XChallenge is a unique technology event that brings together the best robot builders from Poland and Europe, competing in three spectacular competitions: Task Hunters, Smash Bots and ROBO~motion. This one-of-a-kind event attracts both professionals and technology enthusiasts of all ages, offering spectators incredible excitement. The competition will feature both autonomous and remote-controlled robots. The robotic constructions will move on specially designed tracks following lines, competing in mazes or fighting in sumo rings. Only during the XChallenge competition will it be possible to watch the robots struggle as they move across the ceiling of the arenas. Throughout the day there will also be robotic constructions equipped with circular saws, shears, chisels, launchers and large robots designed to perform more precise tasks.
The XChallenge will also include a space picnic, where visitors will be able to visit a variety of thematic booths from nearly 20 exhibitors, related not only to space, but also to new technologies. Partners have prepared for visitors demonstrations, exhibits, workshops, including building their own rockets or viewing celestial bodies through modern telescopes, as well as planetarium sessions. The space picnic becomes a unique opportunity to discover the cosmos and the world of science in a very practical way!
An additional highlight will be the 15th anniversary of the Children's Technical University, which will be highlighted by special lectures, workshops and activities for the youngest participants, inspiring them to explore science and technology.
The organizers emphasize that admission to all program points is free and no registration is required, the event takes place on Saturday, October 16 from 10:00 am.
In addition, a Popular Science Zone will be available during the event, including simulators and scientific exhibits that will allow visitors to interact with science. Animators will introduce visitors to fascinating phenomena, explain the operation of various devices, and inspire further discovery of science and technology. The zone is implemented as part of a public task co-financed from funds of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship received as part of the open tender in the field of science in 2024 entitled “Organizacja wydarzeń popularyzujących naukę"
You are warmly welcomed, November 16, 2024, G2A Arena, Jasionka, start 10:00, free admission!
All details are available on the website and social media:
Schedule: https://robolab.edu.pl/aktualnosci/xchallenge2024/
Organizers are: Fundacja Wspierania Edukacji przy Stowarzyszeniu Dolina Lotnicza, Rzeszowska Grupa IT, Politechnika Rzeszowska im. Ignacego Łukasiewicza, Podkarpackie Centrum Innowacji, RoboLAB oraz Polskie Towarzystwo Informatyczne Oddział Podkarpacki. The event is supported by Pratt & Whitney, Województwo Podkarpackie, Rzeszów – stolica innowacji, Alcalel-Lucent Enterprise i Kronospan”.