Strona: Traffic Intersection Lane Control Using Radio Frequency Identification and 5G Communication / Department of Complex Systems

Traffic Intersection Lane Control Using Radio Frequency Identification and 5G Communication

, red. Mateusz Salach
Logo MDPI Energies

As part of task 2 in the project Regional Center of Excellence for Automation and Robotics, IT, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications of the Rzeszów University of Technology, scientific and research works were carried out and the results of were published in the Energies journal,


Paszkiewicz, A.; Pawłowicz, B.; Trybus, B.; Salach, M. Traffic Intersection Lane Control Using Radio Frequency Identification and 5G Communication. Energies 2021, 14, 8066.


This article deals with automated urban traffic management, and proposes a new comprehensive infrastructure solution for dynamic traffic direction switching at intersection lines. It was assumed that the currently used solutions based on video monitoring are unreliable. Therefore, the Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technique was introduced, in which vehicles are counted and, if necessary, identified in order to estimate the flows on individual lanes. The data is acquired in real time using fifth-generation wireless communications (5G). The Pots and Ising models derived from the theory of statistical physics were used in a novel way to determine the state of direction traffic lights. The models were verified by simulations using data collected from real traffic observations. The results were presented for two exemplary intersections.

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