Strona: XXXVII International Education Salon Perspektywy 2022 / Department of Complex Systems

XXXVII International Education Salon Perspektywy 2022

, red. Mateusz Salach
Rzeszów University of Technology stand

On April 22-23, the International Perspektywy 2022 Educational Salon took place in the EXPO XXI hall in Warsaw. Representatives of the Rzeszow University of Technology encouraged both high school graduates and students of secondary schools to choose studies at our University. At the RUT stand, they could see a 3D printer, robots made of LEGO, a research drone and try their hand at VR / AR. Many questions asked by the participants of the event were related to aviation and computer engineering. The questions were answered with joy by the representatives of RUT: Aneta Rembisz, Department of Promotion of RUT, Paweł Wojewoda, PhD, Assistant Professor at the Department of Motor Vehicles and Transport Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aviation, MSc. Mateusz Salach, assistant at the Department of Complex Systems and also students of the Rzeszow University of Technology: Marcel Wołoszyn, 4th-year pilot and Filip Błądziński, 3rd-year student of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Rzeszow University of Technology. The RUT stand could not miss the projects implemented by Department of Complex Systems and Rzeszow IT Group. According to the organizers, about 14,000 people took part in the event.

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