Strona: Monograph: Bezpieczeństwo informacji. Podejście Kompleksowe / Department of Complex Systems

Monograph: Bezpieczeństwo informacji. Podejście Kompleksowe

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Monograph cover

We present a monograph of an employee of the Department of the Complex Systems - Mariusza Nycza.
M. Hajder, M. Nycz, P. Hajder: Bezpieczeństwo informacji. Podejście Kompleksowe, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Rzeszowskiej, Rzeszów

Although much attention has been paid to information security in recent years, the solution to the problem of data protection is still receding. There are many reasons for this. First, the methods and protection measures developed and implemented are dedicated to the current threats of systems with current organization and architecture. Secondly, the activity of cybercriminals is steadily increasing, which results from the relatively simply obtained benefits from conducting criminal activities. An example of the correctness of the above thesis is the concentration of interest of researchers and cybercriminals in the sphere of finance and services. The area of ​​production of goods is partially or completely ignored by them. As a result, research into the security of industrial information systems is lagging behind the mainstream work. The need for continuous research on security is also the result of permanent changes taking place in the organization, architecture and functionality of the Internet as well as far-reaching automation and robotization of the production process. Unfortunately, the available methods and security measures often do not provide an acceptable level of security, in particular for new network services.
When new security solution is designed, one should notice the appearance and intensive development of edge computing networks, including a wide spectrum of systems such as: sensor networks, mobile data collection networks, mobile signature analysis; shared peer-to-peer and ad hoc networks; local clouds, fogs and computing dews; computational grids and clusters; distributed storage with recovery; remote cloud services and others. The transfer of resources to the periphery of the network significantly changes the approach to security issues. In particular, security knowledge is no longer enough to protect resources. Knowledge from different disciplines such as system theory, computer organization, law, risk analysis, sociology, psychology, reliability, decision systems is needed. This monograph provides such knowledge.

The monograph is available for purchase at the Rzeszów University Publishing House.

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