Strona: Mathematics Special Issue "Recent Trends in Modelling of Complex Systems and Its Applications" / Department of Complex Systems

Mathematics Special Issue "Recent Trends in Modelling of Complex Systems and Its Applications"

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Logo MDPI Mathematics

Constant shifts in scientific paradigms are a natural process related to scientific progress. The first paradigm of Greek philosophy was a giant step for humans toward understanding of the surrounding reality. Since then, many other paradigms have become available in our common history and have finally led us to the theory of complex systems. According to Aristotle’s rule, the complex systems are a whole which is more than the sum of its parts. Since the 1980s, there have been many important discoveries in the field of complex systems. They have helped us to better understand the surrounding reality which, every day, becomes more and more complex. This progress is achieved in many fields due to the activity of many interdisciplinary researchers in different areas.

In this Special Issue, submissions are welcome for research papers presenting recent trends, new theoretical results, models and algorithms, structural investigations, experiments as well as new applications in modelling of complex systems and their applications in various fields of research, such as applied mathematics, engineering, computer science, nonlinear dynamics, networks, economy, and physics, emphasizing possible directions for future research.

Dominik Strzalka
Guest Editor


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