Strona: A first meeting of the advisory team for the evaluation of applications for the MEiN scholarships for students and outstanding young scientists / Department of Complex Systems

A first meeting of the advisory team for the evaluation of applications for the MEiN scholarships for students and outstanding young scientists

, red. Bartosz Kowal

On October 28, 2021, the Ministry of Education and Science inaugurated the work of the Advisory Team for the evaluation of applications for granting scholarships by the minister responsible for higher education and science for students and outstanding young scientists. The tasks of the team will include:

  • evaluating applications for ministerial scholarships for students and outstanding young scientists;
  • evaluating applications for reconsideration of the scholarship award case,
  • presenting the results of the evaluation of applications to the Minister.

During the first meeting in Warsaw, a new team was selected, the rules of procedures for the team work were adopted and a work on the guidelines for the evaluation of applications for granting ministerial scholarships for outstanding young scientists has begun.

Rzeszów University of Technology is represented by PhD. DSc. Dominik Strzałka.

More details can be found at:

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