interconnection exchange and complex systems properties in power grid...

18-02-2021 r.
An article was published entitled "The interconnection exchange and complex systems properties in power grid network" as as a Proceedings of the international PEEES2020 conference
08 Feb

The effects of Virtual Reality technology application in the aircraft pilot...

08-02-2021 r.
We encourage you to read the latest article entitled The effects of Virtual Reality technology application in the aircraft pilot training process published in the IOPscience