Strona: Virtual Reality in vocational education / Department of Complex Systems

Virtual Reality in vocational education

, red. Mateusz Salach

A summary of the "Virtual Reality in vocational education" project implemented under the Erasmus+ program took place from November 14 to 18, 2022. The following educational institutions were involved in the project:

  • Gewerbliche und Hauswirtschaftliche Schule - Horb am Neckar, Germany (The leader of the project)
  • Strojarska Tehnička škola - Osijek, Croatia
  • Vilnius College of Technologies and Design - Vilnius, Lithuania
  • IES Molí del Sol - Mislata, Spain
  • Rzeszow University of Technology - Rzeszów, Poland

The aim of the project was to design, develop, and prepare training for school students in the operation of machines in virtual reality. The Rzeszow University of Technology team presented their project, which was a training course on how to operate a CNC machine. The trainee had to properly prepare the machine by adding a semi-finished product and dedicated tools to start the process of cutting and machining the material. The meeting presenting the results of the work was held in the city of Osijek in Croatia at the facility of the Project Partner (Strojarska Tehnička škola). Rzeszow University of Technology was represented by authors of the VR project: Mateusz Salach MEng., along with students Hubert Wójcik and Arkadiusz Stęchły.

The ERS+.MT.20.002 - "Virtual Reality in vocational education" project is implemented by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics (Department of Machine Technology and Production Engineering) in cooperation with the Department of Complex Systems of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Rzeszow University of Technology. The coordinator of the project is Andrzej Dzierwa, PhD. DSc. Eng.

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