Strona: Rector's awards for academic teachers for 2020 / Department of Complex Systems

Rector's awards for academic teachers for 2020

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Award poster

On 27.10.2021, the Rector of the Rzeszów University of Technology, Prof. PhD. DSc. Eng. Piotr Koszelnik, in his speech congratulated all the awardees, wishing them further professional successes which will serve the development of the university. The ceremony was conducted by the Vice-Rector of the Science, PhD. DSc. Eng Lesław Gniewek.

Among those awarded for academic achievement for 2020 were employees of the Department of Complex Systems:

  • PhD. DSc. Eng Dominik Strzałka
  • PhD. Eng Andrzej Paszkiewicz
  • PhD. Eng. Mirosław Mazurek
  • MSc. Eng Piotr Hadaj
  • MSc. Eng Bartosz Kowal
  • MSc. Eng Mateusz Salach


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