Strona: Announcement of the competition – assistant at Department of Complex Systems / Department of Complex Systems

Announcement of the competition – assistant at Department of Complex Systems

, red. Bartosz Kowal
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Department of Complex Systems announces a competition for the position of an assistant in the group of research and teaching staff.

  1. FIELD: engineering and technical sciences
  2. DISCIPLINE: technical computer science and telecommunications
  3. DATE OF ANNOUNCEMENT: 1st August 2020
  4. DEADLINE FOR SUBMITTING OFFERS: 11th September 2020
  5. DATE OF COMPETITION CONCLUSION: 22nd September 2020
  6. EXPECTED DATE OF EMPLOYMENT: 1st October 2020
  7. TYPE OF CONTRACT: Temporary, 2 years with a possibility of extension to next years
  8. JOB STATUS: Full-time

Candidates for the above position should meet the following requirements:

  • to have a MSc degree in the field of computer science and engineering or automation control;
  • average grade of second degree studies at least 4.5;
  • to fulfil requirements as described in the regulation dated 20th of July 2018 Regulation of Higher Education and Science (Regulations from 2018, position 1668 with changes) and Rzeszow University of Technology Statute dated 27th of June 2019);
  • to have the ability to conduct classes with students in the field of computer science;
  • to have the ability to organize and coordinate promotional, educational and scientific events through active and confirmed participation in of various types of projects and events;
  • to perform min. 2-month internship or practice: research or didactic or student in: university or company or public administration unit;
  • to take an active part in at least one educational or research project;
  • to have the experience in cooperation with any ICT company (at least one confirmed practice or other forms of activity);
  • to have an activity in any scientific circle;
  • voluntary work;
  • to have at least a good level of English.

Required documents:

  • an application addressed to the Rector of the Rzeszow University of Technology,
  • CV, personal questionnaire,
  • a copy of documents confirming the title,
  • a written statement from the candidate that Rzeszow University of Technology will be his/her first (main) place of work in the case when he/she wins the competition for the position,
  • statement of consent to the processing of personal data contained in the job offer for the needs necessary to carry out the recruitment process in accordance with Article 6, Section 1 (a) of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data of 27 April 2016 (Official Journal of the EU, L 119, 2016, p. 1).

The documents should be submitted at:

  • The Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Rzeszow University of Technology, W. Pola 2, 35-959 Rzeszów.

The Rzeszow University of Technology reserves the right to close the contest without appointing a candidate. 

Candidates will be notified in writing of the outcome of the contest.

Positive recommendation of the jury is the basis for initiating the procedure leading to employment in the Rzeszow University of Technology in accordance with the procedure set out in the Statute of the RUT. The final decision on employment is made by Rector.

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