Strona: The expansion of collaboration with Laurentian University in Canada / Department of Complex Systems

The expansion of collaboration with Laurentian University in Canada

, red. Bartosz Kowal
logo of  Department of Complex Systems and Laurentian University

The collaboration between Department of Complex Systems and Laurentian University in Grater Sudbury is expanded. Laurentian University is a public, bilingual University that has around 9 thousands students. It was established in 1960.

So far the collaboration was mostly related to publishing scientific papers about pairwise comparisons and its usage in different applications, Internet security and modelling the problem of COVID-19 pandemic. On Wednesday, 26th of August, there will be a Zhenyao Tang master thesis defence entitled Forecasting COVID-19 with Nonlinear Algorithmic Models. The supervisor is prof. Waldemar W. Koczkodaj and PhD Dominik Strzalka is one of thesis reviewers. The thesis is devoted to use of Gamma distribution in modelling daily number of SARS-CoV-2 cases in several countries.

Info about thesis is attached.

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