Strona: 10th EASN Virtual Conference / Zakład Systemów Złożonych

10th EASN Virtual Conference

, red.  Bartosz Kowal
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Konferencja "10th EASN Virtual Conference" odbyła się zdalnie w dniach 2-4.09.2020

W piątek 4.09.2020 r. dr inż. Mirosław Mazurek wygłosił referat podczas "10th EASN Virtual Conference", pt. The effects of Virtual Reality technology application in the aircraft pilot training process.

Tematem referatu był artykuł autorstwa: prof. dr hab. inż. Romany Śliwy, dr inż. Pawła Dymory, dr inż. Mirosława Mazurka oraz mgr inż. Bartosza Kowala.

In this study, we focus on some problems related to the usage of virtual reality technology in supporting the educational process. The main goal is to obtain the optimal duration of exposure to virtual reality without the appearance of physiological problems for the user affected the achievement of teaching outcomes. Most of the characteristics of virtual reality software at the same time point out some issues in the areas of technological innovations, especially in the health context. The presented example of the training application in the VR environment shows the effectiveness of VR methods and their possibilities in training aircraft pilots. Teaching involving VR allowed to achieve, on average, as much as 90% correct answers, which in comparison with traditional methods resulted in an increase of 21 to 32.7% of correct answers in comparison with training using VR. The research confirmed that a critical challenge in the context of the broader use of VR in the field of education is to appropriately adapt the learning materials and content to the requirements of the technology. Then, in certain areas, the use of VR is beneficial.

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