Strona: NanoForms - a new server for bioinformatics data analysis / Department of Complex Systems

NanoForms - a new server for bioinformatics data analysis

, red. Bartosz Kowal
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Thanks to the finished at Department of Complex Systems project entitled Oxford Nanopore technology: enzyme optimization and genomic data analysis for commercial applications a completely new NanoForms server for bioinformatics data analysis is presented. The prepared server, available at, is able to handle small genomes (up to 50 MB). After loading a single sequence file (fastq), the data is pre-processed and the user continuously selects the available options, which allows obtaining the DNA/RNA sequence in the form of a fasta file. The NanoForms server has a new pipeline algorithm for processing data from ONT. The functionality of server was also extended by the so-called hybrid assembly (together with Illumina data), which significantly improves the final sequencing quality.

The project was done by the team:

  • MSc. Anna Czmil,
  • MSc. Małgorzata Semik,
  • PhD. Marta Sochacka-Piętal,
  • MSc. Magdalena Totoń,
  • MSc. Michał Ćmil,
  • PhD. Michał Piętal,
  • PhD. Dominik Strzałka,
  • MSc. Michał Wroński.

The project was financed by the Subcarpatian Innovation Center under the grant no. F3_116 (contract no. 05/PRZ/1/DG/PCI/2019).

More details about the project are one the website:

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