Strona: Dynamic RFID Identification in Urban Traffic Management Systems / Department of Complex Systems

Dynamic RFID Identification in Urban Traffic Management Systems

, red. Mateusz Salach
Logo MDPI Sensors

In Sensors, MDPI journal a new article has been published with employee of Department of Complex Systems, MEng. Mateusz Salach as co-author (Impact Factor 3.275)

B. Pawłowicz, B. Trybus, M. Salach, P. Jankowski-Michułowicz: Dynamic RFID Identification in Urban Traffic Management Systems, Sensors 2020, 20(15), 4225;


The paper covers the application of Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology in road traffic management with regard to vehicle identification. Various infrastructure configurations for Automated Vehicle Identification (AVI) have been presented, including configurations that can be used in urban traffic as part of the Smart City concept. In order to describe the behavior of multiple identifications of moving vehicles, an operation model of the dynamic identification using RFID is described. While it extends the definition of the correct work zone, this paper introduces the concept of dividing the zone into sections corresponding to so-called inventory rounds. The system state is described using a set of matrices in which unread, read, and lost transponders are recorded in subsequent rounds and sections. A simplified algorithm of the dynamic object identification system was also proposed. The results of the simulations and lab experiments show that the efficiency of mobile object identification is conditioned by the parameters of the communication protocol, the speed of movement, and the number of objects.

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