Strona: IV Międzynarodowa Konferencja - World S4 2020 / Zakład Systemów Złożonych

IV Międzynarodowa Konferencja - World S4 2020

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
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We wtorek 28.07.2020 r. mgr inż. Bartosz Kowal wygłosił referat podczas 4-tej Międzynarodowej Konferencji - WorldS4, World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability,

Tematem referatu był artykuł autorstwa: dr inż. Dominika Strzałki prof. PRz, dr inż. Pawła Dymory, dr inż. Mirosława Mazurka, mgr inż. Bartosza Kowala, Prof. Waldemara W. Koczkodaja oraz dr Granta Duncana zatytułowany: Government issues and opportunity: a case study based on a medium sized city in Poland.

Artykuł pokonferencyjny "WorldS, World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems, Security and Sustainability" zostanie opublikowany w bibliotece IEEE Xplore.

Smart Cities are gaining more and more prominence in the context of connecting residents with services (e.g., e-voting, healthcare facilities, educational institutions, food distribution, community budget, etc.) thanks to the development and deployment of intelligent urban infrastructure. Such services are also part of the concept of open data, which can significantly improve the quality and effectiveness of services offered in a smart city’s support systems, and thus can contribute to economic growth. We propose a conceptual model related to the European Smart City Model project, which is based on the combination of seven ‘smart’ categories: business, mobility, environment, governance, living, people and consciousness, selfesteem and independent civic activity in the Open Data System of the real systems e-services data flow as a case study of a medium-sized city in Poland. We present the Rzeszów city as an example of such a Smart City as a central city of Aviation Valley. Through the Open Government Data initiative, the Rzeszów city was dedicated to enhanced clarity, involvement, and partnership with the community, enterprises and research communities.

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