Strona: Department of Complex Systems / Web page: 29


28 Oct

In-memory computing : synthesis and optimization

28-10-2019 r.
We invite you to read very interesting book, which presents new paradigm of processing in computer systems. The book entitled In-memory computing: synthesis and optimization.
27 Oct

PoLAND of IT masters

27-10-2019 r.
Its purpose is to support the promotion of Poland as a country with high intellectual potential, and in particular rich in world-class specialists in the field of algorithmics and programming.
24 Oct

Cybercrime and Business: Strategies for Global Corporate Security

24-10-2019 r.
We invite you to read an interesting book published by Sanford L. Moskwitz, Cybercrime and Business: Strategies for Global Corporate Security
23 Oct

Results of the PCI grant competition

23-10-2019 r.
Results of the PCI grant competition in Department od Complex Systems
16 Oct

DataScience Rzeszów Meetup

16-10-2019 r.
On October 29th (Tuesday) at 6:00 PM, downtown in Rzeszów (TBD), another “DataScience Rzeszów” Meetup will take place. We invite you to participate in this meeting.
15 Oct

SEP competition for the best thesis of students of the Faculty of Electrical...

15-10-2019 r.
The Council Board of the SEP Circle at the Rzeszów University of Technology organizes an annual Competition for the best thesis of students of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
10 Oct

Advanced Raspberry Pi: Raspbian Linux and GPIO integration

10-10-2019 r.
We invite you to read an interesting, technical study by Warren W. Gay entitled Advanced Raspberry Pi: Raspbian Linux and GPIO integration.
10 Oct

Empowering professional teaching in engineering

10-10-2019 r.
We encourage all of you to read an book by John Heywood from Trinity College Dublin-University of Dublin titled Empowering professional teaching in engineering: sustaining the scholarship of teaching