Strona: An Innovative Approach to Anomaly Detection in Communication Networks Using Multifractal Analysis / Department of Complex Systems

An Innovative Approach to Anomaly Detection in Communication Networks Using Multifractal Analysis

, red. Bartosz Kowal
Logo MDPI applied sciences

As part of the research work carried out in the area of the application of AI, VR and IoE methods in diagnostics, supervision and control of processes in Industry 4.0, an article was published in the Applied Sciences journal (current ministerial score: 70 pkt, Impact Factor: 2.217):

Dymora, P.; Mazurek, M. An Innovative Approach to Anomaly Detection in Communication Networks Using Multifractal Analysis. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 3277.

Fractal and multifractal analysis can help to discover the structure of the communication system, and in particular the pattern and characteristics of traffic, in order to understand the threats better and detect anomalies in network operation. The massive increase in the amount of data transmitted by different devices makes these systems the target of various types of attacks by cybercriminals. This article presents the use of fractal analysis in detecting threats and anomalies. The issues related to the construction and functioning of the Security Operations Centre (SOC) are presented. To examine the correctness of SOC, several attacks on virtual systems located in the network were carried out, such as Denial of Service (DoS) attack, brute force, malware infections, exploits. Based on data collected from monitoring and devices, the response to the event was analyzed, and multifractal spectra of network traffic before and during the incident were created. The collected information allows us to verify the theses and confirm the effectiveness of multifractal methods in detecting anomalies in the operation of any Information and Communication Technology (ICT) network. Such solutions will contribute to the development of advanced intrusion detection systems (IDS).

Research in this area was carried out as part of task 2 of the project "Regional Center of Excellence for Automation and Robotics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications at Rzeszów University of Technology" financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

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