Strona: The project Electronics for the automotive industry awarded by the National Center for Research and Development / Department of Complex Systems

The project Electronics for the automotive industry awarded by the National Center for Research and Development

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Project poster no.1

The POWER project Electronics for the automotive industry (POWR.03.01.00-00-T006/17), carried out in the period from 01.2018 to 10.2019 by the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded by NCBiR as one of ten best projects and is published in the official NCBR 2019 Annual Report. This report shows the best projects carried in 2019 in the fields of research, development and teaching as part of different NCBiR programs focused around: Smart Growth Operational Program (including Fast Track, Bridge Alfa), State Security and Defense Program, Era-Net Neuron, Applied Research Program, Program Leader. The project Electronics for the automotive industry is the only project from the Knowledge Education Development Operational Program (POWERE) presented in the folder. During the project a very close cooperation with a business partner, which was the Bury Company from Mielec, was required. Bury Mielec is an important supplier of consumer electronics solutions for such automotive industry giants as Audi, Volkswagen, Mercedes, BMW. During the project a team of different specialists was involved, whose the most important part were the ladies, who took care of the proper course of subsequent tasks from the administrative side. These were: Katarzyna Dudek, Magdalena Rogóż (Totoń), Magdalena Salamon, Regina Piekarz, Barbara Nowak, Monika Tyczyńska, Barbara Bernaczek, Barbara Nowak. The project manager was PhD Dominik Strzałka.

The folder is available on-line at:


We encourage you to read the folder details.

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