Strona: The monograph "Selected issues of digital technology applications in electrical engineering" / Department of Complex Systems

The monograph "Selected issues of digital technology applications in electrical engineering"

, red. Bartosz Kowal
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The monograph "Selected issues of digital technology applications in electrical engineering: examples of research in electrical engineering supported by tools of technical informatics" contains a chapter by ZSZ employee Piotr Hadaj, M.Sc.

The monograph concerns the area of applications of digital technology tools in electrical engineering, including advanced IT tools.

The publication can be purchased at the seat of the Publishing House in the building F at M. Skłodowskiej-Curie Street.

We present the abstract of the chapter by our employee:

P. Hadaj: "Power grid as a graph of a complex network - analysis of selected parameters:

In this paper, a case study was carried out based on real data obtained from the local distribution system operator (DSO) of an electricity transmission network. The analysed network represents 110 kV high voltage connections and switchgear. The selected graph parameters: vertex degree distribution, average vertex degree, graph density, graph efficiency, clustering coefficient, average path length and graph diameter were investigated taking into account that in the analysis some nodes were removed due to different failures. For each simulated failure, the possible impact on network parameters was investigated. As a final result, it was shown that in the analysed case, the removal of only five nodes can cause a significant (almost four times) decrease in graph efficiency. This in turn means that the entire analysed network cannot be considered fault-tolerant.

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