Strona: Speakers / Zakład Systemów Złożonych


Dominik Strzalka


Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, head of the Department of Complex Systems, Associate professor. Graduate of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rzeszów University of Technology. Faculty research and teaching employee since 2003. Expert of NCBiR, MEiN, GACR. Author of over 40 scientific publications indexed in the WoS and SCOPUS databases. Associate Editor of IEEE Access. Editor-in-Chief of Advances in IT and Electrical Engineering. Project coordinator: CRI-Net - Critical Network SDN Security System - SDN network security system for critical infrastructure, InCyT - Interdisciplinary Cyber ​​Training, AICY - AI-based Cybersecurity Training with Gamification Techniques, RaP STEAM - robotics and programming in primary schools in the Podkarpackie province, CYBER.MIL Academy. Research interests: complex systems, decision support systems, cybersecurity, VR/AR technologies.

Marek Bolanowski


Assitant professor at Deparment of Complex Systems

Andrzej Paszkiewicz


Assistant professor at the Department of Complex Systems at Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland. He is the President of the Subcarpathian Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society, and Head of the Regional Center of Excellence in Automation and Robotics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications of the Rzeszów University of Technology. He is the author of over 100 publications in national and international journals and conference proceedings. He coordinated and conducted research projects in cooperation with business, and is a co-author of technology implementations in industry. He has organized workshops and conferences in computer networks, software engineering and Industry 4.0. His current research interests focus on widely understood processes in network structures as well as Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality and the development of technologies for industrial applications.

Mikheil Chikhradze


 Ph.D., Senior SCientist, G.Tsulukidze Mining Institute of Georgia
Associate professor, Department of Engineering Physics, Georgian Technical University

Scientific Interests: Engineering, Explosive compaction Technology, Safety and security Systems, Protective technologies, Materials Science, composite materials, High entropy alloys, Medical and Engineering Physics.

Participant of 2 NATOo advanced study Institute in 2006 and 2008, participant of 2 NATO SPS Projects (Completed).
Author of more than 30 scientific publications and 3 patents

Yurii Papaika


Head of the Department of Electric Power Engineering Dnipro University of Technology.

Areas of research:
- electromagnetic compatibility of power supply systems with non-linear loads;
- ensuring voltage quality standards in electrical networks with renewable energy sources;
- energy efficiency of power supply systems of industrial enterprises, public buildings and
- resource and energy saving in power supply systems of energy-intensive industries;
- efficiency of operating modes of distribution electric networks;
- transport with induction energy transfer at high frequency.

Anatolii Cherniavskyi


Partner country project director of Advanced Research Workshop (ARW) supported by NATO “Energy infrastructure resilience in response to war and other hazards”
The Head of Training centre for Energy Managers of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Ukraine).
Since 2009, he has been working as an associate professor at the Department of Power Supply of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. More than 100 scientific articles, standards, manuals, textbooks in field of efficient use of energy resources and environmental impact.
Member of International Technical committees of standardization ISO/TC 301 "Energy management and energy savings" and National Technical committees of standardization TC 13 "Standardization of Electrical household machines and appliances" and TC 48 "Energy Saving”. European Energy Manager (CCI).

Ilmars Blumbergs.


Eng. Sc. Dr Education: In 2012, he received a Doctoral Degree in Engineering Science from the Aviation Institute of Riga Technical University (Latvia). In 2005, received a Master’s Degree in Aviation Transport, and in 2001, obtained a bachelor’s degree in Automotive Engineering. Have extensive expertise in design, implementation, licensing, accreditation, and managing of higher education programs.
Research interest: fiber composite materials, thermodynamics, especially piston engines including Stirling engines, flow simulations, space technologies, and nano-coatings.

Jiri Mazurek


Born in 1974. He received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in physics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, and the Ph.D. degree in theory of education in physics from the Faculty of Science, University of Ostrava, in 2009. Currently, he is an Associate Professor with the Department of Informatics and Mathematics at Silesian University, Opava, Czech Republic. His research focuses mainly on decision theory under uncertainty and pairwise comparisons methods. He published his research in journals such as Information Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, or Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making. He is a member of various Czech, European, American and UK societies of operational research.

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