Strona: ERASMUS+ Interdisciplinary Cyber Training - invitation to participate in free cyber security training courses / Department of Complex Systems

ERASMUS+ Interdisciplinary Cyber Training - invitation to participate in free cyber security training courses

, red. Piotr Hadaj
Incyt baner

The Department of Complex Systems of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Rzeszow University of Technology invites employees and managers of all micro, small and medium-sized companies to participate in a free training course on cyber security issues within the framework of the international ERASMUS+ project Interdisciplinary Cyber Training - InCyT.

The training is delivered in the form of e-learning and includes self-study materials, presentations, videos and mentoring support.

 Training topics include the following:

For employees:

  • Introduction to cyber security, internal control systems
  • Fundamentals of cryptography
  • Malware
  • Security during business travel
  • Privacy and data protection
  • Social engineering - SPAM - Phishing
  • Security and privacy in social networks

For managers:

  • Information security management
  • Cyber risk and resilience to attacks
  • Security of third-party vendors

The training ends with a certificate.

We cordially invite employees and managers of all companies regardless of industry to participate and expand their competence in the area of cyber security in terms of knowledge and practical skills.

Applications should be sent to the email address by 31.01.2023.

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